Hei Flashcards
Whakamāoritia Hei
Anei tētahi pukapuka hei pānui mō ngā pūrākau.
Here is a book to read about the myths.
David has gone to buy shoes for me to wear.
Kua haere a Rewi ki hoko hū hei mau māku.
She has gone to buy dinner for us to eat.
Kua haere ia ki hoko hapa hei kai mā tātou.
Here are some programs for you to watch
Anei ētahi whakaaturanga hei mātakitaki māu.
Koinei tētahi kutarere hei eke ki ngā toa.
This is a scooter to ride to the shops.
Will you be my friend?
Ko koe hei hoa haere mōku?
Here are some jobs for you to consider.
Anei ētahi mahi hei whakaaro māu.
Use the bike to ride to work.
Whakamahia te paihikara hei eke ki te mahi.
I pīrangi koe ki te tū hei kaitoha puka kia mutu ō mahi i te whare wānanga?
Did you want to be become a librarian when you finish your studies at university?
This is a dress for you to wear this evening.
Koinei te kaka hei mau i tēnei ahiahi.
Whāia te mātauranga hei painga mōu
Pursue knowledge for your own benefit.