He aha hei kai māu? Flashcards
Kai He aha māu? Wharekai
Come and sit down
Haere mai ki te noho.
I will have red wine to drink.
He waina whero hei inu māku.
I’ll have that.
Māku tēnā!
Wai ārani
orange juice
He aha hei kīnaki māu?
What sides will you have?
How many?
Kia hia?
What do you want for sides?
He aha hei kīnaki māu?
mīti kau
parāoa parehe
He karikari hei kai māku.
I will have curry to eat.
What is the best dish?
He aha te kai tino pai?
How many of you?
Tokohia ngā tāngata?
Kei a koe tētahi rārangi kai hei tītiro māku?
Do you have a menu I can see?
He pai ki a au te karikari.
I like the curry.
He tino pai te pākā!
The burger is very good.
Anything else?
He aha atu anō?
He aha te waina tino pai?
What is the best wine?
parāoa parehe
I will have a chicken burger.
He pākā heihei māku
He hūhi, he hāmana, he raihi hei kai māku.
I will have sushi, salmon and rice to eat.
Anei anō tō tono…
He is your order again…
Here is your order again…
Anei anō tō tono…
He pākā kaimanga māku
I will have a vegetarian burger.
Kāore e roa!
Won’t be long.
Ko Īnia te momo kai i konei.
Indian is the type of food here.
I will have a beer.
He pia māku.
He aha hei kai māu?
What would you like to eat?
He aha hei inu māu?
What would you like to drink?
He karikari, he raihi, he heihei, he mīti ētahi o ngā kai i te wharekai.
Some of the food at the restaurant includes curry, rice, chicken and meat.
He aha te momo kai i konei?
What is type of food here?
He maramara rīwai he kīnaki tōmato hei kīnaki māku.
I will have chips and tomato sauce for sides.
parāoa rimurapa
I will have the fish of the day to eat.
He ika o te rā hei kai māku.
He wai māori hei inu mōku.
I will have mineral water to drink.
He ata atu anō?
Anything else?
Karekau! Ka nui tēnā.
Nothing. That’s enough.
He aha te kai tino pai?
What is the best dish?
He aha te momo kai i te wharekai?
What type of food at the restaurant?
Ko Cassia te ingoa o te wharekai.
Cassia is the name of the restaurant.