I/O Flashcards
Discrimination can impact
hiring, evaluation, promotion
Griggs vs duke power company
unfair to use broad general testing for hiring, tests should measure necessary skills for the job
adverse impact
% of minorities selected = 80% of non-minorities selected
score diff on predictor, same on criterion. 2 parallel regression lines
Differential validity
sig. diff validity coefficients for diff groups on same test. Tests more predictive of criterion success for some groups than others. Research says it’s actually rare, mostly due to low sample size
Job analysis
describes nature of component tasks performed by workers in particular job. (e.g., wages, tools, education required, operations, safety hazards).. Provides data for determining wages, validating selection procedures
Data from interview, critical incidents,
job description
info re job tasks
job specification
info re job requirements
job evaluation
financial worth of job to org
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Uniform Guidelines of employment selection (using tests that adversely impact hiring/eval is discrimination, but can use if validated, has utility, and no alternatives available).
all employment procedures should be based on “job-related” criteria (informed by job analysis)
3 kinds: standard application blank, weighted application blank (assigns weights), bio inventory (good predictors of job success)
worst criterion valudity, better when trained, multiple interviews.
Unstructured = high disagreement among interviewers
Difficulties with predictive validity
interviewer biases
first impression
negative information
contrast effect
interviewer prejudices
halo effect
personality tests
poor predictors of job performance
cog and aptitude tests
e.g., wonderlic personnel, typing tests
good predictors of job performance, might result in discrimination
interest tests
poor predictors of job performance, but can predict job satisfaction
test batteries
good predictor of job performance, almost always for upper management
work sample
content and criterion validity, more valid for minorities
assessment centre/situational testing
selection method where promotion candidates are placed in simulated work environments to observe/evaluate their responses to stress
can include work samples
6-12 people, interviews, exercises
v good criterion validity
in-basket technique
present with problem likely to happen when return from vacation, process info and make/justify decision
leaderless group discussion
discuss business problem, interactions observed for leadership quality and communication style
Multiple regression approach
compensatory approach
multiple cutoff
multiple hurdle
noncompensatory. predictors applied in specific order, have to pass one to get to other one
ability, motivation, opportunity
innate capacity and individual attribute. no gender diff, but women have lower expectations of ability
measured by work effort
organizational support and other envionmental factors
Performance evaluation
objective - observable/quantifiable
subjective- ratings by others/self (straight rankings)
Comparative evaluation methods
straight ranking
forced distribution
paired comparison (everyone compared to each other in pairs)
Individual evaluation methods
graphic rating scales
behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) - based on critical incidents. problem: expensive and slow to develop, more hypothetical than everyday
Behavior observation scale (BOS) - extent to which they engage in every behavior
Forced choice - controls for halo, leniency/strictness effects
Behavior checklist - all adjectives apply
Management By Objectives (MBO)
mutual agreement on goals within certain time.
2 stages: goal setting, performance review
effective in increasing productivity and motivation
rater errors in evaluation
more serious than instrument errors
task-based rater biases (strictness set, leniency set, central tendency set)
ratee-based biases (halo error, personal biases)
recency bias
most influenced by recent behaviors
attribution error
poor performance attributed internally for workers I don’t like, externally for workers I do like
supervisors tend to rate employees higher when they
participated in the hiring decision