I and O Psych Flashcards
When using competency modeling, the process of identifying core competencies begins with specifying:
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processing
Bottom-up refers to the way it is built up from the smallest pieces of sensory information. Top-down processing, on the other hand, refers to perception that is driven by cognition.
Bottom-up processing is a type of information processing BASED ON INCOMING DATA from the environment to form a perception.
Halo Effect
The tendency for an impression created in one area to influence opinion in another area.
Which of the following best describes ethical requirements regarding the use of automated and other professional test scoring and interpretation services?
Psychologists may use these services but the psychologists are responsible for the appropriate application, interpretation, and use of tests.
Fiedler’s contingency model
States that optimal leadership style depends on relationship, structure, and power
____________ career concept model distinguishes between four career concepts that differ in terms of key motives, direction of career movement, and frequency of career change.
Driver and Brousseau’s
When forming a work team to complete an important project, it’s important to keep in mind that social loafing is most likely to have a negative effect on the team’s performance when:
A. The team is large and only the total group performance will be assessed.
Process Consultation
- Behavior change precedes attitude change
Group polarization
IE: when a group agrees on an extreme main point even though they both originally had decreased and disagreeing ideas (or increasingly extreme views) EXTREME main point for this term.
Incentive and Reward Theory implies that what is most important about worker motivation?
Making jobs interesting, attractive, and satisfying
Group heterogeneity vs homogeneity
Group heterogeneity is preferred on conjunctive tasks, but can be detrimental on other types of tasks.
What is a “telling” leadership style?
One in which the employee is low in ability and low in willingness. “Clue: “Well THAT’s telling…”
Equity Theory - what can it be used for?
To evaluate employees perceptions regarding pay and benefits received by workers performing similar work duties as the employee
When is “groupthink” most likely to occur?
When the group is high in cohesiveness
What is consultee-centered consultation?
When a consultant helps the individual seeking help
What are the 4 types of mental health consultation?
- Consultee-centered Working directly with person consulting with to make positive changes
- Client Centered
What do “job relatedness” and “business necessity have to do with?
Adverse Impact
Adverse Impact
- “job relatedness”
- “business necessity”
- An employment decision or policy that has disproportionate effects of a protected class
What do Theory X (McGregor) managers assume?
Employees have an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if the can
They must be coerced, controlled, and threatenened
They have little or no ambition and are only in it for security
Herbert Simon (Born in Milwaukee) is best known for what?
- Bounded Rationality (impediment to rational decision making)
- Satisficing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Problem solving
- Decision making
Commonly used criterion measure test in organizational settings
Supervisor ratings
Identical elements is referring to a match between what?
Info and skills in training program and info and skills in actual job
When would a selection test be most helpful according to the Taylor Russel tables ?
When there are many applicants and fewer positions
What is the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance?
Usually high correlation and lower co-effients
“unfairness” in EEOC Uniform Guidelines means what?
When different groups receive similar scores on criterion scores but differing scores on predictor scores
Hollander said that this term describes when a group member is allowed to act outside of normal group behavior (group norms) without receiving disapporoval by other members
Idiosyncratic credits
According to Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, If a dissatisfied blue-collar worker is not happy, what may help them feel more satisfied?
Giving them more responsibility
T & I Career Development model
- 2 Phases: Anticipation and Preoccupation, each with several stages
- During the stages, individuals are finding a balance between integration and differentiation.
Qualities of a Transactional managerial Leader?
- Supervise, organize, assess GROUPS
- Goal-directed behavior
- Contingent Rewards motivate- “Laisse fair” leadership style
Utility Analysis- what is it for
To evaluate the return-on-investment of training program
Kirkpatrick said that there were 4 levels of rigor in evaluating a training program. What is the highest level of evaluation?
Results criteria
What does research on the predictive power of structured interviews on performance?
Structured interviews have greater predictive power when paired with a general measure of mental ability.
What would be the ultimate criterion be when developing a job performance measure?
A measure of performance that is theoretical and cannot actually be measured. For example “effective employee” would be the ULTIMATE criterion and the ACTUAL criterion would be something like “dollar amount of sales in one month”
Fiedler’s LPC Leadership model
To be most effective, a leader’s personality should match the demands of a situation
What does an organization’s assessment center have?
An “in basket test”
Fiedler and Garcia’s Cognitive Resource Theory
Predicts that the relationship between a leader’s intelligence and a leader’s effectiveness is moderated by the leader’s STRESS levels
Regarding self-assessments for organizational management…who is involved?
Stakeholders are involved in the discovery process
Satisfaction with job research has shown what?
Younger workers expect more personal fulfillment than older workers do
Critical Incident Technique
- Identifies employee’s effective or ineffective job behaviors
- Procedures used to collect direct observations
- Meet methodically defined criteria
How do you establish comparable worth??
By using a NEUTRAL JOB EVALUATION procedure
3 approaches to health care
Private, Beveridge (Public), and Bismarcke (Mixed)
3 Types of Prevention Programming
Primary- Prevents mental disorders from occurring
Secondary- Detects disorders early, identifying high-risk individuals
Teriary- Prevents recurrence or worsening of existing disorders
Theory of Social Facilitation predicts what?
That the mere presence of others increases the likelihood that the dominant response will be activated
A Needs Assessment includes what 3 components?
Job, Person, and Organizational analysis
Research investigating a worker’s need for achievement found what outcomes about commitment to difficult goals?
That commitment to difficult goals is higher for self-set goals than for assigned goals only if the individual is high in only those who have a high need for achievement.
Kaplan identified 4 types of consultation, what are they?
- Consultee-centered CASE- focus on consultee and what skills or knowledge needed to work with particular group
- Client-Centered CASE- focus on client or student of consultee
- Program-centered ADMIN- working with one or more administrators on a program problem
- Consultee centered ADMIN-
- Client-centered-
Impact of Flex Time on job outcomes?
That schedule has the greatest impact on absenteeism
Tuckman and Jensen’s (Tuck and Jen)’s Model of Group Formation Stages (5)
Forming- Storming- Norming - Socialize, period of play, task set aside Performing- Adjourning-
Dawis and Lofquist’s Theory of Work Adjustment
Job tenure is related to an employee’s SATISFACTION and SATISFACTORINESS
X and Y
(Authoritarian and Participative)
“Anne and Lynne” - MM
Alternate ways that managers look at their employees:
X: People don’t like to work, have little ambition, and are unwilling to take on responsibility
Y: Optimistic, positive opinion of their people, and they use a decentralized, participative management style. (This encourages a more collaborative, trust-based relationship)
2 Types of “Need for Power” as defined by McClellend
Personal and Socialized
What type of test would be good if you wanted to identify someone’s cognitive processes as they work on/complete a task?
Protocol Analysis
What has been found to be true regarding job enrichment?
It has positive effects (for some employees) for both job satisfaction and job performance
Gender differences and leadership style: any differences?
No, they do not differ in leadership style significantly
GOAL, EQUITY, and EXPECTANCY theories overlap in which area?
The assumption that human cognition affects behavior
Teidman and Miller Career Counseling
Developmental, similar to Erickson’s Stages
Lewin’s 3 stages of organizational change
Unfreezing, change, refreezing
Lewin’s Field Theory
Human behavior is a function of both the person and environment
What is a “Career Concept” and who’s theory is this?
Brousseo and Driver’s
“Paired Comparison” technique is what?
A RELATIVE measure of job performance
Vestibule training
A term for near-the-job training, as it offers access to something new (learning). May be especially useful in situations where on the job training would be dangerous
Calculating the utility of a training program - FORMULA
T x d x C
When conducting a FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT, a behavior’s function is described in terms of what?
It’s antecedents and consequences- A FBA discovers what environmental factors (A and C) contribute to its’ occurrence. Determining the FUNCTION of a target behavior.
EMPOWER their followers; Recognize the need for change and bring everyone along.
Transformational leadership inspires people to achieve unexpected or remarkable results. It gives workers autonomy over specific jobs, as well as the authority to make decisions once they have been trained.
Some of the basic characteristics of transformational leadership are inspirational, in that the leader can inspire workers to find better ways of achieving a goal; mobilization, because leadership can mobilize people into groups that can get work done, and morale, in that transformational leaders raise the well-being and motivation level of a group through excellent rapport. They are also good at conflict resolution.
What is the Survey Feedback Method used for?
It’s used in an organization to provide employees with information about the organizations strengths and weaknesses.
Nadler’s Systems Model of Planned Change
Managers must attend to 4 Factors. They are: Work, People, Informal Organizational Elements and Formal Organizational Elements
Nadler’s Systems Model of Planned Change
Managers must attend to 4 Factors. They are: Work, People, Informal Organizational Elements and Formal Organizational Elements
INFORMAL STRUCTURES are unique for every company, because they are based on the personalities of your employees and collaborative techniques developed over time.
Idiosyncracy Credits
Idiosyncrasy credit is a concept in social psychology that describes an individual’s capacity to acceptably deviate from group expectations.