Hygiene Flashcards
Exam 3
Factors Affecting Personal Hygiene
Socioeconomic class
Spiritual practices
Developmental level
Health state
Personal preferences
Potential Oral Problems
Dental caries or plaque
Periodontal disease
Periodontal diseases include:
Dry oral mucosa
Hygiene Assessments includes:
Eyes, Ear, Nose
Nails and Feet
Perineal and vaginal areas
When assessing Eyes, Ear and Nose Hygiene, what are you checking?
Distribution, position, alignment
Presence of cerumen
Tenderness, patency, dryness, edema, bleeding, discharge or secretions
Hair hygiene assessment includes:
Texture, cleanliness, oiliness
Scaling, lesions, inflammation, or infection
Dandruff, hair loss
Hygiene Assessment of the Nails and Feet include:
Cleanliness and intactness
Capillary refill and contour of the nail bed
Swelling, inflammation, lesions of the feet
Perineal and vaginal areas Assessment includes:
Color lesions, swelling, inflammation, excoriation, tenderness, discharge
Anal cracks, nodules, distended veins, masses, or polyps
Purposes of bathing
Cleanses the skin
Acts as a skin conditioner
Helps to relax a person
Promotes circulation
Serves as musculoskeletal exercise
Stimulates the rate and depth of respirations
Promotes comfort through muscle relaxation and skinstimulation
Provides person with sensory input
Helps improve self-image
Strengthens nurse–patient relationship
Aiding with Bed bath
Administering Oral Hygiene includes
Moistening the mouth
Cleaning the mouth
Caring for dentures
Toothbrushing and flossing
Using mouthwashes
How to care for eyes
Clean from inner to outer canthus with wet, warm cloth, cotton ball, or compress
Use artificial tear solution or normal saline every 4 hours if blink reflex is absent
Care for eyeglasses, contact lens, or artificial eye if indicated
How to clean Ear
Wash external ear with washcloth-covered finger; do not use cotton-tipped swabs
Perform hearing aid teaching and care if indicated
How to clean Nose
Clean nose by having patient blow it if both nares are patent
Remove crusted secretions around nose by applying warm, moist compress
Proving Hair Care
Identify patient’s usual hair and scalp care practices and styling preferences
Note any history of hair or scalp problems such as dandruff, hair loss, or baldness
Treat any infestations, such as pediculosis or ticks
Groom and shampoo hair
Care for beards and mustaches
Assist with unwanted hair removal
Electric razors for patients on anticoagulant therapy
Nail care: What should you assess for with the nail?
Assess nails for color and shape, intactness and cleanness, and tenderness
Check for history of nail or foot problems
How to clean nails and feet?
Check for history of nail or foot problems
Soak nails and feet and assist with cleaning and trimming nails (if not contraindicated)
Massage the feet to promote relaxation and comfort
Provide diabetic foot care if indicated
How to ensure Bedside safety
The bed is in its lowest position
The bed position is safe for the patient
The bed controls are functioning (bed is electrically safe)
Call light is functioning and always within reach
Side rails are raised if indicated or requested by patient
The wheels or casters are locked
Teaching Skin Care
Soaps and cleansers
Deodorants and antiperspirants
Checking for ticks
Patient Outcome Achievement for Hygiene
Level of patient participation in hygiene program
Elimination of, reduction in, or compensation for factors interfering with independent execution of hygiene measures
Changes related to specific skin problems and independent patient management of prescribed treatment program