Hydrotherapy Flashcards
The use of water in any of its 3 forms - solid, liquid, or vapor - internally or externally, in the treatment of disease or trauma
The healthy human body maintains a normal uniform physiological stability within and among its parts
The environment of the body is changed by the means of water at varying temperatures and applied by ____
Various mechanical means
____ are in direct proportion to the extent of the environmental changes.
Physiological responses
3 ways of heat transfer:
- Conduction
- Convection
- Conversion
Why is water a valuable therapeutic agent - 4
- It is readily accessible
- It may be applied with simple and inexpensive equipment
- It absorbs and communicates large quantities of heat
- It is a good conductor of heat
Describe specific heat of water
Water requires 1 calorie of heat to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius
Water temperature 32-56 degrees Fahrenheit is ___
Very cold
Application of water at temperatures above or below that of the body. The greater the variation above or below the body temperature, the greater the physiological effect produced.
Thermal effects of water
Impact of water upon the skin surface in the form of whirlpools, sprays, douches, and frictions
Mechanical effects of water
Produced when it is taken by mouth or when it is used as an irritation of some body cavity.
Chemical effects
The conductive ___ of hydrotherapy does not penetrate deeply beneath the skin surface. Confined largely to the skin and subcutaneous tissues.
Local effects of heat - 7
- Increased circulation/ vasodilation
- Increased oxygen content of the blood
- Increased local tissue metabolism
- Increased migration of leukocytes through vessel walls in local heated areas
- Decreased muscle tone (muscle relaxes)
- Increased local sweating by moist heat
- Increased local analgesic by most heat
___ penetrates deeply into the tissues from the surface. For acute problems.
Local effects of cold - 9
- Vasoconstriction
- Slowing of local circulation
- Decreased leukocyte migration through capillary walls
- Decreased tissue metabolism
- Local analgesic or anesthetic effect (numbing)
- Reduced local edema
- Decreased inflammation
- Promotes healing
- Muscle response slowed
What effect does heat and cold treatment have in common
Pain relief
Heat is generated in a substance by the passage through it of some form of energy
Short hot application lasts
Less than 5 mins - stimulates
Long hot application lasts
More than 5 minutes - depresses
Short cold application lasts
Less than 1 minute - stimulates
Long cold application lasts
More than 1 minute - depresses
The two most labor intensive, yet readily accessible hydrotherapy treatments
Formentation and cold compression
A local application of moist heat to the body surface. A cloth (wool and cotton) is repeatedly (dipped) soaked in hot water, then wrung out and applied to the body.
A cloth wrung form cold or ice water, which is continually reapplied to body part.
Cold compression
Rule of hydrotherapy:
what temperature should not be used
Temperatures higher than 110F
Peripheral vascular disease meaning
Poor circulation
Slow progressive disease of the arteries, in which fatty deposits partially clog or totally block the blood flow. (Hardening of the arteries)
Blood-filled saclike dilation of the walls of an artery
Formation of a blood clot in a blood vessel
Inflammation of the vessel wall of a vein
Stretching of vein walls due to weak or impaired blood flow
Varicose vein
Inflammation of the vein accompanied by clotting
Inflammation of knee coat of blood vessel, with clot formation (chronic).
Thromboangiitis obliterans
Disorder or carbohydrate metabolism. Characterized by elevated blood sugar, and weakened muscle tissues
Diabetes Mellitus
Increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, such as pain or touch
Spasm of arterioles, usually in the digits, with intermittent pallor or cyanosis of the skin
Raynaud’s phenomenon and disease
How long is ice massage application
Short 5 mins for acute pain
Most appropriate for small areas of painful muscle guarding and for acute injuries to decrease pain, edema, and hemorrhage.
Ice massage
The immersion of a body party alternately in hot and cold water
Contrast baths
Effects of contrast baths - 3
- Alternate contraction and dilation of blood vessels (vascular exercise)
- Marked increase of blood flow locally and reflexly. Derivative effect.
- Increased local metabolism
Water uses this heat transfer
Greater above or below 98.6F
Thermal effect - physiological change
Water is a conductor
Water is 1 k cal
Cold is used for spasm, pain
10-20 min swelling
Paraffin bath contraindications
Peripheral vascular disease, wounds, sores, etc.
What are the 4 signs of inflammation
- Heat
- Redness
- Swelling
- Pain
The most labor intensive cold treatment
Cold compress
Short 5 min application indicated for acute pain
Ice massage
How does heat penetrate
Locally/ vasodilation
Always begin and end with hot during contrast bath
Contrast bath indicated for
Edema and congested headache
What should be done before a contrast bath
Have the client use the bathroom and look for wounds on the client
Hot and cold short treatments
Hot and cold long treatments
Most labor intensive heat treatment
Alternate contraction of dilation and blood vessels
Contrast baths
3 physiological effects of hydrotherapy
- Thermal
- Mechanical
- Chemical