hydrology and geology Flashcards
what is soil?
weathered rocks and organic material
what is humus?
dark and spongey decomposed organic material
what are layers of soil called
what is the a horizon?
the top layer of soil, also called top soil, most humus, rich in organic material
what is the b horizon?
the middle layer of soil, also called subsoil, less humus than a horizon
what is the c horizon?
under b horizon, above parent rock, mostly rocky sediment
what is sol conservation?
an effort to prevent and keep soil fertile
how does covering (or planting in) soil prevent erosion?
the roots of plants dont allow the soil to be blown away by wind or washed away by water
what does it mean to terrace land?
to plant in rows down a hill to prevent erosion
what is a levee?
an elongated naturally occurring ridge or artificially constructed wall which regulates water levels
what is a water table?
highest point filled with water (within the saturation zone)
what is a divide?
high land area that separates one watershed from another
what are some features of a river or stream?
stream channels, channel beds, channel banks, tributaries, meander, oxbow lake, delta
what is a stream channel?
path that a stream follows
what is a channel bed?
below the water
what is a channel bank?
sides of the stream
what are tributaries?
feeder streams that lead into the main river
what is a meander?
curves in the stream channel
what is an oxbow lake?
created by meanders that are cut off from stream channel (may become lake or fill in with vegetation)
what is condensation?
gas to liquid (has to cool)
what is precipitation?
water (in any form) falling from clouds
what is evaporation?
liquid to gas
what is groundwater?
water located below earth’s surface
what is water vapor?
water in gas form