Hydrology Flashcards
What is sink in Catchment Area?
In closed catchment the water converges to a
single point inside the basin, known as a Sink,
which may be a permanent lake, dry lake, or a
point where surface water is lost underground
What are isochrones?
lsochrones are imaginary lines across the
catchment from where water particles traveling
downward take the same time to reach the
catchment outlet.
What is hydrometeorology?
Hydrometeorology is a special branch of
hydrology that deals with the study of the
atmospheric and land phase of hydrological
cycles with the emphasis on the interrelation
involved between them
What is water shed divide?
The line which divides the surface runoff between
two adjacent river basins is called the
topographic water divide or the watershed
divide, or simply the divide.
What Is the difference between absolute
humidity and relative humidity?
The total weight of moisture content (water
vapour) per unit volume of air at a definite
temperature is cal led absolute humidity.
Absolute humidity in indirectly expressed as
vapour pressure.
Relative humidity is defined as a ratio of the
amount of water vapour actually present in the
air having definite volume and temperature (i.e.,
absolute humidity) to the maximum amount the.
air can hold (i.e., humidity capacity).
What is hydrometeorology?
Hydrometeorology is a special branch of
hydrology that deals with the study of the
atmospheric and land phase of hydrological
cycles with the emphasis on the interrelation
involved between them
State the significance of relative humidity
Relative humidity has a great climatic
significance because the possibility of
precipitation depends on it. High and low relative
humidity is indicative of the possibility of wet
(precipitation) and dry conditions respectively.
The amount of evaporation also depends on
relative humidity. Evaporation decreases with
high relative humidity while it increases with low
relative humidity.
What is the use of Depth Area Duration
(DAD) curve?
Depth of rainfall at a raingauge station is called
point rainfall. To convert the point rainfall data
to areal rainfall data, (i.e., to find out how muctl
of rainfall will occur over various areas) Depth
Area Duration curve is used.
What is normal precipitation?
The normal rainfall is the average value of rainfall
of a particular date, moment or year over a
specified 30 year period. Normal rainfall is used
to find out the missing data of certain
What is different between infiltration and·
The percolation is the downward flow of wate~
through the zone of aeration towards the water ·
table and infiltration is the entry of water through~
the surface layers of the soil.
How do we measure rainfall?
Rainfall is measured from a device called
raingauge. Raingauge is also known by other
names as ombrometer, pluviorneter, hyetometer
How will you dlff9rentlate between fi·Index
and W-lndex
The~ir”‘dox Is the average rainfall above whlch
the ratnfn~l volume is equal to the runoff volurno.
W-index ts the avaroge Infiltration rato or tho
infiltration capacity averaged over the whole
storm period.
What are the characteristics of precipitation
in India?
(ESE 2007
(a) South west monsoon (June-September)
(b) Post monsoon (October-November)
(c) Winter (December-February)
(d) Summer (March-May)
What is the IS Code for Water Resources?
There are many IS codes on water resources
and one of them is IS 4987-1968
Recommendations for Establishing Network of
Raingauge Stations.
What Is hydrology?
ESE 2012, 2013, 2017
It implies that branch of engineering which
deals with occurrence, circulation and
distribution of water on earth and earth’s
atmosphere. It is concerned with water available
-. in streams, lakes, oceans and snowfall, rain,
storm and the water occurring below the ground
SUrface.ln fact, Hydrology Is an Interdisciplinary
· science that take.s support from other sciences as well as like chemistry, physics, flulo mechanics, statistics, .Geology, metrologY etc
What is precipitation?
ESE 2008
All forms of water that reach the earth from the
1.18 ·What ls.lsohytet method? ‘ . -· (ESE 2012)
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What are the obligatory points?
ESE 2013
Obligatory points: These are the control points
which govern the alignment of highway and can
be classed as:
(a) Obligatory points through which alignment
has to pass.
(b) Points through which alignment should not
What Is Drizzle?
Drizzle Is a fine sprinkle of water droplets of
size less than 0.5 mm and Intensity less than 1
mm/hr. The drops of drizzle appear to float n
What Is Theissen Polygon method?
(ESE 2013
It is a method of estimating the mean rainfall
over an area on the basis of weightage of area
closest to the rain gauge station. If the
catchment Is divided into n areas of area A1,
A2, … An with respective precipitation as P1,
p2, … Pn then mean precipitation is given by,
What is stochastic hydrology?
ESE 2013
While dealing with hydrological systems, there
always remain an element of error due to spatial
variation of hydrological data, uncertainty
involved in data collection, temporal variability
etc. Stochastic hydrology not only uses models
to predict hydrological variables but also tries
to quantify the errors in the model outcome.
What is Transpiration System?
ESE 2016
In transpiration system, uninterrupted supply
of water and solutes takes place from root of
plants to leaves via the xylem from where water
evaporate into the air. In some plants
transpiration is driven by capillary action and
in some plants it is driven by root pressure
What is hydrological cycle?
ESE 2013, 2016, 2017
On Earth, water occurs in all the three physical
states viz. solid (in the form of ice), liquid and
gas (steam). Evaporation of water from water
bodies like oceans, lakes, rivers etc. take place
which rise above leading to the formation of
clouds. As the clouds rise further, they
condense and water comes back on to the Earth
in the form of rains, snowfall etc. All these
aspects of water constitute a cycle known as
hydrologic cycle.
Working principal of telemetering rain gauge.
ESE 2016
Telemetring rain gauge is a recording type of
rain gauge which contains electronic units to
transmit the rainfall data to the base station.
Tipping bucket type rain gauge is usually
adopted for this purpose.
What are the different types of clouds?
ESE 2016
Cirrocumulus , cirrus, cirrostratus,
cumulonimbus, altocumulus, altostratus, stratus,
cumulus and stratocumulus
Why do we use the term •average annual
(ESE 2017)
Average annual rainfall for a place is generally ns.
calculated by averaging the last 30 years of
What are isohyets?
ESE 2017, 2016
A line on a map connecting points having the
same amount of rainfall in a given period
What is a Hyetograph?
(ESE 2017, 2018)’
A hyetograph is a graphical representationot
the distribution of rainfall intensity over time.
Why do we use the term •average annual
(ESE 2017)
Average annual rainfall for a place is generally ns.
calculated by averaging the last 30 years of annual rainfall. Annual rainfall is the sum of daily
rainfall that can be calculated from raingaug.. .
Mention the differences between arithmalic
mean and Theissen polygon method.
(ESE 2011)
In Arithmetic Mean method, average
precipitation over the catchment area is taken
as the arithmetic mean of the station values.
In Theissen Polygon method, the rainfal
recorded at each station is given a weightaQt
on the basis of the area closest to the station
What are the various types of Rain Gauges?
Measuring cylinder rain gauge
Tipping-bucket rain gauge
Weighing rain gauge
Optical rain gauge
1.34 What is NOMA and NDRF?
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Explain the following terms: • Evaporation • Precipitation • Interception • Infiltration • Transpiration • Percolation • Storage • Runof
Evaporation Is the transfer of water from a
liquid state to a gaseous state i.e., it is the
conversion of liquid to the vapour phase.
• Precipitation is the disposition of water on
the earth’s surface in the from of rain, snow,
hail, frost and so on.
• Interception Is the short-term retention of
rainfall by the tollage of vegetation.
• Infiltration is the movement of water into
the soil of the earth’s surface.
• Transpiration is the soil moisture taken up
through the roots of a plant and discharged
Into the atmosphere through the tollage by
• Percolation is the movement of water from
one soli zone to a lower soil zone.
• Storage Is the volume of water which gets
stored In natural depressions of a basin.
• Runoff is he volume of water drained by a
river at the outlet of a catchment.
How can the rate of reservoir silting be
By venting the density currents by properly
locating and operating the outlets and sluice
gates. Density currents may be· ‘defined as the
gravitational flow of one fluid under another fluid of approximately equal density
How the flow of river can be measured?
ESE 2013
River flow can be measured by any of he following methods: (i) Direct determination of the stream discharge (a) Area velocity method (b) Dilution techniques (c) Ultra sonic method (d) Electromagnetic method (il) Indirect determination of stream discharge (a) Hydraulic structures like weir. flumes. gated structures etc. (b) Slope area method
What is the average discharge o1 Ganges
(ESE 2013
Ganges is the third largest river with an average
discharge of 38120 m3
What Is evapotranspiration?
ESE 2016
The process by which water is transferred from
land to the atmosphere by evaporation from soil
and other surfaces and by transpiration from
What are the factors on which evaporation
(ESE 2016)
- Temperature
- Surface area
- Humidity
- Wind speed
How do you measure velocity of Ganga
Velocity of the Ganga river can be measured by
using a current meter
What are the methods tor measuring
Field experiment
Soil moisture depletion study
Water balance method