Environment Flashcards
What are the various sources of Air Pollutlon?
ESE 2017
There are four main types of air pollution
1 Mobile sources - cars, buses, planes,
truCks. and tratns
2.. Stauonary sources - power plants, oil
refineries. industnal fac11itJes, and factories.
3 Area sources - agricultural areas. cities,
and wood bummg f1replaces
4 Natural sources - w1nd-blown dust.
Wildfires. and volcanoes
How to control alr pollutlon?
- The forest cover should be protected.
- There must be a ‘green bell’ around every
toWnShip and VIllage
3 The engines of automobiles should be
redesigned m such a way that their
emisSions cause m1nimum pollutlon.
4 Ttao1tlonal use of fuel wood. coal, etc .. shOUld be checked
5 The mdustnal areas should be located at a
ceruun diStance from res1dent1al areas. - Steps should be taken fOf nnmediate check
on fo�eSl fires.
What Is a grit chamber? Why is It designed
for grit and not for lighter material?
(ESE 2017, 2016)
Grit chambers are basin to remove the lnorgan1c
particles to prevent damage to the pumps, and
to prevent their accumulation In sludge
digesters. The organic particles cannot be allowed to settle In tho grit chamber. hence It Is
not designed lor the lighter materials.
What are the types of regimes In Activated
There aro two typos of mixing regimes: plug
flow and complete mixing
In tho first ono. the regime Is charactenzed by
orderly flow of mixed liquor through the aeration
tank with no element of mixed liquor mbong with
any o hor element along the path of flow.
In complete mixing. tho contents of aeratlon tank
are well stirred and uniform throughout. Thus,
at steady state, the effluent from the aeration
tank has the same composition as the aeration
tank contents.
What Is a high rate trickling filter?
ESE 2017
Hlgh-rato trickling filters are similar to
conventional or standard trickling filters except
that tho rato of loading (both hydraulic as well
as organic) lor high rete filters Is several limes
more then thnt lor convonllonal trlckllng filters,
Tho rato of loading Is Increased by adopting
the process of recirculation of sewage In highrate trickling llltors
What Is the size of filter media used In
trickling filler?
(ESE 2017)
Tho media size ranges from about 25 to
60 mm In dia ( e.g., round grovel)
What Is aerosol?
Aerosols refer to the dispersion of solid or OQI.Ild
particles of microscopic size 1n gaseous media
such as duct. smoke or moist.
What Is plume?
Plume 1d defmed by the path taken by
continuous discharge of gaseous effiuer::s
emitted from a stake or chimney
What Ia meant by “Environmental Pollution”?
ESE 2017
Environmental Pollution: Pollution Is the Introduction of contaminants Into the natural
environment that causes adverse effects.
Pollution can take the form of chemical
substances or energy, such as noise, heat or
light. Pollutants, the components of pollut1on.
can be either foreign substances/energies or
naturally occurring contaminants. Pollutlon is
often classed as point source or non-point
source pollution.
Effect of pollution on environment: Pollution
has the following ill-effects on the environment
(a) Carbon dioxide emissions cause acid rains
and acidification of the seas.
(b) The emiss1on of greenhouse gases like
methane, carbon dioxide etc. leads to global
warming which aHects ecosystems.
(c) Nitrogen oxides are removed from the air
by rain and fertilize land wh1ch can change
the species compos11ton of ecosystems.
(d) Smog and haze can reduce the amount of
sunlight received by plants to carry out
photosyntheSIS and leads to the production
of tropospheric ozone which damages
(e) Soil can become infertile and unsuitable
for plants. This will affect other organisms
in the food web.
(f) Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can
cause acid rain which lowers the pH value
of soil.
10.6 What are the green house gases as defined
by the Kyoto protocol?
C02• CH4• N20. hydro fluorocarbons. per
fluorocarbons and SF 6
10.7 What Ia the role of a catalytic convertor?
It Is generally placed anslde the tall exhaust pipe
of the automobile so as to pass through it the
Partially OXldised em1ssloos. before they are l out 1n1o the atrncl’”.,pliefe ;,tid crrr1� W:R.:#/
O’/Jd1ged CO to COz
10.13 What Ia the purpose of an electrostatic
precipitator in a thermal power plant?
(ESE 2007
It traps the partJctJ!ate matter from me fiue
10.21 Major air pollution source In Delhi.
ESE 2018
Major sources ol pollution in Delhi aro· • Vehicular emlssloriS • Industrial emissions • Opon burning In and around Delhi partrcularly In winters • Large scale construction activities In and 81ound Delhi
10.22 How will you reduce air pollution?
ESE 2018
MethOds to reduce air pollution· • By creating awareness among the peop!o towards the environment. • By havtng a strict check on the vehicular and Industrial emissions. • By promottng the use ol more and more uso of public transport • By reducrng our dependence on fossil fuels like coal. petroleum etc but Instead tty to havo more use ol non-conventional energy sources like solar power, wind power geothermal energy etc
10.23 How can we measure a carbon credit?
(ESE 2016
Measurement of carbon credit: One carbOn
crodrt Is equal to removal ol one ton ol carbon
d10xrdo from the atmosphere Thus to an
one carbon credit Is Issued II II
d·sehorge ol one ton of carbon dtoXde
1n lo the atmosphere.
lndustnes IOf whtch reductton In the enuss!Ofl
ol gases Is dtlftcult, they purchase carbOII
crodtts to ollset their emission by making
flnaneo 1nstantly available lor use towards
renewable energy prOducts aflorestatiOO ole.
Th ‘ 19 helps the Industries to mitigate the’’
om·s� ellects and to comply wrth the glob31
emtssoo standards.
10.25 What are the various sources of Air Pollutlon?
ESE 2017
There are four main types of air pollution
1 Mobile sources - cars, buses, planes,
truCks. and tratns
2.. Stauonary sources - power plants, oil
refineries. industnal fac11itJes, and factories.
3 Area sources - agricultural areas. cities,
and wood bummg f1replaces
4 Natural sources - w1nd-blown dust.
Wildfires. and volcanoes.
How to control alr pollutlon?
(ESE 2017
- The forest cover should be protected.
- There must be a ‘green bell’ around every
toWnShip and VIllage
3 The engines of automobiles should be
redesigned m such a way that their
emisSions cause m1nimum pollutlon.
4 Ttao1tlonal use of fuel wood. coal, etc .. shOUld be checked
5 The mdustnal areas should be located at a
ceruun diStance from res1dent1al areas. - Steps should be taken fOf nnmediate check
on fo�eSl fires.
10 28 How do coal and coal products affect the
(ESE 2017)
The e11v1ronmental Impact of the coal
industry Includes Issues such as land
use Waste management, water and air
Pollution caused by the coal mining.
processing and the use of 1ts products Coal
burning Produces hundreds of millions of tons
of SOlid waste products annually Including fly
Ash, Bottom ash that contain mercury. uramurn.
arsenic and other heavy metals
10.29 How can you provide noise control in
(ESE 2016, 2017)
Construction of Walls for Noise Control In Buildings: 1 Wall Mass and the Thickness are Increased. 2. Use of Cavity Part.ltlon In Buildings for Noise Control 3. Sound Absorbing Blankets Used in the Airspace 4. The Cracks and Edges are sealed. Construction of Windows for Acoustic Control in Buildings: 1. Windows can be closed. 2. Windows Size can be reduced. 3. Glass Thickness can be Increased.
What Is zero discharge?
Zero discharge: The concept of zero discharge
alms to eliminate all the discharges to the
environment by employing the methods of
reduce, recycle and reuse. It aims at recovery
of all the reusable water I materialS lrom the
waste and to mmlmtze the d1scharge of polluting
wastes 1nto the environment.
11 .25 What Ia adiabatic lapse rate?
ESE 2016
Ad1abat1c lapse rate Is the change In
temperature w1th he1ghl when no outside heat
Is involved In the warning or cooling or the alr