HVIII domestic policy Flashcards
What was the primary focus of Henry’s domestic policies (three)
- extend the powers of the Crown
- raise sufficient revenue to support his government
- to secure the succession
How did h believe the best way to maintain peace and power and promote law and order
Enhancing and extending the powers of the Crown and central government strengthened and power liber regional council extended
Who were appointed to collect taxes
Royal commissioners
Who enforces the kings law
Local law officers
Star chamber
Court of star chamber dealt with serious crimes both civil and criminal. Especially effective in dealing with nobility and gentry
The powers of court such as what were increased
Star chamber
What in the 1530s help enhance the power of the crown
‘Revolution of the government’ Henry became head of the church
The unification of the church and state under Henry made him the most
Powerful monarch in English history
When were taxes high in England
What years did Henry go to war with France
1512-13, 11522-25, 1533-36
What years did Henry go to war with Scotland
1513, 1542, 1544-45
When did the need for the increase of the crowns revenue become urgent
During wars with France and Scotland
How many year did it rake to collect taxes levied in 1513
2 years
In 1513 how much did the Crown demand a subsidy from Parliament?
£800,000 bit parliament reluctant to grant it
How much of the sum did parliament succeed in collecting?
Less than a quarter with £150,000
What grant did Henry introduce in 1525
Amicable grant
What was the amicable grant
Clergy to pay off 1/3 if the vlalue of their goods while the rest of the kings subjects were expected to pay 1/6
Was there opposition to the amicable grant
Major opposition shocking Henry into abandoning this to stop risk of rebellion
What did Henry need that he did not get from Catherine of Aragon to secure his succession?
Needed a son to secure Tudor dynasty
What dominated domestic policies in from 1527 to 1537 and what settled it
Securing the succession and the birth of Prince Edward in 1537 settled the succession