Hurricane Matthew (Haiti) Flashcards
When did Matthew occur?
28 September 2016
Where did it affect most?
Jamaca and Haiti
Who were evacuated in Jamaica?
All fisherman were evacuated to mainland
What was Jamaica set to?
High alert (30 september)
How many shelters were put up in Jamaica?
900 shelters
What main impact did Jamaica face?
Severe flooding on the SE due to rainfall from the Rain bands (edge of Hurricane)
Why was Jamaica hit not as badly as expected?
On 4th October, Hurricane changed direction missing mainland Jamaica.
Why was Haiti vulnerable?
Not expecting the change of direction.
Still recovering from Cholera outbreak from the 2010 earthquake.
Warnings issued by Haiti?
Warning issued on 1st October
How many emergency shelters were set up in Haiti?
1300 shelters
to hold up to 340,000 people
How did Haiti warn people?
Radios with evacuation warnings telling people to stay in their homes.
How did Haiti ensure this?
teams of Civil protection officials walked the streets to prepare citizens.
How many people died when the Hurricane hit on the 8th of October (Saturday)
877 people
How many people in Haiti were effected by cholera due to Matthew?
50,000 people
How many were left Homeless in Haiti due to Matthew
12,000 people
How many crops were damaged in Haiti, effecting economy.
80% of crops
How many people were forced into shelters?
61,500 people
How much economic damage did the Storm do to Haiti?
$1 billion
How much did the US send for aid?
$5 million
How much aid did the UN send?
£120 million
Where did the Hurricane hit next?
How were people in Florida informed?
Social Media
What were residents told to do?
Close all windows, get food to prepare, trim near trees which could fall, have a disaster supply kit.
What was told to the locals?
“we expect a storm surge of three to five feet along the coast”
How many people evacuated in South Carolina
Over 1 million people
How many flights were cancelled due to the Hurricane?
over 4500