Huntingtons 3A Flashcards
What is Huntingtons?
Auto dom with full penetrance (all genotypes will express phenotypes) + anticipation
Lack of GABA + excessive nigrostriatal pathway
CAG repeats on chromosome 4 affecting HTT gene
Trinucleotide expansion repeats
How many repeats mean you have Huntingtons?
<35 = no huntingtons
35-55 = huntingtons
60+ = severe huntingtons
Sx of Huntington’s?
Chorea (excessive limb jerking)
Psychiatric issues
Dx of huntingtons?
Clinical; fHx of earlier + more severe Huntingtons
Genetic test if necessary (>35 CAG repeats)
MRI = Striatum atrophy (caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens)
Tx ?
Extensive counselling
DA antagonists for chorea (tetrabenazine - vesicular monoamine transporter 2 - i)
Depression = SSRI
Psychosis = antipsychotics
The more trinucleotide repeats mean?
The more trinucleotide repeats, the earlier and more severe Sx present
What are the 1^ and 2^ causes of death in Huntingtons?
1 = resp arrest
2 = suicide