Hungary Flashcards


Hungary lost land in Treaty of Trianon.Transylvania ti the Romanians and also Yugoslavia.They want these back!!They become closer to Hitler:
1 wanted territories back.
2 Remember Communist revolution in 1918 some of jews are leaders.
Hungarian jews very connected to Hungary.
1938 - anti jewish legislation
Was independent -1944
850,000 jews
66 percent Neolog
5 percent zionist
Teh rest religious
1939 - jewish men fireced labour
1941 joins Germany against UssR
1941 jews who don’t have Hungarian citiizenship sent to Kamenec Podolsk _ 20000 murdered.
Most lived normal life.
19.3.44 Nazis occupy Hungary
Horthy wanted to cut ties with Germany in 1943 he understood they list war!!
Hortthy still in charge
21 3 1944 Judenrat Budapest
5.4.44 yellow star
16.4 44 ghettoization
15.5 44 beginning deportations
437000 jews by 7.7.44
56 days!!
So quick
Roosevelt and vatican put pressure on Horthy to stop deportations!!
Horthys son is kidnapped.
Arrow cross takeover lead by Szalasi Ferenc
Nov 1944 sent many women and children to dig trenches many shot in Danube river
4.4 45 Hungary liberated by red army
564500 Hungarians murdered.
63000 before nazi occupation.
267800 Ethnic Hungarians
233700 Hungarians from czech slovakian yugoslavian and Romania territories under Hungarian rule!!


Hungary 1939 to 1945

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