Feench Jews Flashcards


June 1940 - Germany invaded France
Cease fire agreement - included decision to divide the country into two control zones:
-German martial law imposed in north
-Anti Semitic French state established in the south (capital Vichy) under Petain unlimited authority due to emergency regulations

He started national revolution abolished democratic regime of the republic , recinded Jews citizenship and civil rights and coined the slogan “work family homeland”

300,000 Jews trapped between German and Vichy admins
Half long time French citizens half immigrants and refugees


Horonczyk family - Shimon and 5 children from Łódź arrived in Paris 1926 - textile industry
At outbreak of war 4 children married other polish immigrants
Sep 1939 war - soms and son in laws enlisted in French legion , after cease fire return home
Decide to stay in Paris and not flee south

Oct 1940 - Vichy anti-Jewish legislation
Removed from high level positions and civil service and aryanization begins

Following order nazi order may 1941 wave of arrests begin beginning with Jewish men especially refugees
All sons and SILs arrested and transferred to Beaune-la-Rolande and pithviers concentration camps. After a year sent to death camps

May 1942 all Jews in France forced to wear yellow star

16th and 17th July 13,000 jews in v’ll d’heave (winter stadium) terrible conditions Esther and son Richard amoung them

Then sent to pithviers then both separated esther goes to drancy and then Auschwitz . Throws postcard off train begging family to save her son. One month later he is also deported and murdered
Same fate awaited shimon and all but one of sons and SILs his 2 daughters and their children survived in hiding

Approx 80,000 jews murdered by the Germans most of them refugees and immigrants

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