German jews in Nazi germany Flashcards
The transfer of Jewish owned businesses to German ownership throughout Germany and German occupied territories
2 stages:
1) 1933-1938 jews gradually removed from economic life “voluntary”
100,000 businesses owned by Jews soon after coming in to power nazis imposed unofficial economic boycotts. First targeting stores and then professions
Tried to intimidate Jews into selling their businesses . Either went insolvent or were forced to sell for fraction of value
Organised by government economic counselors in each district that ensured best businesses were given to long standing nazi party members
In some cases they were jailed until they agreed to give it their ownership
1938 Jewish professionals banned from their jobs
2) after 1938 - “forcibly confiscated “
Legalized forced organisation
Had to pay 1 bill mark for damage if Kristallnacht
Business put under government trusteeship
Jews who immigrated had to leave most of their valuables behind
Eventually all Jewish money and property was confiscated and used to finance the deportations of the Jews
Anti- Jewish boycott
April 1 1933
First officially sanctioned national attack on German Jewry
Organised by Julius Streicher
Uniformed and armed nazi guards were posted in front of every Jewish business which were marked with yellow stars
Meant to be peaceful - not so
One day but officially continued through out Germany