Humerus and Shoulder Study Flashcards
Which of the following technical considerations does not apply for adult shoulder radiography?
high-speed IR
40- to 44-inch SID
70- to 80-kVp
Gonadal shielding should be used for children and adults of childbearing age.
What is the greatest technical concern during a pediatric shoulder study?
voluntary motion
What modality or procedure provides a functional, or dynamic study of the shoulder joint?
What imaging modality or procedure best demonstrates osteomyelitis?
nuclear medicine
What is an alternative CR centering for an AP shoulder projection on an obese patient if unable to palpate the coracoid process?
center 2 inches below AC joint
What type of compensating filter is recommended for use on an AP shoulder projection for a hypersthenic patient?
What routine projection of the shoulder requires that the humeral epicondyles be parallel to the IR?
anterior oblique (Grashey method)
internal rotation
external rotation
neutral rotation
external rotation
Where is the CR centered for an AP projection— external rotation of the shoulder?
1 inch superior to coracoid process
1 inch inferior to coracoid process
2 inches inferior to AC joint
1 inch inferior to coracoid process
What position of the shoulder and proximal humerus projects the lesser tubercle in profile medially?
internal rotation
How are the humeral epicondyles aligned for a rotational lateromedial projection of the humerus?
perpendicular to IR
For the erect version of the tangential projection for the intertubercular sulcus, the patient leans forward _______ from vertical.
10 to 15°
What’s the major advantage of the supine, tangential version of the intertubercular sulcus projection over the erect version?
less radiation exposure
reduced OID
less risk for motion
ability to use automatic exposure control
reduced OID
What projection best demonstrates the supraspinatus outlet region?
tangential projection (Neer method)
What projection can an orthostatic (breathing) technique be used?
transthoracic lateral for humerus
Which anatomy of the shoulder is best demonstrated with a PA axial (Bernageau method)?
scapulohumeral joint space
Which projection requires the CR to be centered 2 inches inferior and medial from the superolateral border of the shoulder?
posterior oblique (scapula Y lat.)
anterior oblique (Grashey method)
inferosuperior axial (Clements)
tangential proj. (fisk modification)
anterior oblique (Grashey method)
What type of injury must be ruled out before the weight-bearing phase of an AC joint study?
fractured clavicle
What is the minimal amount of weight a large adult should have strapped to each wrist for the weight-bearing phase of an AC joint?
8-10 lbs
Why is it recommended for adult AC joint studies to use a 72-inch SID?
to get both joints
What two landmarks are aligned perpendicularly to the IR for the lateral scapula projection?
superior angle and AC joint
What device permits good visualization of soft-tissue and bony anatomy for adult shoulder radiography?
boomerang compensating filter
The parent or guardian can be asked to restrain a child for a shoulder series if physical immobilization is required.
Radiography is more sensitive than nuclear medicine for demonstrating physiologic aspects of the shoulder girdle.
It is recommended to perform shoulder positions on obese patients in the erect position when possible.
CT arthrography of the shoulder joint often requires iodinated contrast media injected into the joint space.
Which lateral projection can demonstrate the entire humerus?
transthoracic lateral
The _______________ projection of the shoulder produces an image of the glenoid process in profile.
This is also called the ________ method.
AP oblique
What two landmarks are placed perpendicular to the IR for the scapular Y lateral projection>
superior angle of scapula
AC joint articulation