Humanistic&Constructivistic Therapies Program Review Flashcards
Roger’s person-centered therapy is based on the assumptions that all people have an inherent tendency to____and that incongruence between_____and experience interferes with that tendency. To help clients achieve congruence, person-centered therapists provide them with three “facilitative conditions”: Unconditional_____involves accepting a client without evaluation; ______is the ability to understand the world as the client does; and ______is provided when a therapist honestly communicates his/her feelings to the client when it is appropriate to do so.
self-actualize;self; positive regard; accurate empathy; genuineness(congruence)
Gestalt therapy is based on the assumption that each person is capable of living fully as an ____whole. The self is an important concept in Gestalt therapy, and neurotic (maldaptive) behavior is viewed as a “growth disorder” that occurs when the individual abandons the self for the ____.Neuroses are often related to a boundary disturbance such as ___,which occurs when a person psychologically “swallows” whole concepts from the environment without fully understanding them. Gestaltians consider awareness to be the primary curative factor in therapy, with awareness involving a full understanding of one’s_____in the here-and-now.
integrated; self-image; introjection;thoughts, feelings, and actions
For existential therapists, maladaptive behavior is due to an inability to cope authentically with_____of existence(death,freedom, existential isolation, and meaninglessness). They distinguish between existential anxiety and ____anxiety, with the latter often resulting from an attempt to avoid the former.
ultimate concerns; neurotic
Glasser, the founder of reality therapy, believes that people have five basic needs: survival,____, power,freedom, and fun. When people fulfill their needs in a responsible way, they have adopted a ______identity, but when people gratify their needs in an irresponsible way, they have assumed a _____identity.
love and belonging; success;failure
According to Kelly, psychological processes are determined by how a person construes events, with construing involving the use of personal constructs, which are_____dimensions of meaning that begin to develop in infancy and may operate on an unconscious or conscious level. Kelly devised____to help clients “try on” and adopt alternative personal constructs.
bipolar; fixed-role therapy