Group Therapy, Feminist Therapy,Hypnosis,Acupuncture Flashcards
What are the Formative Stages in Group Therapy?
First Stage–Orientation, Hesistant Participation, Search for Meaning, Dependency: According to Yalom, the first stage of group therapy is characterized by attempts to determine the group’sstructure and meaning; a stereotyped, restricted, and rational communication style; a search for similarities amonggroup members;and advice seeking and giving; Members tend to talk directly to the leader for approval and acceptance as well as for answers to their questions.
Second Stage–Conflict,Dominance,Rebellion:In the second stage,”each member attempts to establish his or her preferred amount of initiative and power; and gradually a control of hierarchy, a social pecking order,emerges” Advice giving is replaced by criticism, judgmental statements, and other negative comments, and some members may express hostility toward the therapist as a result of resistance and the realization that they are not going to become the therapist’s “favored child.”
Third Stage–During this stage, group cohesiveness develops. As a result,unity, intimacy, and closeness become the chief concerns; trust and self-disclosure increase; attendance improves; and members show concern whenever a member is absent.Yalom considers cohesiveness–i.e., the client’s relationship to the group therapist,other group members, and the group as a whole-to be a critical aspect of group therapy,and he describes it as the analogue of the therapist-client relationship in individual therapy.
Research on group curative factors rated by group members as the most inportantant are?
interpersonal input, catharsis, self-understanding and cohesiveness
The least important curative factors rated by group members?
family re-enactment, guidance, and identification
How can premature termination be reduced in group therapy?
Research shows that 10to 35% of groupmembers drop out of therapy during the first 12 to 20 sessions. Prescreening of potential group members can reduce premature termination and enhance therapy outcomes. Post-selection preparation is useful for clarifying any misconceptions and unrealisticexpectations of group members that may lead to premature termination and for increasing productive interactions during grouptherapy.
What is Feminist Therapy view of maladaptive behavior?
Sxsare considered to be (1) related to the nature of traditional feminineroles or conflicts that are inherent to those roles, (2) “survival tactics” or a means of exercising personal power; and/or (3) arbitrary labels that society has assigned to certain behaviors in order to impose sanctions or exert social control.
What are Feminist Therapy goals and Techniques?
Goals: Therapists are less interested in changing their clients to fit the “mainstream” than in identifying and altering the oppressive forces in society that have affected their clients’ lives. A primary goal of therapy is empowerment,or helping women becoming more self-defining and self-determining.
Techniques: Striving for an Egalitarian Relationship-“power with” ( rather than power over”) by demystifying thetherapy process and encouraging clients to set their goals and evaluate the progress of therapy.
Avoiding Labels: Avoid pathologizing client;s problems, do not use traditionallabels to describe feelings and behaviors and deemphasize assessment and dx.
Avoiding Revictimization: Avoid blaming women for their current problems. Ratherthan victims emphasize woman’s strengths and place responsibility for the abuser.
Involvement in Social Action: To be effective they must be social and political activists.
Differences between feminist therasapists and nonsexist therapists is that they both recognize impact of sexism and avoid the use of genderbiased techniques. Feminist therapists prioritize the roleof sociopolitical factors on a woman’s psychological functioning and the need for social change, nonsexist therapist focus more on individual factors and modifying personalbehavior.
Feminist object relations theorists have focused on 2 contributors to gendered behaviors–the sexual division of labor and the mother-child relationship. With regard to the former, these theorists note that parenting continues to be a predominantly female task as the result of social norms regarding female and male roles. In terms of the latter, self-in-relation theory extends traditional object relations theory by proposing that many gender differences can be traced to differences in the mother-daughter and mother-son relationship. Males are taught to separate from the mother, the opposite gender parent, whereas females are taught to remain attached to their mothers, the same gender parent. As a result, females define themselves in relation and males define themselves in separation. From this perspective, the difference in mother-daughter and mother-son relationships accounts not only for gender-related differences in relationality but also underlies differences in self-esteem, values, achievement orientation, and beliefs about gender roles.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been used in China and otherAsian countries for at least 3,000 years as a method for restoring health and involves stimulating specific anatomical points on the body,most often with a thin metallic needle. The traditional explanation for its effects is that illness is due to a bloackage of qi(vital life energy) and that acupuncture unblocks the flow of qi along the pathways (meridians) throughwhich it circulates in the body. Research on acupuncture suggests that its benefits may be due to the release of endorphins and other pain-suppressing substances or to an alternation in blood flow in areas around the needle or inkey regionsof the brain. There is evidence acupuncture is useful for reducing certain types of pain (low back pain, migraine headache, dental pain) and for managing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.