Humanistic Flashcards
What is the primary focus of humanistic psychology?
Helping individuals reach their full potential and self-actualization.
Who started the Third-Force Psychology movement?
Abraham Maslow.
What are the three components of human nature according to humanistic psychology?
Mind, body, and spirit.
What is the major argument humanistic psychologists have against behaviorism?
It likens humans to robots and ignores their uniqueness.
What is subjective reality?
The individual’s perception of the world, which guides their behavior.
What does humanistic psychology emphasize over deterministic views?
Free will and personal responsibility.
What is phenomenology in humanistic psychology?
The study of experience as it occurs, without reducing it to parts.
What book did Viktor Frankl write about finding meaning in life?
‘Man’s Search for Meaning.’
What is logotherapy?
A therapy that helps individuals find meaning in their lives.
What is the hierarchy of needs according to Maslow?
A pyramid of needs from basic physiological to self-actualization.
What is the top level of Maslow’s hierarchy?
What is self-actualization?
Reaching one’s full potential and achieving personal growth.
What is Rollo May’s concept of ‘The Human Dilemma’?
Humans are both objects and subjects of their experiences.
What is self-alienation according to Rollo May?
Accepting values dictated by society instead of personal values.
What are the characteristics of self-actualizing people?
They are independent, spontaneous, ethical, and creative.
What is Carl Rogers’ theory of personality centered on?
The actualizing tendency and living an authentic life.
What are the three conditions for growth in Rogers’ client-centered therapy?
Genuineness, unconditional positive regard, and empathic understanding.
What is the organismic valuing process?
The innate ability to evaluate experiences based on their alignment with the actualizing tendency.
What is unconditional positive regard?
Accepting and valuing someone for who they are without conditions.
What is empathic understanding?
Deep, active listening to truly understand another’s perspective.
What is the main difference between humanistic and existential psychology?
Humanistic psychology sees humans as inherently good, while existential psychology views human nature as neutral.
What is the existentialist perspective on freedom?
Humans are free to choose their existence and must take responsibility for their choices.
What did Carl Rogers mean by ‘fully functioning person’?
Someone who lives authentically and is guided by their inner values.
What is Maslow’s concept of peak experiences?
Moments of intense joy, creativity, or fulfillment.
What is the criticism of traditional science by humanistic psychologists?
It cannot fully study or understand human nature.
What is the role of creativity in self-actualization?
It is a hallmark of self-actualized individuals and a means of expressing their potential.
What did Frankl observe about prisoners in concentration camps?
Those who found meaning were more likely to survive.
What is the significance of authenticity in humanistic psychology?
Living true to one’s values and rejecting imposed standards.
What does narrative therapy focus on?
Examining the stories people use to understand their lives.
What is self-determination in humanistic psychology?
The belief that humans are responsible for their own lives and actions.