Behaviourism Flashcards
Who founded classical behaviourism?
John B. Watson.
What is the main focus of behaviourism?
The study of observable behavior.
What did Ivan Pavlov discover?
Classical conditioning.
What is a conditioned reflex?
A learned response to a previously neutral stimulus.
What is extinction in classical conditioning?
The gradual disappearance of a conditioned response when the stimulus is no longer paired.
What is spontaneous recovery?
The reappearance of a conditioned response after a rest period.
What is disinhibition in conditioning?
The sudden reappearance of a conditioned response when a new stimulus is introduced.
What is reflexology?
Bechterev’s objective study of behavior and reflexes.
What are the four types of behavior described by Watson?
Explicit learned, implicit learned, explicit unlearned, and implicit unlearned behaviors.
What was the Little Albert experiment?
A study by Watson and Rayner demonstrating conditioned emotional responses.
What is operant conditioning?
A method of learning where behavior is controlled by consequences, introduced by Skinner.
What is positive reinforcement?
Adding a pleasant stimulus to increase a behavior.
What is negative reinforcement?
Removing an unpleasant stimulus to increase a behavior.
What is punishment in operant conditioning?
An action used to decrease the likelihood of a behavior occurring.
Who developed the concept of the ‘cognitive map’?
Edward Chace Tolman.