Human Resource Management Strategy (AL) Flashcards
HRM strategy
A long term plan for the management of an organisation’s human resources
Soft and hard HRM
Hard- Managing employees focusing on cutting costs
Soft- managing employees that focuses on employee development so they are motivated and stay in the business
Full-time and permanent employee contract
Full-time- contract that is for a complete working week
Permanent- contract that employs a worker until dismissed, redundant or decided to leave
Benefit and limitations of full time employment contracts
-Satisfy safety and security needs
-Low labour turnover
-Labour costs become fixed costs
-Contracts are inflexible
Temporary contract
Contact offer for a fixed period of time and can be renewed
Part-time contract
Contracted only to work certain hours per week
Zero hour contract
Contract that does not guarantee
minimum hours of work but worker is expected to be available when called
Gig economy
Employment mix like temporary contacts where workers are hired as independent contractors
Benefit and limitations of part-time, temporary, zero hours and gig economy
-Fixed labour costs are reduced
-Workers are available incase of absenteeism of other workers
-Zero-hour contracts, wage is only paid for hours worked
-Gig contracts remove all employment cost except the payment
-More employees to manage
-No effective communication as more employees are present
-Part-time/temporary workers are less committed to the business
-Fewer opportunities for training than for full-time/permanent
Flexible employment contracts
Contract that allows employee more control over work-life balance.
Flexitime with
Benefit and limitations
Flexible working that lets employees fit their working hours around their individual needs
-More choice over working hours
-Able to attract well qualified recruits
-Improved workforce motivation
-Teamwork becomes difficult
-May not be enough attendance of employees at a given time
-Communication/meetings are difficult
Home working with
Benefit and limitations
When employee works from home for specific number of days a week
-Reduced time wasted in travel
-Reduces business costs
-Easier to recruit good quality employees
-Teamwork is difficult
-Employee has less social contact
-Difficult to assess employee performance
Annualised contracts with
Benefit and limitations
A contract offering specific number of hours over a year
-There is a period of regular hours, rest is unallocated and used when its needed
-Gives employee flexibility
-Employers can call in workers when required
-Workers being called at short notice reduces freedom
-If annual hours are used up at the end of the year, high cost overtime rates may have to be offered
Job sharing with
Benefit and limitations
Work schedule in which two employees share responsibilities of one full time job
-Workers may be more productive
-Employee can cover for colleague absenteeism
-Workers can achieve work life balance
-HR administration for 2 workers
-Maybe confusion over responsibilities
-Lack of teamwork reduces productivity
Compressed working hours with
Benefit and limitations
Number of hours per week worked in fewer days
-Employees have opportunities for longer weekends
-Employees that travel for longer may appreciate the extra day off
-Employees may prefer shorter bursts rather than longer stretches
-Unable to ensure sufficient worker attendance each day
Shift work with
Benefit and limitations
Includes evening or night shits, early mooring shifts and rotating shifts
-Increase output
-More flexible for business
-Machine maintenance must be built into the shift system
-Night and rotating shift workers are more prone to be sick and this reduces productivity
Ways to measure employee performance
-Labour productivity
-Wastage rates
-Performance against objectives
Management by objectives
Information systems to compare actual performance and achievements against preset objectives for employees or departments
Benefits and limitations of MBO
-Managers and subordinates will have focused goals
-Helps coordinate between departments to work for same goals
-Managers can monitor performance and measure success and failure
-Time consuming, especially consultation after MBO
-Objectives may be outdated and MBO is not relevant
-MBO does not consider resources and employee training