Human Factors Flashcards
An organization for educational facilities that has created standards by which an organization can measure its cleanliness. (Originally known by its full name, Association of Physical Plant Administrators of Universities and Colleges).
Balanced scorecard
A long-term strategy implementation tool developed by Kaplan and Norton that guides staff by providing measurable goals and feedback. It balances short- versus long-term goals and objective versus subjective measures. It combines different perspectives—people, customers, processes, finance—to provide a more holistic analysis.
Building-related illness (BRI)
Describes illnesses caused by exposure to environmental agents in a building’s air that cause identifiable symptoms of diagnosable illness.
A feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify it. It usually describes desirable personality traits or attitudes.
The amount of movement and relocation of occupants within an organization within a specified period. It is the ratio of the number of employees moved annually compared to the total number of employees in an organization.
Refers to the presence of dirt and dust and the maintenance of interior elements and furnishings. FM typically develop standards around a level of acceptance for this to adhere to an organization’s values, strategy and processes.
A sense of satisfaction with one’s current state. Things feel right. There is no need for corrections or changes.
High-level skill areas rather than specific accomplishments such as a degree or experience supervising employees.
In business, this is a career development tool that refers to an employee receiving training experience in performing a job different from their own.
Distributed work
Work that is spread among teams in variable locations that occurs at varying times.
The study of equipment design in order to reduce operator equipment fatigue and discomfort.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
An international group that aims at helping organizations focus and measure their sustainable actions.
An alternative work method in which facilities offer unassigned, reservable space to accommodate alternative work modes.
Indoor air quality (IAQ)
Refers to both the quantity of outside (fresh) air and the quality of air within the facility.
Indoor environmental quality (IEQ)
The strategies and systems used to provide occupants with a healthful, comfortable and safe workplace. It generally focuses on temperature and relative humidity, indoor air quality, lighting, noise and cleanliness.
Job rotation
A horizontal loading of task variety accomplished by shifting workers from role to role, all similar in responsibility and effort, providing cross-training opportunities. It is often used for an organization’s convenience, a professional development experience or as a way to motivate employees through lateral moves when opportunities for promotion are limited.
Learning Style
The way a person acquires and organizes new information. It can include the sensory aspects of learning or cognitive preferences.
Mentoring relationship
An employee meets with a more experienced individual to whom the employee does not report to discuss ideas for professional development and gain advice and perspective.
Relative humidity
The percentage of water vapor in the air at a given temperature compared to the maximum amount of water vapor that could be held at the temperature.
A real and profound human need: the need to grow, to become as good in one’s chosen field as one’s abilities will allow.
Sick building syndrome (SBS)
Describes situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building but no specific illness or cause can be identified.
An acronym that indicates the necessary elements for goal setting. These types of goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.
Social Styles
Refers to the way people interact. Individuals may be analyzed by their desire for interaction, the way they achieve their goals, the degree of emotion they exhibit, or whether they are cautious or impulsive and risk-taking.
Three E’s
An analytic framework derived from Francis Duffy that proposes that workplaces balances efficiency, effectiveness and expression.
Workplace Diversity
The differences that fuel a dynamic and creative organization—diverse skills, knowledge, talents, experiences and perspectives that work against complacency and focus the organization on continuous improvement. It is often defined in demographic terms (race, gender, economic status, education, age, or status at work) or legalistic terms (protected classes and antidiscrimination laws).
360-degree feedback
A performance appraisal method in which an employee’s performance is evaluated by those above and below and lateral to the employee in the organization’s hierarchy and by “customers” outside the organization.