Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Flashcards
This is the balance or intersection between the environmental and social aspects of the Triple Bottom Line.
Built environment
All buildings and living spaces that are created or modified by people. It also includes infrastructure elements such as waste management, transportation and utility transmission systems put in place to serve the built space.
Carbon footprint
The measure of the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activities.
Carbon intensity
Calculated as kgCO2e per square meter or occupant per year.
Carbon trading
A market-based system that brings carbon credit buyers and sellers together, allowing businesses to purchase carbon credits to offset their emissions.
A planned and integrated systematic process of verifying and documenting that all building systems perform interactively according to the design intent and the owner’s operational needs
Comm carbon metric
Developed by the United Nations Environmental ProgrammeSustainable Building and Climate Initiative (UNEP-SBCI). It measures energy intensity and carbon intensity.
A process that decomposes the organic matter and kills any pathogens.
Core building systems
Installed equipment that is integral to providing common building services, including HVAC, lighting, electrical systems, transport systems and plumbing.
Cradle-to-grave or Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA)
The process of determining all costs incident to the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, and disposition of a structure over time. The terms “whole-life costing” and “cradle-to-grave” are synonymous with this.
Demand-controlled ventilation
Capability added by integrating CO2 sensors and controls with HVAC equipment. Can save energy by reducing the volume of air delivered to a space that must be heated or cooled.
Demand response
A contractual arrangement between facilities and power companies in which facilities agree to reduce or shift their consumption during peak demand periods in return for defined financial incentives.
This HVAC system component controls dampers to mix cooler outside air with return air, decreasing energy needs for cooling.
Energy performance contracting
A risk-based contractual agreement between a customer and an energy service company (ESCO) in which the ESCO promises to deliver specified energy performance in return for an agreed fee.
Energy intensity
Calculated as kWh per square meter or occupant per year. This result is then multiplied by the official GHG emission coefficients published for each fuel type.
This is the balance or intersection between the social and economic aspects of the Triple Bottom Line.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
An international group that aims at helping organizations focus and measure their sustainable actions.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines
A sustainability reporting framework—a less rigid and defined set of “good practices” that provide the outline of a sustainability reporting program.
Green leasing
The process of integrating sustainability elements into lease negotiations.
Hard benefits
Tangible outcomes from a policy or program. They are quantifiable and can usually be expressed in terms of monetary units.