Human Endocrine System Flashcards
Exocrine function
The secretion of pancreatic juice which flows along the pancreatic duct into the duodenum where it helps in chemical digestion
Endocrine function
The secretion of hormones by groups of cells called islets of Langerhans
Chemical coordination
A slow prolonged process of communicating information throughout the body by way of chemicals called hormones
And organic chemical substance, usually a protein but sometimes a steroid, secreted by an endocrine gland and carried in the bloodstream to its target organ(s) where it regulates metabolic reactions
Target organ
Specific cells that respond to a given hormone and have receptor sites for that hormone
Endocrine gland
A vascular, ductless gland that secretes hormones with your carried in the bloodstream to the target organs
Hyper secretion
Over secretion of a hormone
Under secretion of a hormone
Basal metabolic rate
Amount of energy the body needs to keep functioning while at rest
Producing too little thyroxin, causing a slow metabolic rate
Condition of mental and physical sluggishness, with low blood pressure, a slow heart rate and respiratory rate and low body temperature
Swollen thyroid
Condition in which a child does not grow physically, has immature sexual development and is mentally retarded
Producing too much thyroxine causing a high metabolic rate
Tissue fluid
Fluid that surrounds all body cells
Fat based hormones
High levels of glucose stay in the blood
Naturally occurring hormone produced in the kidney to regulate blood cell formation
Androgenic anabolic steroids
Specialize derivatives of testosterone
Negative feedback
The major mechanism that enables an organism to correct any change from the setpoint and so maintain homeostasis