human activity Flashcards
What is one effect of urbanization on coastal cliffs?
Increases vulnerability due to the weight of buildings.
How does agriculture impact sedimentation?
It increases sedimentation, often causing soil erosion.
What types of pollution can industry introduce to coastal areas?
Increases air, noise, and visual pollution.
What are the consequences of coastal recession for wildlife
It destroys habitats for birds, animals, and marine life.
How can coastal recession affect human communication networks?
It can make roads and railway lines dangerous and disrupt transport.
What financial impacts can result from coastal flooding?
Increased home insurance costs and loss of property value.
How does coastal recession affect local businesses?
Loss of businesses such as caravan parks and cafes due to disappearing cliffs.
Why is coastal management important?
To protect coastal landscapes and prevent loss of habitat and property.
What is coastal retreat?
Another term for coastal recession, where land is lost to the sea.
How does flooding affect farming?
Farmers can lose valuable farmland, resulting in income loss.