HTN In Pregnancy Flashcards
What is BP levels of stage 1 and stage 2?
Systolic 130-139 diastolic 80-89
Systolic 140-149 diastolic 90-99
What is the difference between chronic and gestational HTN?
Chronic is present before pregnancy or recognized in the first half of pregnancy
Gestational is recognized after 20 weeks
What is preeclampsia and eclampsia?
After 20 weeks HTN, edema, and proteinuria
Preeclampsia with seizures
What values are considered mild chronic HTN and severe chronic HTN?
Less than 160/110 and greater than 160/110
3 symptoms of preeclampsia?
Vision problems, right upper quadrant pain, and headache
What is going on in the brain, heart, and lungs during preeclampsia?
Cerebral edema
Lowered circulating blood volume
Non cardiac cause of pulmonary edema
What is going on in with liver, kidneys, and eyes in preeclampsia?
Fibrin deposition
Glomerular caps swell and narrow
Edema in the eyes
BP, level of proteinuria and symptoms of mild preeclampsia?
140/90 to 160/110
300 mg to 5 grams per day or .3 protein/creatine
No symptoms
BP, proteinuria level, and symptoms of severe preeclampsia?
160/110 and over
Over 5 grams or 3+ protein on two tests 4 hours apart
Oliguria, cerebral/visual problems, pulmonary edema, right upper quadrant pain, elevated liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia
3 things to do for treatment if patient has mild preeclampsia less than 37 weeks?
Bed rest, BPP or NST testing weekly, fetal growth US every few weeks
What to do for treatment of mild preeclampsia 37 -40 weeks?
If cervix is good, induce
If cervix is not favorable, give ripening agent to induce
4 things to do to treat severe preeclampsia?
Put in hospital
Deliver is greater than 34 weeks
BP meds
Corticosteroids if less than 37 weeks
What is magnesium sulfate used for?
Seizure prophylaxis
Therapeutic range for magnesium sulfate?
What is the complication we need to be looking out for with preeclampsia and eclampsia?
HELLP syndrome
Two things to to do with eclampsia?
Protect the airway and give magnesium sulfate as first line treatment
3 physical exam findings for preeclampsia?
Brisk reflexes, clonus and edema
What 3 hypertensives did she say to use to treat BP in pregnant women?
7 risk factors for preeclampsia?
Less than 20 and older than 35 Diabetes Multiple gestation Chronic HTN Renal disease Prior history of preeclampsia Thyroid disease