Abortions, Ectopic Pregancy And Rh Flashcards
What is the date range for first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester?
First day of last menstrual period to 13 weeks
Week ranges of abortion, preterm delivery, full term, and post dates? How do we estimate date of confinement?
Less than 20 weeks 20-36 37-42 Greater than 40 40 weeks after FDLMP
What hCG level confirms abnormal IUP or ectopic pregnancy?
Rise in hCG less than 53% in 48 hours
When is hCG first detected in serum, when does it hit its peak, and how much does it rise every 2 days?
6-8 days after ovulation
10 weeks
What is the most common cause of first trimester SABs? What is the most common one? What is the most common class?
Chromosomal abnormalities
45XO is the most common one
Trisomy class is most common with Trisomy 16 being most common
2 things define the type of an abortion?
Products of conception have passed
Cervix being dilated or not.
What is going on with the cervix during threatened abortion?
Closed with vaginal bleeding
What is going on with the cervix during inevitable abortion?
Cervix is partially dilated with vaginal bleeding
What is going on with the cervix during incomplete abortion, what contents have passed, and how do we treat?
Dilated cervix with bleeding and cramping/pain
Some but not all contents
Suction D and C
What is going on with the cervix during complete abortion and what contents are passed?
Cervix is closed
Everything is passed, baby and placenta
What is going on with a missed abortion and how do you treat it?
Fetus has died, but remains in the uterus
Wait for abortion or go in and do suction d and c
What is going on with septic abortion and how do we treat it?
Retained infected products of conception
IV antibiotics and proceed with D and C
What is a blighted or anembryonic gestation and how is it treated?
Fertilized egg develops a placenta, but not into an embryo. Empty gestational sac.
Misoprostol, if have to D and C, but not first choice.
What is a more successful primary therapy to remove products of conception than what other two choices?
D and C
Medical management of expectant management
How do we define recurrent abortions?
Three successive SABs
What are 4 general maternal factors associated with recurrent abortions?
Infection, smoking and alcohol use, lots of medical conditions, and increasing maternal age.
What are two local maternal factors associated with recurrent abortions?
Uterine abnormalities, like congenital anomalies due to DES or fibroids, or cervical incompetence.
How do we treat cervical inompetence?
Cervical cerclage
What is the fetal factor associated with recurrent abortions even though it is more a one time deal?
Chromosomal abnormalities
Turner syndrome ad trisomy 16
What specific thing are we looking for when we do Karyotyping to check for possible risk of abortions?
Balances reciprocal or robertsonian translocation
What is the most common immunologic disorder that is associated with recurrent abortions, what are the two antibodies we are looking for, and how do we treat it?
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Lupus anticoagulant and anti beta 2 glycoprotein 1
Give heparin and low dose aspirin
Classic triad of patient presenting with ectopic pregnancy?
Lady presenting with bleeding, lower quadrant pain and missed period
What 3 things are we thinking with a potential ectopic pregnancy lady presenting? Out of the 3 which one is most common?
Possible ectopic, probable ectopic, acutely ruptured ectopic.
Possible is most common
How is probably ectopic pregnancy presentation different than possible? 3 ways?
Symptoms are worse
Abdominal, Adnexal, and cervical tenderness
May see ectopic on US with probable, but rarely with possible.
2 symptoms of acutely ruptured ectopic pregnancy?
2 things to see on physical exam?
What does US show?
Severe pain and dizziness
Distended/tender abdomen and the patient has signs of hemodynamic instability
Empty uterus
What level of hCG is considered inappropriately rising, what is falling hCG indicative of, and what is the discriminatory zone value and what does it mean?
Less than a 53% rise
Blighted ovum, resolving ectopic or abnormal pregnancy
1500-2000 and we should be able to see an intrauterine sac
What can a transvaginal ultrasound reveal?
IUP and extrauterine pregnancy
If we don’t see anything when we do TVUS, what do we need to do?
Follow hCG levels and do another one when the hCG is in the discriminatory zone.
How do we treat an ectopic pregnancy with medicine? And how do we proceed once we give the medicine?
Give MTX, which is a folic acid antagonist.
Check hCG levels on day 4 and 7.
If down 15%, continue to watch as it drops.
If it is dropping slowly or staying the same, give another dose
If it is rising, surgery.
What is sort of the magic cutoff for ectopic pregnancies to resolve spontaneously? What do we do with expectant management of an ectopic pregnancy?
80% of ectopic with hCG levels less than 1000.
Follow those hCG levels.