HRM Flashcards
Storey 1992
Hard and Soft HRM
Hard HRM - emphasis on the idea of the resource used dispassionately and rationally
Soft HRM - emphasis on employee deployment, group relationships and constructive supervision
These are not opposite but complimentary
Hard HRM
Scope - policies, processes, structures for implementing a series of tasks designed to:
-get the right folk in place to do the job (staffing)
-make sure the job is well done (perf. management)
-support their ability to achieve promotion and organisational goals (development & succession)
Focus - resources, efficiency (& exploitation!)
Humans seen as a resource, performance-related pay, appraisal
Transactional leadership
Soft HRM
Focus on team, relationships & culture
Human processes - nurturing people
Transformational leadership, reflection & sharing
Personal & professional efficacy, development of people
Decentralization & HRM
Decentralization has increased autonomy and HRM has replaced centrally provided personnel management
Fidler 1988
Performance management
Performance Management in education
- Higher level of professional autonomy
- Qualitative objectives are difficult to measure or agree
- Limited range of rewards available for teachers
- Unclear links between teaching & learning
- Several people to whom teachers are accountable
- Lack of infrastructure and time to implement
Mo (Hong Kong) 1998
For appraisal to be effective, there must be…
“an open climate in which principals are supportive and not directive, and teachers are engaged and not frustrated in determining the effectiveness of appraisal.”
Appraisal depends on leadership behaviour, attitude of staff and school culture as well as time, training and resources
Development & Succession
In Poland, it is common to groom internally for promotion, but since 2002, all applicants for School Director positions need to undergo a minimum of 200 hours of management training.
Under-funding and particularism conflict with policies and procedures.
Middlewood 2002
In Israel, Japan, Singapore and USA, being assessed for performance before progressing to the next steps in one’s career is well established.
Middlewood 2002
PD is central to any system of performance management, since the ultimate motivation to improve must come from themselves. The balance between accountability & PD lies at the heart of how effectively PD is managed
Christie 1999 - South Africa
During apartheid, appraisal was used for control and discrimination, now the situation has swung round (Thurlow 2001)
2 elements of performance appraisal
Evaluation for accountability –> focus on organisational needs –> focus on transactional elements –> focus on measurable outcomes –> need for quantitative data
Evaluation for development –> focus on individual needs –> focus on transformational elements –> focus on educational value added outcomes –> need for qualitative data
Soft HRM
Emotionally intelligent, growth enhancing, distributed leadership
- Personal efficacy (self talk, self image & self esteem, behaviour & performance)
- Individual professional efficacy (motivation, job satisfaction & morale, competent performance
- Collegial professional efficacy (collaborative teamwork, organisational culture & learning
Goleman 2005 EQ
- Self awareness
- Self regulations
- Motivation
- Empathy
- Social skills
Gardner 2011
Intrapersonal intelligence - how you deal with your own thoughts, feelings and beliefs
Interpersonal intelligence - how you relate to others
Evans 1999
The most common factor to emerge as influential on teacher morale, job satisfaction and motivation is school leadership
Owens 2006
Motivation is a function of person and environment
Individual professional efficacy
Motivation - individual drive to perform
Job satisfaction
Morale - anticipation of the possibility of achieving goals
Initiative - personal efficacy, energy, enthusiasm
Difficult to achieve in dependency cultures
Constructive feedback
Meant to help, not belittle Specific not general Descriptive not evaluative Suggested not prescriptive Focused on what the receiver can change Immediate and continued Asked for, not imposed