HR 513 Flashcards
The_________ _________ Director will develop and implement a performance and planning appraisal system to encourage the individual development of each employee’s full potential.
Human Resources
All regular classified employees shall receive an______________ performance review.
It is the responsibility of the___________ ______ to review all employees’ performance plans and annual appraisal reports for equity, fairness, andconsistency.
department head
An employee’s performance appraisal period may not be extended for reasons beyond his/her control. TorF
The_______ ________ is authorized to extend aperformance appraisal period and withhold a pay salary increase, until performance meets requirements.
department head
New hires beginning their initial review periods after the start of a new fiscal year will not be reviewed following the same guidelines.Timekeepers shouldrefer to the_______ _________ ___________ for correct procedures.
Personnel Administration Guidelines
All sworn personnel shall receive a performance appraisal after _____ _____ of employment.
one year
all regular classified personnel shall receive a performance appraisal after ____ ______ of employment.
six months
Supervisors should consult with _________ ________ when an employee is onextended leave during a performance review period (i.e. military leave, workerscompensation, medical leave, etc.)
Human Resources
The City of Glendale prohibits conduct which creates an___________,_______, or__________ work environment and is committed to providing an environment free of harassment andviolence.
intimidating, hostile, or offensive
__________ ___________has a responsibility to maintain a workplace free from harassment.
Each employee
Prohibited harassment includes, but is not limited to,_________ or ________ abuse of another whether physically, verbally orin writing.
intimidation or persistent
Employees who are determined to have harassed another person, in violation of the City’s policy and procedure, while pursuing a City activity, through City employment, or using City authority shall be subject to:
disciplinary action
Sexual Harassment defined
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Sexual Harassment is when one or more of the following situations occur:
Guidelines for identifying prohibited harassmentbehavior include, but are not limited to the following:
_________ ____________ is responsible for reporting to management if he/she is being subject to prohibited harassment or is witnessing acts of prohibited harassment.
Each employee
Each manager and supervisor to whom an act of prohibited harassment has been reported or who becomes aware of acts of prohibited harassment shall report it to the .
Human Resources Director
_____________ or _____________ are responsible for initiating and completing investigations of complaints under the direction of the Human Resources Director.
Department heads or designees
The ______ _______ ________shall direct department heads in theinvestigation of complaints and shall maintain a confidential file on all charges of prohibited harassment.
Human Resources Director
All personnel shall maintain confidentiality about complaints in order to protect the parties involved, and information shall not be shared with
anyone other than those involved in the investigation.
An employee who believes he or she has been harassed in violation of the City’s policy and procedure is encouraged to file a complaintas soon as possible after the prohibited harassment, with one or more of the following City employees:
· Immediate supervisor· Any manager or supervisor within or outside the department· Department head· The Human Resources Director· The City Manager’s “Hotline”
_________ and __________shall make available any employee forinterviews and present any documents required by the investigator.
Managers and supervisors
_____________ employees have a right to have a representative present.
the representative with the represented employee shall be from the City and shall not be an _________
At the conclusion of the interview, the _______ ____________ _________ is entitled to a period of time to consult with their representative, including an attorney, and make a statement not to exceed five (5) minutes addressingspecific facts or policies that are related to the interview.
Law Enforcement Officer
In accordance with A.R.S. § 381101, if the City reasonably believes an interview with a Law Enforcement Officer could result in , or__________,________,or_________ that Law Enforcement Officer shall be permitted reasonable breaks of limited duration during the interview to consult by telephone or in person, with others, including an attorney, who are immediately available.
dismissal,demotion or suspension,
The ___________ shall not include in the personnel file of a LawEnforcement Officer any information about an investigation until the investigation is complete or the employer has discontinued the investigation. If the Law Enforcement Officer has timely appealed adisciplinary action, the investigation is not complete until the conclusion of the appeal process.
The __________ _______ ________ shall beconsulted to determine the severity of disciplinary action to be taken.
Human Resources Director
Disciplinary action may range from a _______ ________ to termination.
verbal counseling
Any appeal will be made in accordance with the established _______ of _______ __________.
City of Glendale procedures
Training shall be periodically conducted on the topic of _________ ___________ and attendance is mandatory for all employees.
prohibited harassment
Violent behaviors include, but are not limited to:
- Causing physical injury to another person.- Making threatening remarks on the City of Glendale property, at City of Glendale events or under circumstances that may negatively impact the City of Glendale’s ability to conduct its business.- Intentionall
Any person involved in situations where they fearthat physical retaliation may take place, or where someone has made verbal threats of physical violence, should immediately report it to one ormore of the following City employees:
· Immediate supervisor· Any manager or supervisor within or outside the department· Department head· The Human Resources Director· The City Manager’s “Hotline”
What can employees obtain to protect themselves against indviduals in personal non criminal disputes
If the situation escalates, individualssometimes secure an “Order of Protection” or an“Injunction Against Harassment”.
Even in the case where an employee has not secured a court order but fears for his/her safety, the employee should notify the ________ _________ ___________and inform his/her supervisor immediately.
Glendale Police Department
If a employee brings forward any fears of threats that may affect the employee at work.The Human Resources Director, in conjunction with thedepartment head, assesses the need to form a ______ __________ ________.
Threat Assessment Team.
All personnel shall maintain and respect the confidentiality of the_________, its__________ and__________..
organization, its employees and citizens
The City reserves the right to request a competent______________ and or_________ ____________ for any employee who displays behavioral traits, or who engages in conversational topics which, in the judgment of management, suggest impending harm to others.
medical and/or psychological evaluation
what leave will the employee be placed on pending management review of written medical and/or psychological findings?
administrative leave with pay,
A member of the City’s _________ _________ ________ will be available to provide emergency assistance and support to an employee or employees who have been subject of physical and/or psychological violence in the workplace.
Victim Assistance staff
Training shall be periodically conducted on the topic of violence in the___________ workplace and attendance is for all employees.
Bomb threats can be received in a number of ways. They can come by.
phone, a message, or a third person
In bomb threats, the employee should try toascertain the answers to________ ______ _____ ______ and _____ and identify some of the characteristics of the caller.
who, what, when, where, and why,
If an employee receives a suspicious package or letter, he/she should handle it as little as possible and contact the ________ _______ _________ and his/her supervisor.
Glendale Police Department
The City upholds, promotes and demands the highest standards of________ from all of its employees.
employees should never use their City position or power.
for improper personal gain
All employees are expected to respect and comply with allfederal, state and local laws, including all_____ ______,_____,_________, ________ and___________
municipal policies, rules, regulations, directivesand procedures.
While on duty or __ _____ _______ , the possession, use, consumption, abuse,manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of alcohol, illegal drugs and unauthorizedcontrolled substances (including medical marijuana) is prohibited.
on City property
The presence of ______,_____or_______ drugsin an employee’s or other covered personnel’ssystem for NON-medical reasons is prohibited.
alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs
To comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act of?
All employees and other covered personnel with____-_______ duties arerequired to submit to alcohol and illegal drug testing in accordance with thisCity policy, and all State and Federal Regulations including
Safety-sensitive duties include any job designated by the City as safety-sensitiveor those duties performed by an employee or other covered personnel whoseimpaired job performance could pose a risk to _____, ________, or _______ _______ and _______
These duties for DOT safety-sensitive positions include, but are not limited to:
a. Operating a revenue service vehicle, including when it is not in revenueservice. (CDL-FTA)b. Operating a NON-revenue service vehicle, when required to be operatedby a holder of a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL-FMCSA).c. Controlling dispatch or movement of a revenue service vehicle.(CDLFTA)d. Maintaining a revenue service vehicle or equipment used in revenueservice. (CDL-FTA)e. Carrying a firearm for security purposes. (CDL-FTA)
These duties for other NON-DOT safety-sensitive positions include:
- Operating a motor vehicle, other vehicle, equipment, machinery, or powertools.2. Repairing, maintaining, or monitoring the performance or operation ofequipment, machinery, or manufacturing processes where themalfunction or disruption could result in injury or property damage.3. Performing duties on the premises of a customer, supplier, or vendor(A.R.S. 36-498)
_________ ______ ___________personnel are subject to the provisions of AZPOST(Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board) in accordance with theArizona Administrative Code, Title 13, Public Safety.
Sworn law enforcement
Employees and other covered personnel normally performing NON-safetysensitive duties who are directed to perform safety-sensitive duties in anemergency situation are not required to be tested in accordance with the DOT regulations. (TorF)
All questions concerning the City’s Drug, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy may be directed to the?
Human Resources Executive Director or designee.
According to these City policies andprocedures, any employee or other covered personnel who violates this sectionof the policy and procedures shall be deemed to have committed a _________ _________ _______
major performance deficiency
After a arrest or conviction of a violation that happened while on duty, the employee has_____ days to notify a supervisor.
If the employee works for a federaly funded division in the City, that division has _____ days to notify the federal agency of a conviction.
Examples of refusal include, but are not limited to:
a. failure to provide an adequate breath or urine sampleb. insufficient volume without valid medical explanationc. tampering, adulterating, or substituting a specimend. failing to appear within a reasonable timee. leaving the scene of an accident without just cause prior to submitting to atestf. leaving a collection facility prior to test completiong. failing to permit an observed or monitored collection when requiredh. failing to take a second test when requiredi. failing to undergo a medical examination when requiredj. failing to cooperate with any part of the testing processk. failing to sign the alcohol test forml. an MRO (Medical Review Officer) verified adulterated/substitutedsample, orm. once test is underway, failing to remain at site and provide a specimen*
In order to maintain a drug free work environment, the City will conduct the following categories of tests:
a. Pre-employmentb. Randomc. Reasonable suspiciond. Post-accidente. Return to dutyf. Follow up
The Breath Alcohol Test (BAT) shall be administered in accordance with________ ______ for DOT- FMCSA and DOT- FTA for determiningblood/alcohol levels
federal regulations
The ______ _______Test will be utilized in accordance with federal regulationsfor DOT-FMCSA, DOT-FTA, and for NON-DOT safety-sensitive employeesand other covered personnel.
Urine Sample
Urine Sample test shall be utilized) to test forthe following drugs (or their metabolites):
a. Marijuanab. Cocainec. Opiatesd. Phencyclidine (PCP)e. Amphetamines
Candidates for employment or reassignment may be tested for alcohol and/or illegal drugs and other controlled substances as part of a ___-________ _______ _______.
pre-employment background check.
When a drug test is requiredfor a position, candidates have ____ hrs after being offedthe job to take a drug test.
NON- safety employees may test positive in drug test if they posses a __________ _________ ______
medical marijuana card
Employees and other covered personnel with _______-_________duties shall be subject to random testing for alcohol and/or illegal drugs and controlled substances as outlined by federal regulations.
Any Employee regulated by DOT-FTA that has been removed from the random selection pool for more then ___ days must complete a drug test before returning to work in a safety sensitve positon.
Any Employee regulated by DOT-FMCSA that has been removed from the random selection pool for more then ___ days must complete a drug test before returning to work in a saftey sensitive position.
Any Employee in a NON-DOT positionthat has been removed from the random selection pool for more then ___ days must complete a drug test before returning to work in a safety sensitive position.
A ________ ________ selection method is used to select safety-sensitive employees and other covered personnel for random testing.
computer based
_________ ___________shall beunannounced, performed just before; while or just after the employee and other covered personnel perform their duties.
Random testing
For resonable suspision test, who must observe the employee with concerning the appearance, behavior, speech, or body odors of the employee?
A supervisor(s) or other company official(s) who is trained in detecting the signs and symptoms
For all other employees and covered personnel, “impairment” includes symptoms that may decrease or lessen the employee’sperformance and include:
speech, walking, standing, physical dexterity, agility, coordination, actions, movement, demeanor, appearance, clothing, odor, irrational or unusual behavior, negligence or carelessness in operating equipment or machinery, disregard for safety of self or others
Employees and other covered personnel whoknowingly leave the scene of an accident before a test has been administered shall be deemed to have knowingly refused to submit to the test and subject to termination. (TorF)
Any Employee that is involved in a accident that involves serious injuries or loss of life should be tested when?
As soon as practible
Any Employee that is involved in a accident that does not involve serious injuries or loss of life should be tested?
only if resonable suspision
After successful completion of a ______ or city approved program and a passed drug test. employees may return to work.
Any employee or other covered personnel having passed a return to duty test, shall be subject to unannounced follow up testing for alcohol and/or illegal drugs and controlled substances which shallconsist of at least ____tests during the first_____ months following return to duty,
6, 12
Random test after retuning to work on a cosistant basis shall not continue for more than_____months after retuning to work.
The results of drug and alcohol tests shall be kept confidential and shall only be released to the?
Human Resources Executive Director or designee
If a test is verified positive, the employee has ____ hrs to request a reanalysis of the original urine specimen or a test of the split specimen.
Any employee that has a drug or achohol issue and have not resulted in, and are not the immediate subject of disciplinary action may participate in?
City’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or other similar City approved programs.
Can employees who come forward with drug or achohol problems be subject to disciplinary action?
The employee that comes forward with a drug or achohol issue shall sign an agreement with the Cityagreeing to all of the following actions:
a. Continued serious participation in the EAP or similar City approved program and any prescribed rehabilitation.b. Submit to return to duty and unannounced follow up testing at any time.c. Be discharged if he/she refuses to test, tests positive for alcohol, illegal drugs or other controlled substances, withdraws from the EAP or similarCity approved program and prescribed rehabilitation, or fails to successfully complete the EAP or similar City approved program andprescribed rehabilitation.
Who is responsible for advising employees of the availability of the City’s EAP
Whos responibility is it to determine if a medication a employee is taking can affect the perfomance and safety of the employee or those around them after consulting with the H.R. director?
The supervisor
The City’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers:
confidential counseling,assessment, and case management and, in appropriate circumstances, shall makereferrals to other agencies or persons to assist in substance abuse treatmentand/or related problems
Records relative to counseling and substance abuse treatment shall be confidential except?
those records which the Employee Benefits Office may require to administer insurance claims for such treatment.
Prior to any employee or other covered personnel being assigned to safetysensitiveduties, the employee and other covered personnel shall receive___ minutes of training, and the supervisor shall receive ____ minutes of training, inaccordance with state and federal regulations
Who shall retain all records relating to these procedures and shall prepare annual reports and certifications as required by state and federal regulations?
The Human Resources Executive Director or designee
__ __________ or relative of an employeeshall have a financial interest in any sale to the City of land, materials, supplies, equipmentor services, unless the sale complies with the bidding requirements of the conflict ofinterest statutes of the State of Arizona
No employee
Contracts or sales made by a person or entity withknowledge, express or implied, of a violation of this section shall be voidable by the ______ ____________.
Any employee of the City who has, or whose relative has, a substantial interestin any contract with, sale to, purchase from, or service to the City shall notifythe employee’s ____________ _________ or _______ ____ ___________.
department head or Deputy City Manager.
The department heador Deputy City Manager shall require the employee to file a notice of suchinterest with the _______ ________ and a copy of such notice with the _______ ___________.
City Clerk, City Attorney
Any employee of the City who has, or whose relative has, a ___________ ___________in any decision or action of the City, other than as an employee, shall notify theemployee’s department head or Deputy City Manager
substantial interest
No employee of the City, or relative of an employee, shall supply to the Cityequipment, material, supplies or services, unless pursuant to an award of acontract after a public ____________ ______. A request for proposals or quotes shallnot be considered a competitive bid.
competitive bid
The_______ ______ or _______ _____ _________ shall also establish procedures toensure the employee does not participate in any manner in such decision.
department head, Deputy City Manager
No employee, or former employee who has left employment within thepreceding ________ months, may represent another person for compensationbefore the City Council or any Board or Commission of the City concerning anymatter with which such former officer or employee was directly concerned, andin which he/she personally participated during his/her employment or service.
During the period of employment with the City and for _____ years thereafter, noemployee shall disclose or use for the employee’s personal profit, withoutappropriate authorization, any information acquired by the employee in thecourse of the employee’s official duties which information has been clearlydesigned by the employer as confidential or which is declared confidential bylaw.
____ _________ may use, or attempt to use, the employee’s position with the Cityto secure from any person any valuable thing or valuable benefit for theemployee to which the employee would not ordinarily be entitled for theperformance of the employee’s duties with the City.
No employee
No employee may receive or agree to receive, directly or indirectly,______________ other than the employee’s salary from the City for any servicesrendered, or to be rendered, by the employee which is within the employee’sduties as a City employee.
Any employee found guilty of any violation of this procedure shall be subject topunitive disciplinary actions up to and including ______________.
Any violation of this procedure with the knowledge, expressed or implied, ofthe person, corporation or other entity contracting with the City shall render thecontract _____________ by the City.
This directive shall be construed in compliance with the conflict of intereststatutes contained in the Arizona Revised Statutes, A.R.S. Sec. ___-_____, et. seq.
___ _________ shall accept as an individual any fee, gift, discount, entertainment or othervaluable item in the course of performing the duties of his/her position
No employee
Unless otherwiseprohibited by the individual department, employees, offices, and departments may acceptsuch items as candy, cake, cookies, lunches, or other items, of _________ value which areintended to be complimentary or appreciative in nature, and shared with the entire workgroup.
Except as otherwise provided herein, ______ _________, or their __________ ____________,shall not accept gifts, gratuities and favors from any person, business,organization or group conducting business with the City. Further, no Cityemployee shall accept compensation or pay from any person for performing aservice or function for which the employee is already compensated by the Cityto perform.
City employees, family members
Tickets to athletic events, golfcourse greens fees, trips or travel opportunities, discounts for trips or travel are all a non-inclusive list of gifts or favors that employees are _____ permitted to accept.
Gifts intended for an entire work group, division or department (such as abasket of fruit, cookies, candy, etc.) may be accepted provided the gift is sent tothe work group, division or department for all members of the group, division ordepartment, and the _____________ _______ approves acceptance of the gift before anydistributions are made to employees.
department head
Promotional items for a business, organization or group may be acceptedprovided the item is the type (such as pens, calendars, t-shirts, etc.) prepared fordistribution to the ____________ __________.
general public.
Meals at which City business is conducted or discussed _______ be paid for by abusiness partner of the City provided the value of the meal is ____________. A“business partner of the City” shall be considered any person, group ororganization with which the City has entered into a relationship, or may in thefuture enter into a relationship, which will benefit the City. A “business partner of the City” does not include any person, group or organization regulated by theCity or whose work or activities are subject to inspection or supervision by theCity.
may, reasonable
All fulltimeand parttimeregular status employees and all grant fundedemployees are ____________ employees.
Every employee isresponsible for correcting any ____________ in his or her performance.
_______________ are responsible for maintaining and applying knowledge of City policies,as well as identifying, evaluating, and instituting measures to correct performancedeficiencies.
Supervisors are expected to utilize the following prevention strategies:
- Communicate and explain the City’s expected performance and behavioralstandards.2. Provide employees training, recognition, and feedback on performancestandards.3. Conduct periodic performance reviews and appraisals.4. Communicate and explain the City’s Disciplinary System.5. Apply disciplinary measures.
Discipline shall be based on “_____ ________”.
just cause
Just cause for disciplinary action shall bedefined as ___________ ____________ which include, but are not limited to, neglect of or failure to perform assigned job duties, interference with other employees’ efforts toperform their assigned job duties, violation of federal, state or local laws, andviolation of City and departmental policies, procedures, regulations and directives.
performance deficiencies
When determining the appropriate disciplinary action, the supervisor shouldconsider the individual circumstances of the situation including, but not limited to, thefollowing factors:
- Seriousness and consequences of the performance deficiency2. Consistent organizational practices3. Employee’s previous work performance4. Employee’s previous disciplinary action for performance deficiencies5. The disciplinary action that would be most effective in correcting theemployee’s performance deficiency.
Disciplinary performance deficiencies fall into two categories, __________ deficienciesand __________ deficiencies
serious, major
The disciplinary actiontaken should be appropriate to the _________ of the performance deficiency, its_________, and its ________________.
severity, frequency, consequences
These are acts not involving any question of trust or honesty. They do not posea threat to the orderly City operations and they do not endanger the health,welfare, or safety of employees or other individuals. These deficiencies shouldnormally be handled through corrective disciplinary actions.
Serious deficiencies
A punitive disciplinary action need not necessarilybe preceded by ____________ action.
Examples of serious deficiencies are:
Minor Insubordinationo Disrespect toward supervisory or other authorityo Disorderly conduct causing disruption of work unit or tasko Disregard, omission or neglect of duties· Instances of tardiness or unexcused absenteeism or failure to report to work· Abuse of meal or rest periods· Out of required uniform· Improper dress or untidiness in person, clothing or work habits· Minor job performance deficiencies
These acts involve questions of trust or honesty, constitute a threat to theorderly City operations or pose a threat to the health, welfare or safety ofemployees or other individuals. __________ deficiencies should normally be handledthrough punitive disciplinary actions.
Examples of major deficiencies are:
· Continued performance deficiencies after previous disciplinary action· Major Insubordinationo Disobedience or refusal to obey a reasonable order or directiono Neglect or carelessness resulting in injury or damageo Promoting work unit insubordinationo Continued incidents of minor insubordination· Conduct unbecoming of a City employeeo Abusive attitude, language or conduct, toward employees or the publico Abuse of authority over employees or the publico On or off duty conduct which may bring discredit to employees of theCity· Violation of safety laws, regulations, or guidelines· Negligence or careless job performance· Negligence with, or loss of, City property or equipment· Misuse or inappropriate use of electronic communication system ornetworks, i.e., internet, saving or forwarding inappropriate materials on thenetwork, or other similar activities· Violation of equal employment opportunity laws, policy, procedures,regulations and directives· Participation in City political activities, other than expressing a privateopinion, signing a petition or voting· Retaliation against another employee for bringing illegal activities to light(“whistle blowing”)· Conduct involving dishonesty or untruthfulness· Willful and unauthorized removal and control of property belonging to, orin possession of, the City, an employee, or the public· Misappropriation, theft or conversion of property belonging to, or in thepossession of, the City, an employee, or the public· Unauthorized possession, use, consumption, abuse, manufacture,distribution, ordispensing of alcohol, illegal drugs, or other substanceswhile on duty, during the scheduled work day or on City propertyBeing under the influence of alcohol, or illegal drugs, or other substanceswhile on duty, or during the scheduled work day· Unauthorized physical restraint or contact, or verbal or physical attack uponanother employee or any other person or the attempt to do so, while onduty, or during the scheduled work day· Willful, knowing, or reckless falsification or omission of records, reports,forms, information, or any other document submitted by an employee· Conduct which is a violation of public policy or trust, or is corrupt· Criminal activity which jeopardizes effective or efficient business practicesor poses a threat to the safety or security of persons or property· Disclosure of confidential information that is either defined by laws asconfidential or is designated confidential by the City· Improper use of position, character or confidential information for personalbenefit (the benefit may be financial or any other benefit) or for the benefitof others· Conduct, which is a conflict of interest or a conflict in the performance ofduties· Preferential treatment of individuals or firms· Unauthorized display or discharge of firearms, deadly weapons, dangerousinstruments, or harmful weapons while on duty or while on the work site, atany time· Abandonment of one’s position for three (3) or more consecutive workdays
Abandonment of one’s position for _______ consecutive workdays is a major deficiency.
These actions are intended to correct, prevent, and document seriousdeficiencies.
Corrective Actions
What are the four types of corrective action?
Counseling and/or Memo of Expectation, Memo of Correction, Written Reprimand, Employee Decision Making Leave With Pay
A discussion to explain an actual performance deficiency and emphasizingexpected standards followed by a written documentation of the verbal____________ _____ ________ __ ______________.
Counseling and/or Memo of Expectation
A written notice requiring the need for immediate and sustainedimprovement in performance to expected standards.
Memo of Correction
A written notice to an employee stating that a performance deficiencyexists or that a violation of work rules has taken place. The contents of thenotice must be explained to the employee in an interview. A writtenreprimand is appropriate when a number of related or unrelatedperformance deficiencies have occurred or when previous correctiveactions have not been effective or when a violation of rules, policies,and/or directives has occurred.
Written Reprimand
The employee shall be instructed to make a decision during this “decisionmaking”leave on whether he or she will correct each performancedeficiency and meet the City’s expected standards, as described in theemployee’s Performance Management Core Competency and GoalReview Plan. The employee shall be instructed that upon return, he or shemust tell the supervisor whether the employee will meet the expectedstandards or leave the City’s employment. This leave shall not exceed one(1) working day.
Employee Decision Making Leave With Pay
Employee decision making leave with pay shall not exceed _____ day.
Memo of Correction, Written Reprimand, and Decision Making LeaveWith Pay shall include:
a. Reason for the corrective action reflecting each performance deficiencyand its impact upon the City, its employees or the publicb. Reference to any prior corrective or disciplinary actionsc. The expected performance standard and a time frame for achieving thestandardd. A general indication of the consequences if there is not immediate andsustained improvement
The written reprimand and decisionmakingleavewith pay shall be approved and signed by the ___________ ______ or designee.
department head
The immediate supervisor or department head may implement ___________, amemo of __________ or memo of _________. They do not require thedepartment head’s signature.
counseling, expectation, correction.
The written documentation of the verbal counseling and Memo ofExpectations shall be placed in the employee’s department ______ and a ______shall be given to the employee
file, copy
The memo of correction, written reprimand, and the decision making leavewith pay shall be placed in the employee’s department file. Additionalcopies shall be given to the employee and the __________ ______________ ______________or designee for the employee’s official personnel file.
Human Resources Director
Records of these actions may be removed from the employee’s officialpersonnel file if sustained performance/behavior improvement has beenobserved for ________ year after the action.
one (1)
The purging of a correctivedocument is not automatic and requires the _____________ ________ approval
department head’s
It is the ____________ responsibility to request, in writing to the departmenthead, removal after one year.
The purging of corrective documents from an employees personnel file will be done after consultation betweenthe __________ __________ and ___________ ___________ ____________, or designee.
department head, Director of Human Resources
Corrective actions do ____ require a notice of intent, are ______ appealable to thePersonnel Board, and are _____ grievable under the City’s grievance procedure.
not, not, not
Upon receipt of the corrective action, employees have _____________ calendar days torespond in writing. The response will then become part of the action.
ten (10)
These actions are intended to record, discipline and/or correct majorperformance deficiencies.
Punitive Disciplinary Actions
The four types of punitive action are:
Suspension Without Pay, Involuntary Demotions, Disciplinary Probation, Termination
This action may be taken for major deficiencies to permit the employeeand the City to evaluate the future course of the employment relationship.
Suspension Without Pay
Exempt and nonexemptemployees may be suspended without pay for aminimum of ______ hours. No suspension without pay shall exceed__________ working days or ____________ working hours.
eight (8), forty (40), three hundred twenty (320)
_____________ ______________ is the placement of an employee, as a result ofa disciplinary action or performance deficiency, in a classificationassigned a lower pay range.
Involuntary Demotions
This action may be taken for anemployee who is unwilling or unable to perform his or her assignedduties at expected performance standards or is able to perform theassigned duties of a lower classified job at expected performancestandards.
Involuntary Demotions
Concerning involuntary demotion, The employee shall be placed in the new classification range andtheir salary shall be reduced by ____%. Their salary shall not exceedthe ________ rate nor be lower than the ___________ rate for the newlower pay range. In the event a 5 % reduction results in the newsalary exceeding the range maximum, the employee’s salary will befurther ________ to the range maximum of the new lower pay range.
5%, maximum, minimum, reduced
This measure will return the employee from regular to probationarystatus. It may be assessed against an employee for serious or majorperformance deficiencies that have not been corrected after otherdisciplinary measures have been implemented. It may also beassessed against an employee for major performance deficienciesregardless of prior discipline.
Disciplinary Probation
The disciplinary probation period shall be for _______ months.
six (6)
Theemployee’s ____________ ______, in consultation with the ________ __________ _________, may adjust this disciplinary probation period as may be reasonably warranted.
department head, HumanResources Director
There is no __________ that disciplinary probation be used in any specific situation or that it be implemented prior to any disciplinarymeasures, including termination, when other measures are deemed more appropriate.
During the probation period, the employee’s performance orbehavior shall be closely ____________ in an effort to effectimprovement or change and to assure that the performance orbehavior leading to the discipline is not repeated.
As with allprobationary employees, an employee on disciplinary probation is anatwillemployee and may be ___________ for any reason, regardless ofthe cause and without any recourse to grievance or appealprocedures.
Therefore, if any new problems or performancedeficiencies arise during a disciplinary probation period, regardlessof their relationship to the circumstances that gave rise to theassessment of disciplinary probation, __________ or other disciplinemay be assessed without any recourse to grievance or appealprocedures.
_______________ is the permanent involuntary separation of an employee fromemployment as a disciplinary measure.
A department head, designee, or higher authority shall take ____________ actions.
The __________ ___________ _________ or designee shall review all punitive disciplinaryactions, before they are served on the employee.
Human Resources Director
Punitive disciplinary actions, require notice of ________ and opportunity forthe employee to respond to the charges prior to taking the intendedpunitive disciplinary action.
All intended punitive disciplinary action shallbe written and presented to the employee. The notice shall include:
1 Notice of intended disciplinary action.2 Reasons for the action, including a statement of the particular facts,which evidence each performance deficiency, and identification ofeach performance deficiency.3 A list of exhibits and witnesses supporting the statement of facts.4 A notice to the employee of his or her option to respond to thedepartment head, verbally or in writing, challenging the intendedaction, within seven (7) calendar days of the date of the notice ofintent
An employee must challenge the intended action to their department head within ____________ calendar days of the notice of intent.
After consideration of any employee response to a Notice of Intent, anddecision to effect the action, a Notice of ___________ ___________________ shall bewritten and presented to the employee.
Disciplinary Action
Notice of Disciplinary Action shall include:
1 Notice of the effective date of the action.2 Reasons for the action, including a statement of the particular facts,which evidence each performance deficiency, and identification ofeach performance deficiency.3 A list of exhibits and witnesses supporting the statement of facts notpreviously provided in the Intent document.4 A notice to the employee of his or her right to appeal the action tothe City’s Personnel Board, by submitting a request in writing to theHuman Resources Director within fourteen (14) calendar days ofreceipt of the notice of disciplinary action.
An employee can appeal a notice of disciplinary action by submitting an appeal letter to the __________ __________ ____________ within _____ calendar days of receipt of the notice of disciplinary action.
Human resources director, 14
Represented employees who choose to respond to a disciplinary actionmay have a ______________ present during their meeting with thedepartment head. The representative shall act only as an ______________.
representative, observer
Unlessagreed to by the department head, in consultation with the HumanResources Director, the representative shall be from the City and shall notbe an _______________.
The department head or designee shallpresent a copy of all notices of punitive disciplinary action to theemployee, and forward the __________ ___________ to the Human ResourcesDirector for the employee’s official personnel file
signed original
Records of these punitive disciplinary actions may be removed from the employee’s file ifsustained performance/behavior improvement has been observed for ___________ years after the disciplinary action.
The purging of a punitivedisciplinary document is not automatic and requires the ____________ ___________approval
department head’s
It is the employee’s responsibility to request, in writing to thedepartment head, removal after _______ years. This will be done afterconsultation between the ___________ ______ and ___________ ____________ _________ or designee.
five (5), department head, Director of HumanResources
Suspensions without pay, involuntary demotions, disciplinary probation,and terminations are appealable to the ___________ ___________ in compliance withthe employee’s due process rights.
Personnel Board
The employee may file a written notice of appeal with the HumanResources Director within ____________ calendar days of receipt of thedisciplinary action. Failure of the disciplined employee to file a writtennotice of appeal within the designated time will serve as a waiver of allfurther procedural due process rights, including the right to a hearingrelative to the disciplinary action.
fourteen (14)
Within __________ calendar days of the receipt of notice of appeal, theHuman Resources Director or designee shall set the date of the PersonnelBoard Hearing. This hearing date shall be within a reasonable time fromthe receipt of the notice of appeal and will not exceed _____________ calendar days from the notice of appeal unless an extension isgranted by the Human Resources Director or designee for good cause.
thirty (30), one hundred twenty(120)
_____________ appeal hearings may supersede previously scheduled hearingsof a lesser magnitude.
At the punitive action hearing, the employee must appear personally and may produceevidence. Legal counsel may represent the employee, provided theemployee or legal counsel notifies the Human Resources Director of suchrepresentation not less than _________ calendar days prior to thehearing.
fourteen (14)
The ____________ Board Hearing will be conducted in accordance with thePersonnel Board Process and Procedures.
The case for the disciplinary action shall be presented by the ______ ___________ _______ if counsel represents the employee. If counsel does notrepresent the employee, the City Attorney’s Office shall serve as advisorto the ___________ _________ or designee, who shall present the City’sjustification for taking the disciplinary action.
CityAttorney’s Office, department head
The hearing shall be ____________, intended to be nonadversarial,and is notbound by formal rules of evidence.
The Chair of the Personnel Board or designee may grant ________________ ofthe hearing only for good cause shown and only one continuance will begranted per party. Continuance requests shall be received by thePersonnel Board Chair or designee no later than __________ calendar daysprior to commencement of the hearing.
continuance, seven (7)
A record of the disciplinary action shall be included in the ___________ of thehearing.
The order of proof in any hearing shall begin with the _______ presentingevidence supporting the actions, followed by the ____________ production ofevidence in his or her defense, and shall end with rebuttal by the __________
City, employee’s, City
The employee or the employee’s attorney may request the PersonnelBoard to require other employees to attend and testify at the hearing. Anysuch request must be submitted in writing to the Human ResourcesDirector no later than ______________ calendar days prior to thecommencement of the hearing. The request must identify the employeesrequested to attend and a statement as to the substance and relevancy ofthe information or testimony to be solicited from each individualemployee. The Chair of the Personnel Board shall be provided with allsuch requests and shall have the authority to order any employee who mayhave relevant information to attend the hearing and testify.
fourteen (14)
The employee or the employee’s attorney may request the City to producedocuments other than those provided to the employee in the notice ofintent to take disciplinary action or the notice of the disciplinary action.Any such request must be submitted in writing to the Human ResourcesDirector no later than ___________ calendar days prior to thecommencement of the hearing. The request must identify with specificity the documents requested and contain a statement as to the substance andrelevancy of each such document requested.
The City may object to the production of any document requested by filinga written objection with the Human Resources Director not more than______________ calendar days after the receipt of the request from theemployee or the employee’s attorney. The Chair of the Personnel Boardshall be provided with all such requests and objections to such requests,and shall have the authority to order the production of relevant documentsrequested by the employee or the employee’s attorney.
fourteen (14)
In any hearing conducted, the Personnel Board may require any employeeof the city to attend and produce evidence. Refusal of an employee toattend and produce evidence upon an order of the appointing authority, thePersonnel Board, or the Human Resources Director, shall subject theemployee to ____________ __________. During any investigation or hearing,testimony shall be presented under oath or affirmation, and will be heldconfidential by all parties.
disciplinary action.
Following the hearing, the Personnel Board’s recommendation shall be reportedto the _______ ___________. In cases wherein the Board does not sustain thedisciplinary action, the Board’s finding and recommendations shall be advisoryin nature, and the City Manager may affirm the original action, modify it, ormodify it pursuant to the Board’s recommendations. The employee’s officialpersonnel file shall reflect only the ________ action.
City Manager, City Manager, final