401 Flashcards
The Employee Assistance Program offers access to
confidential counseling and referral services to assist you or members of your family in handling problems related to work, personal relationships, finances, drug and alcohol problems, or
other life concerns.
Any person who believes that he/she or a specific class of individuals has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of a disability by the City, or has a request for a reasonable accommodation, may file
the complaint/request in writing with any of the following City employees:
A supervisor’s primary responsibility is to assure that
quality customer services are provided through effective, efficient and satisfactory job
Eligibility Requirements for Education Assistance
a. Academic credit hours are earned for the course(s)
b. The academic institution and program are accredited
c. Courses are directly related to employee’s current job or career field
within the City
d. Courses taken to complete a G.E.D
e. Courses taken for a certification program which result in (or are converted
to) college credit
f. Course work that is required for a degree in a curriculum program and is
g. Courses taken for an academic grade (Pass/fail credit may be approved if
an academic grade (A-F) is not available)
h. Undergraduate courses completed with a grade of “C” or better.
i. Graduate courses completed with a grade of “B” or better.
Employees are required to submit an “Education Assistance Application” form to the Human Resources Department
prior to the beginning of the course.
There is an allocated amount of funding for the Educational Assistance Fund in the annual budget as approved by the City Council. Due to the financial limitations of the program, it is required
that employees request and receive written approval of classes from Human Resources prior to the begin date of the class.
All required documentation for assistance must be submitted to Human Resources within
60 days following the end of the college course to be eligible for reimbursement.
Employees who are injured on the job shall:
- Report all injuries to their supervisor as soon as possible, but no later than the beginning of their next regularly scheduled work shift. The employee
may go, or be directed by their supervisor, to the Occupational Health Nurse for medical treatment or medical referral.
2.. Provide the City’s Occupational Health Nurse with the name, address, and phone number of their treating physician as well as complete a “Medical
Information Release” form, if the employee chooses to go directly to a medical facility for treatment. If the employee chooses to seek medical
treatment providing this information and filling out the Medical Release Form is to be done as soon as possible, but no later than the beginning of
the employee’s next regularly scheduled shift.
- Schedule his/her medical appointments as best fits medical necessity and
least disrupts City operations. - Request at each doctor’s visit a work status report, which states specific work restrictions, if any, and the date/time of the next appointment. The
form is to be given to the supervisor and the Occupational Health Nurse. - Accept modified duty as offered by the City of Glendale in accordance with the “Industrial Injuries Modified Duty Program.”
- Notify the COG Workers’ Compensation Claims Analyst, of eligibility for all disability income including Social Security Disability Benefits.
Leave for preventive care or to care for an ill or injured immediate family member may be charged to sick leave. The City may, in its discretion, require a doctor’s verification of the need for leave to care for an ill or injured immediate family member. The length of leave to care for an immediate family member shall be limited to the leave time permitted under the .
Family Medical Leave Act
An employee who has exhausted accrued sick leave may request to use accrued
vacation time if leave is still necessary (as determined by doctor verification) and the total leave time has not exceeded the time permitted under the Family Medical Leave Act.
All regular status full-time and temporary employees accrue annual vacation
leave on a per-hour-paid basis as outlined below:
Years of Service Non-Exempt Employee Exempt Employee
0-5 years .046125 .057750
5-10 years .057750 .069250
10+ years .080750 .080750
The Vacation Accrual Limits Are As Follows:
320 Hours For 40 Hour Per Week Employees 340 Hours For 48 Hour Per Week Employees 416 Hours For 52 Hour Per Week Employees 240 Hours For 30 Hour Per Week Employees 160 Hours For 20 Hour Per Week Employees
Vacation leave may be donated to other employees who may be in need and have no
remaining sick leave, vacation leave, and compensatory time accruals, and exceptional disability leave.
the employee donating their vacation time must have at least .
40 hours remaining after the donation
Every full-time, regular status employee who has completed one (1) full year of service shall be allowed
20 hours education leave with pay per calendar year.
In recognition of the mutual benefit to the city, our constituents and our employees, the City of Glendale will provide a citywide total of__________of paid release time per fiscal year for employees to draw upon for the purpose of performing civic, community and work-related duties.
2000 hours
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides certain employees with up to
12 workweeks of job-protected leave a year.
FMLA is provided by the City in accordance with the U.S. Department of Labor Code,
Title 29, Chapter V, Part 825.
Leave may be granted for the following reasons:
An eligible employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered service member who is recovering from a serious
illness or injury sustained in the line of duty on active duty is entitled to up to 26 weeks of leave in a single 12-month period to care for the
service member. During this single 12-month period, an eligible employee is entitled to a combined total of 26 weeks of all types of
FMLA leave.
Departments Supervisors responsibilities for FMLA leave
Supervisors shall verify employee eligibility when the employee requests leave. Supervisors shall forward a Personnel Action Form and any
additional information to the Human Resources Department.
Holiday Leave
January 1, “New Year’s Day”
Third Monday in January, “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day”
Third Monday in February, “President’s Day”
March 31, “Cesar Estrada Chavez Day”, non-paid holiday
Last Monday in May, “Memorial Day”
July 4, “Independence Day”
First Monday in September, “Labor Day”
Second Monday in October, “Columbus Day”
November 11, “Veterans Day”
Fourth Thursday in November, “Thanksgiving
Fourth Friday in November, “Day after Thanksgiving Day”
Christmas Eve - 1/2 Day
December 25, “Christmas Day”
Upon the death of an employee’s immediate family member, all regular status employees in active pay status shall receive up to 40 hours of bereavement
leave, or fifty-two (52) hours for 52 hour per week employees. “Immediate” family member is defined as an employee’s:
a. Father (step)
b. Mother (step)
c. Spouse
d. Child (step)
e. Brother
f. Sister
g. A member of the immediate household (defined as someone, other than a
boarder, living in your home)
h. A partner in an espoused relationship (as defined in the City’s Nepotism
i. Spouse, parent (or a person standing in place of a parent), parent-in-law,
sibling or child
Up to twenty-four (24) hours, 31.2 hours for 52 hour per week employees, of bereavement leave may be granted for the death of the following:
a. Grandparent, grandchild and stepfamily.
b. For these relationships, an additional sixteen (16) hours of bereavement
leave may be granted if out-of-state travel is required, 20.8 hours for 52
hour per week employees.
Regular status employees who have completed one (1) full year of service may
be granted Sabbatical Leave for reasons not covered by other City policies and
procedures, up to a
maximum of 90 calendar days during their employment with the City.
Request for such leave must be made in writing to the employee’s department head, how long before?
six (6) months in advance in order to review the request and prepare for