505 Flashcards
While on duty or __ _____ _______ , the possession, use, consumption, abuse,manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of alcohol, illegal drugs and unauthorizedcontrolled substances (including medical marijuana) is prohibited.
on City property
The presence of ______,_____or_______ drugsin an employee’s or other covered personnel’ssystem for NON-medical reasons is prohibited.
alcohol, illegal or prescription drugs
To comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act of?
All employees and other covered personnel with____-_______ duties arerequired to submit to alcohol and illegal drug testing in accordance with thisCity policy, and all State and Federal Regulations including
Safety-sensitive duties include any job designated by the City as safety-sensitiveor those duties performed by an employee or other covered personnel whoseimpaired job performance could pose a risk to _____, ________, or _______ _______ and _______
These duties for DOT safety-sensitive positions include, but are not limited to:
a. Operating a revenue service vehicle, including when it is not in revenueservice. (CDL-FTA)b. Operating a NON-revenue service vehicle, when required to be operatedby a holder of a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL-FMCSA).c. Controlling dispatch or movement of a revenue service vehicle.(CDLFTA)d. Maintaining a revenue service vehicle or equipment used in revenueservice. (CDL-FTA)e. Carrying a firearm for security purposes. (CDL-FTA)
These duties for other NON-DOT safety-sensitive positions include:
- Operating a motor vehicle, other vehicle, equipment, machinery, or powertools.2. Repairing, maintaining, or monitoring the performance or operation ofequipment, machinery, or manufacturing processes where themalfunction or disruption could result in injury or property damage.3. Performing duties on the premises of a customer, supplier, or vendor(A.R.S. 36-498)
_________ ______ ___________personnel are subject to the provisions of AZPOST(Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board) in accordance with theArizona Administrative Code, Title 13, Public Safety.
Sworn law enforcement
Employees and other covered personnel normally performing NON-safetysensitive duties who are directed to perform safety-sensitive duties in anemergency situation are not required to be tested in accordance with the DOT regulations. (TorF)
All questions concerning the City’s Drug, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy may be directed to the?
Human Resources Executive Director or designee.
According to these City policies andprocedures, any employee or other covered personnel who violates this sectionof the policy and procedures shall be deemed to have committed a _________ _________ _______
major performance deficiency
After a arrest or conviction of a violation that happened while on duty, the employee has_____ days to notify a supervisor.
If the employee works for a federaly funded division in the City, that division has _____ days to notify the federal agency of a conviction.
Examples of refusal include, but are not limited to:
a. failure to provide an adequate breath or urine sampleb. insufficient volume without valid medical explanationc. tampering, adulterating, or substituting a specimend. failing to appear within a reasonable timee. leaving the scene of an accident without just cause prior to submitting to atestf. leaving a collection facility prior to test completiong. failing to permit an observed or monitored collection when requiredh. failing to take a second test when requiredi. failing to undergo a medical examination when requiredj. failing to cooperate with any part of the testing processk. failing to sign the alcohol test forml. an MRO (Medical Review Officer) verified adulterated/substitutedsample, orm. once test is underway, failing to remain at site and provide a specimen*
In order to maintain a drug free work environment, the City will conduct the following categories of tests:
a. Pre-employmentb. Randomc. Reasonable suspiciond. Post-accidente. Return to dutyf. Follow up
The Breath Alcohol Test (BAT) shall be administered in accordance with________ ______ for DOT- FMCSA and DOT- FTA for determiningblood/alcohol levels
federal regulations
The ______ _______Test will be utilized in accordance with federal regulationsfor DOT-FMCSA, DOT-FTA, and for NON-DOT safety-sensitive employeesand other covered personnel.
Urine Sample
Urine Sample test shall be utilized) to test forthe following drugs (or their metabolites):
a. Marijuanab. Cocainec. Opiatesd. Phencyclidine (PCP)e. Amphetamines
Candidates for employment or reassignment may be tested for alcohol and/or illegal drugs and other controlled substances as part of a ___-________ _______ _______.
pre-employment background check.
When a drug test is requiredfor a position, candidates have ____ hrs after being offedthe job to take a drug test.
NON- safety employees may test positive in drug test if they posses a __________ _________ ______
medical marijuana card
Employees and other covered personnel with _______-_________duties shall be subject to random testing for alcohol and/or illegal drugs and controlled substances as outlined by federal regulations.
Any Employee regulated by DOT-FTA that has been removed from the random selection pool for more then ___ days must complete a drug test before returning to work in a safety sensitve positon.
Any Employee regulated by DOT-FMCSA that has been removed from the random selection pool for more then ___ days must complete a drug test before returning to work in a saftey sensitive position.
Any Employee in a NON-DOT positionthat has been removed from the random selection pool for more then ___ days must complete a drug test before returning to work in a safety sensitive position.
A ________ ________ selection method is used to select safety-sensitive employees and other covered personnel for random testing.
computer based
_________ ___________shall beunannounced, performed just before; while or just after the employee and other covered personnel perform their duties.
Random testing
For resonable suspision test, who must observe the employee with concerning the appearance, behavior, speech, or body odors of the employee?
A supervisor(s) or other company official(s) who is trained in detecting the signs and symptoms
For all other employees and covered personnel, “impairment” includes symptoms that may decrease or lessen the employee’sperformance and include:
speech, walking, standing, physical dexterity, agility, coordination, actions, movement, demeanor, appearance, clothing, odor, irrational or unusual behavior, negligence or carelessness in operating equipment or machinery, disregard for safety of self or others
Employees and other covered personnel whoknowingly leave the scene of an accident before a test has been administered shall be deemed to have knowingly refused to submit to the test and subject to termination. (TorF)
Any Employee that is involved in a accident that involves serious injuries or loss of life should be tested when?
As soon as practible
Any Employee that is involved in a accident that does not involve serious injuries or loss of life should be tested?
only if resonable suspision
After successful completion of a ______ or city approved program and a passed drug test. employees may return to work.
Any employee or other covered personnel having passed a return to duty test, shall be subject to unannounced follow up testing for alcohol and/or illegal drugs and controlled substances which shallconsist of at least ____tests during the first_____ months following return to duty,
6, 12
Random test after retuning to work on a cosistant basis shall not continue for more than_____months after retuning to work.
The results of drug and alcohol tests shall be kept confidential and shall only be released to the?
Human Resources Executive Director or designee
If a test is verified positive, the employee has ____ hrs to request a reanalysis of the original urine specimen or a test of the split specimen.
Any employee that has a drug or achohol issue and have not resulted in, and are not the immediate subject of disciplinary action may participate in?
City’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or other similar City approved programs.
Can employees who come forward with drug or achohol problems be subject to disciplinary action?
The employee that comes forward with a drug or achohol issue shall sign an agreement with the Cityagreeing to all of the following actions:
a. Continued serious participation in the EAP or similar City approved program and any prescribed rehabilitation.b. Submit to return to duty and unannounced follow up testing at any time.c. Be discharged if he/she refuses to test, tests positive for alcohol, illegal drugs or other controlled substances, withdraws from the EAP or similarCity approved program and prescribed rehabilitation, or fails to successfully complete the EAP or similar City approved program andprescribed rehabilitation.
Who is responsible for advising employees of the availability of the City’s EAP
Whos responibility is it to determine if a medication a employee is taking can affect the perfomance and safety of the employee or those around them after consulting with the H.R. director?
The supervisor
The City’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers:
confidential counseling,assessment, and case management and, in appropriate circumstances, shall makereferrals to other agencies or persons to assist in substance abuse treatmentand/or related problems
Records relative to counseling and substance abuse treatment shall be confidential except?
those records which the Employee Benefits Office may require to administer insurance claims for such treatment.
Prior to any employee or other covered personnel being assigned to safetysensitiveduties, the employee and other covered personnel shall receive___ minutes of training, and the supervisor shall receive ____ minutes of training, inaccordance with state and federal regulations
Who shall retain all records relating to these procedures and shall prepare annual reports and certifications as required by state and federal regulations?
The Human Resources Executive Director or designee