HR 503 Flashcards
The City of Glendale prohibits conduct which creates an___________,_______, or__________ work environment and is committed to providing an environment free of harassment andviolence.
intimidating, hostile, or offensive
__________ ___________has a responsibility to maintain a workplace free from harassment.
Each employee
Prohibited harassment includes, but is not limited to,_________ or ________ abuse of another whether physically, verbally orin writing.
intimidation or persistent
Employees who are determined to have harassed another person, in violation of the City’s policy and procedure, while pursuing a City activity, through City employment, or using City authority shall be subject to:
disciplinary action
Sexual Harassment defined
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Sexual Harassment is when one or more of the following situations occur:
Guidelines for identifying prohibited harassmentbehavior include, but are not limited to the following:
_________ ____________ is responsible for reporting to management if he/she is being subject to prohibited harassment or is witnessing acts of prohibited harassment.
Each employee
Each manager and supervisor to whom an act of prohibited harassment has been reported or who becomes aware of acts of prohibited harassment shall report it to the .
Human Resources Director
_____________ or _____________ are responsible for initiating and completing investigations of complaints under the direction of the Human Resources Director.
Department heads or designees
The ______ _______ ________shall direct department heads in theinvestigation of complaints and shall maintain a confidential file on all charges of prohibited harassment.
Human Resources Director
All personnel shall maintain confidentiality about complaints in order to protect the parties involved, and information shall not be shared with
anyone other than those involved in the investigation.
An employee who believes he or she has been harassed in violation of the City’s policy and procedure is encouraged to file a complaintas soon as possible after the prohibited harassment, with one or more of the following City employees:
· Immediate supervisor· Any manager or supervisor within or outside the department· Department head· The Human Resources Director· The City Manager’s “Hotline”
_________ and __________shall make available any employee forinterviews and present any documents required by the investigator.
Managers and supervisors
_____________ employees have a right to have a representative present.
the representative with the represented employee shall be from the City and shall not be an _________
At the conclusion of the interview, the _______ ____________ _________ is entitled to a period of time to consult with their representative, including an attorney, and make a statement not to exceed five (5) minutes addressingspecific facts or policies that are related to the interview.
Law Enforcement Officer
In accordance with A.R.S. § 381101, if the City reasonably believes an interview with a Law Enforcement Officer could result in , or__________,________,or_________ that Law Enforcement Officer shall be permitted reasonable breaks of limited duration during the interview to consult by telephone or in person, with others, including an attorney, who are immediately available.
dismissal,demotion or suspension,
The ___________ shall not include in the personnel file of a LawEnforcement Officer any information about an investigation until the investigation is complete or the employer has discontinued the investigation. If the Law Enforcement Officer has timely appealed adisciplinary action, the investigation is not complete until the conclusion of the appeal process.
The __________ _______ ________ shall beconsulted to determine the severity of disciplinary action to be taken.
Human Resources Director
Disciplinary action may range from a _______ ________ to termination.
verbal counseling
Any appeal will be made in accordance with the established _______ of _______ __________.
City of Glendale procedures
Training shall be periodically conducted on the topic of _________ ___________ and attendance is mandatory for all employees.
prohibited harassment
Violent behaviors include, but are not limited to:
- Causing physical injury to another person.- Making threatening remarks on the City of Glendale property, at City of Glendale events or under circumstances that may negatively impact the City of Glendale’s ability to conduct its business.- Intentionall
Any person involved in situations where they fearthat physical retaliation may take place, or where someone has made verbal threats of physical violence, should immediately report it to one ormore of the following City employees:
· Immediate supervisor· Any manager or supervisor within or outside the department· Department head· The Human Resources Director· The City Manager’s “Hotline”
What can employees obtain to protect themselves against indviduals in personal non criminal disputes
If the situation escalates, individualssometimes secure an “Order of Protection” or an“Injunction Against Harassment”.
Even in the case where an employee has not secured a court order but fears for his/her safety, the employee should notify the ________ _________ ___________and inform his/her supervisor immediately.
Glendale Police Department
If a employee brings forward any fears of threats that may affect the employee at work.The Human Resources Director, in conjunction with thedepartment head, assesses the need to form a ______ __________ ________.
Threat Assessment Team.
All personnel shall maintain and respect the confidentiality of the_________, its__________ and__________..
organization, its employees and citizens
The City reserves the right to request a competent______________ and or_________ ____________ for any employee who displays behavioral traits, or who engages in conversational topics which, in the judgment of management, suggest impending harm to others.
medical and/or psychological evaluation
what leave will the employee be placed on pending management review of written medical and/or psychological findings?
administrative leave with pay,
A member of the City’s _________ _________ ________ will be available to provide emergency assistance and support to an employee or employees who have been subject of physical and/or psychological violence in the workplace.
Victim Assistance staff
Training shall be periodically conducted on the topic of violence in the___________ workplace and attendance is for all employees.
Bomb threats can be received in a number of ways. They can come by.
phone, a message, or a third person
In bomb threats, the employee should try toascertain the answers to________ ______ _____ ______ and _____ and identify some of the characteristics of the caller.
who, what, when, where, and why,
If an employee receives a suspicious package or letter, he/she should handle it as little as possible and contact the ________ _______ _________ and his/her supervisor.
Glendale Police Department