HPM 90.1 Media Relations Manual Flashcards
The Office of Primary Interest (OPI) for CHP media relations is the ____
Office of Community Outreach and Media Relations (COMR).
All members of the Department are encouraged to cooperate fully with authorized news media in providing information to the public in which the public has a legitimate interest.
Personnel ____ discuss, with the news media, matters of a politically sensitive nature without approval from COMR.
shall not
Only ____ or above shall discuss personnel issues other than critical incidents such as shootings, collisions, etc. When in doubt about any public dissemination, coordinate with your commander for discussion or guidance.
The COMR provides Talking Points on various subjects for personnel to use when speaking on behalf of the Department at major incidents, community engagements, media events, or during press interviews. Talking Points are available on the ____. They are not intended for release to the public or media.
Department’s Intranet
Independent journalists or photographers should be credentialed through a recognized news organization. In the absence of credentials, independent members of the press _______ present acceptable photo identification and proof of their association with a media outlet source.
Sigalert. These are restricted to unplanned actual or impending events or circumstances which may cause a delay of _____. When any of these conditions exits, a Sigalert should be issued.
30 minutes or more to a large number of motorists
Traffic Advisory. These are _____ or situations of a continuing nature that may impact traffic for extended periods of times. When any of these conditions exist, a traffic advisory message should be issued.
pre-planned events
It is the responsibility of the commander to designate a Public Information Officer (PIO) and an alternate.
Commanders ____ make immediate notification of all significant incidents and newsworthy events, involving the Department, occurring in their commands to their appropriate sector Chief (including, but not limited to, those incidents listed in GO 100.80, Notification and Report of Emergencies and Unusual Occurrences). This is especially critical when a story may be carried by a media outlet. Commanders SHALL ensure supervisors, the Officer in Charge (OIC), PIOs, and communications centers understand the necessity of making timely notifications through the proper channels.
The attire for the PIO shall be the ______.
discretion of the commander
Utilization of the PIO during an emergency will relieve the field supervisor and Area commander of the burden of answering inquiries from the news media.
The death of a law enforcement member is both tragic and traumatic. The tragedy of the event can be softened through compassion and efficient handling. The foundation for such actions must be built on having a plan of action that is known and accessible to all supervisory personnel.
The most important thing to remember is that the media is not an adversary, rather an avenue for directly contacting the public. It is just as important to get a well-planned and accurate statement as it is to provide the media with the same.
Unfavorable or negative news stories are going to happen from time to time. In such situations, the Office of Community Outreach and Media Relations (COMR) ___ be immediately notified of the situation.