HPM 100.70- SSP Flashcards
The mission of the Safety Services Program (SSP) is to provide for the protection of life and property through the delivery of law enforcement services to state government.
Consistent with the mission of the CHP, the SSP was established and developed to provide for the administration of law enforcement services to state agencies. The Department will accomplish this by:
(1) Providing State Capitol security, dignitary protection, and Constitutional Officer protection.
(2) Responding to calls for law enforcement services to ensure the safety of state government officials, employees, state property, and occupants of state- owned or state-leased property.
NOTE: In addition to the response to specific calls, a regular presence and basic level of service shall be maintained for all state facilities. These duties will be part of a CHP officer’s regular beat patrol responsibilities.
(3) Sharing concurrent jurisdiction with allied law enforcement agencies for the investigation of crimes occurring on state property.
(4) Honoring Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) and working with allied law enforcement agencies on any requested or necessary modifications. If an allied law enforcement agency elects to no longer participate in an MOU, the CHP will assume jurisdictional responsibility. If an allied law enforcement agency cannot or will not respond to a crime on state property, the CHP will respond and handle the investigation to its conclusion.
(5) Working with allied law enforcement agencies to develop new MOUs when appropriate. Negotiations shall be handled by the Area commander or the commander’s designee.
(6) Fulfilling reimbursable service agreements.
As the Office of Primary Interest for the SSP, the Emergency Operations and Safety Services (EOSS) Section advises PSD on all matters related to the SSP, provides advice and assistance to field Divisions regarding management and administration of the program, and provides direct support to the field upon request. Section personnel are directly involved in the protection of life and property by interpreting laws, developing regulations, coordinating specialized training, maintaining crime statistics, and coordinating departmental programs and activities mandated, authorized, or delegated by the Legislature.
Supervisors ____ request, through their Area commander, assistance from investigators assigned to Division to complete investigations requiring specialized skills.
In instances where no immediate threat exists to the safety of state employees, property, or occupants of a state property and the CHP determines a response is not necessary, the on-duty supervisor shall advise the client agency to complete the ______, Report of Crime or Criminally Caused Property Damage on State Property.
STD. 99
In the event CHP assumes jurisdictional responsibility for a crime committed on state property, the CHP shall handle all incidents to conclusion. In cases requiring extensive follow up, Area Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) may allow officers to gather preliminary investigative information. These preliminary reports shall be forwarded to Area or Division investigators for final disposition.
In jurisdictions where the CHP cannot respond immediately and/or the cooperation of a concurrent jurisdictional local law enforcement agency may be required, an MOU _____ be established as outlined in this chapter. The CHP shall respond as soon as practical and handle these incidents to conclusion.
When a local law enforcement agency is unable or unwilling to provide requested services as outlined in an MOU, the CHP _____ handle these incidents to conclusion.
Services which should be addressed in an MOU include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Special Weapons and Tactics Team response.
(2) Critical Incident/Hostage Negotiation Team.
(3) Explosive Ordinance Disposal Team response.
(4) Forensic services assistance for major crimes that exceed the current
training of available Area and or Division personnel.
The MOU shall be in effect for a term of no more than_____. To ensure established MOUs meet the needs of the Department, Area SOPs shall be in place to ensure each MOU is reviewed annually.
5 years
The ______ shall be prepared for all reported crimes and criminally caused property damage occurring on state-owned or state-leased property. Utilizing the STD. 99 shall be the process by which the Department fulfills the GC Section 14613.7 requirement.
STD. 99
For incidents on state-owned or state-leased property resulting in no law enforcement contact, or if a law enforcement agency other than the CHP responds, the STD. 99 shall be completed by the reporting state facility representative and forwarded to the local CHP Area office having jurisdiction where the incident occurred. The form should be forwarded within ____ of the date of the incident.
ten days
The STD. 99 _____ required for lost, stolen, or damaged property that was lost, stolen, or damaged at a location not owned or leased by the state. STD 99’s shall be retained at the area or division for two years.
is not
Beat code ____ shall be used by all officers and sergeants to report all reimbursable hours worked (regular and/or overtime) when assigned to an SSP contract activity. Beat code 700 shall be used in conjunction with a reimbursable special project code.
Beat codes 710 through 798 shall be used by officers and sergeants to report all non-reimbursable hours worked (both regular and overtime) while performing SSP related duties.
Supervisors will ensure the appropriate level of response to requests for service by evaluating the potential consequences of the situation. Supervisors should monitor requests for service and emergency calls from state government agencies to ensure the response is appropriate.
Additional services and special event services ________ handled by on-duty officers assigned normal patrol duties. Contracts should only utilize officers on reimbursable overtime. Special events should not reduce or dilute staffing for other functions.
should not be
California Highway Patrol officers will ______ work a special event with non-CHP personnel (e.g., security officers or allied agencies), unless a mutual agreement is reached by the Area commander and event coordinator. The agreement should clearly delineate the chain of command and establish a method of communication between the officers and the event command structure.
not normally
If a reported crime is not an immediate threat to the safety of an occupant of a state building, state grounds, or facility, the appropriate response should be determined by the ______
CHP supervisor.
Area commanders ____ develop and implement SOPs for the response and investigation of crimes that occur within the command’s geographical area of responsibility.
Normally, Division SSIs will conduct major crime investigations
When Area field supervisors are notified of a major crime, they should notify the _________ if the scope of training and expertise is beyond that of the Area SSOs.
ISU coordinator
The purpose of the CHP Crime Prevention and Security (CPS) Program is to assist in the prevention of criminal and terrorist threats against state employees and resources.
Section 19990(b) GC states using state time, facilities, equipment, or supplies for private gain is inconsistent and incompatible and in conflict with duties as state officers or employees.
The designated Division/Area permit coordinator shall serve as the liaison between the applicants/permittees and the Department.
Within__________ of notification of denial, cancellation or revocation, the applicant or permittee may apply in writing to the Department for a review of the reasons for the denial or cancellation. The proceedings for review shall be held within five working days by the Commissioner or designee.
five working days
if alcoholic beverages are to be sold and consumed on the premises, an alcoholic beverage license must be obtained from ABC with approval from the CHP.
The minimum acceptable limit of insurance for hazardous activities or events is _______ per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage liability combined.
Protective services are provided as staffing levels permit. Normal CHP services take priority over protective services.
California Highway Patrol personnel assigned to protective services ____ conduct an administrative search when it is reasonable to do so as authorized by current case law.
A private person ______ bring or possess an unauthorized weapon within any state or local building or at any meeting required to be open to the public (refer to Section 171b PC). Any unlawful or unauthorized weapon, as defined in the PC, shall be confiscated and the subject shall be placed under arrest.
shall not
What CHP form is completed for interagency agreements?
CHP 312/313
DMV “DOJ STOP” codes are?
A- armed and dangerous
W- vehicle associated with wanted person
F- Used in commission of a felony
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) ___ respond to DMV field offices and provide appropriate law enforcement services whenever the local law enforcement agency is unavailable or refuses to respond.
If the local law enforcement agency is unavailable or refuses to respond, the CHP ______ to calls for law enforcement services at DMV field offices and conduct thorough investigations.
shall respond
A minimum of _______ should be dispatched to investigate any DOJ Stop at a DMV field office. The closest available units should be dispatched to the incident. The responding officer(s) shall request the reason for the DOJ Stop and request a subject check of the possible suspects at DMV.
two uniformed CHP officers
A ____, Report of Crime or Criminally Caused Property Damage on State Property, and at least one of the following reports shall be completed if a crime has occurred on state property, stolen property is recovered, and/or an arrest is made by the CHP
STD. 99
A comprehensive, facility-specific EAP shall be developed by identifying potential hazards and anticipating emergency situations that will require immediate action to mitigate possible adverse effects upon employees and visitors. Once a hazard/emergency has been identified, the mitigation process begins by implementing the procedures outlined in the command’s EAP.
violence or threat of violence in the workplace will not be tolerated in any form and the CHP has enacted a “Zero-Tolerance” workplace violence policy.
On an ______, all employees, including supervisors, are required to attend training on the subject of Workplace Violence Awareness and Prevention.
annual basis