HPM 100.8- CIIT Flashcards
Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation Teams should be utilized for Category A incidents, including the following:
(a) A fatal or severe injury collision involving an on-duty CHP or California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) employee, including subcontractors working on a Caltrans work project.
(b) A fatal or severe accident involving departmental aircraft or when specifically requested by the Office of Air Operations.
There are ______ established teams, one based in each field Division.
The ________ or designated alternate has the primary responsibility for determining when the CIIT shall be called. Each Division commander shall establish an SOP for CIIT utilization consistent with policy established in this manual.
Division commander
The request for CIIT assistance should be initiated through the on-duty supervisor to the Area commander or designated alternate. The Area commander shall notify the appropriate Division commander or designated alternate. With the Division commander’s or designee’s approval, the appropriate CIIT coordinator or designated alternate will contact the team leader and request the team respond to the incident scene.
An officer’s weapon _______ be taken before a replacement weapon can be provided. Normally, the CIIT investigator will remove and/or visually inspect an involved officer’s weapon.
shall not
Upon learning of a qualifying critical incident, the supervisor shall:
(1) Immediately notify the following:
(a) The affected commander or their alternate. When members from more than one command are involved, all affected commanders shall be notified.
(b) The law enforcement agency with the primary investigative responsibility to conduct the criminal investigation.
(2) Respond to the scene and assume incident command responsibilities.
(3) Coordinate resources with the primary investigating agency as
(4) Request the appropriate CIIT in accordance with the Division and Area SOP, if applicable.
(5) Ensure all first responder’s responsibilities have been completed.
(6) Provide for the safety of employees, victims, suspects, and witnesses at the
scene of the incident. Confirm that all weapons involved in the incident have been secured, regardless of whether the weapon was fired or utilized. An officer’s sidearm should be secured in its holster until a replacement weapon is available.
(7) Ensure sufficient information is obtained from the involved officer(s) and/or witness(es) to disseminate proper public safety information. (Refer to Chapter 3, paragraph 5.e.(2), of this manual.)
(8) Provide for the integrity of the scene and physical evidence by establishing a scene perimeter that is as large as practical. The perimeter should be
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established safely beyond any piece of evidence. (Refer to paragraph 6.a.[5][b].)
(a) Ensure an officer has been assigned to track and record the information indicated on the CHP 328.
(b) Evaluate and adjust the crime scene perimeter to ensure the safety, security, and confidentiality of the entire crime scene.
(9) Remove the involved employee(s) from the scene as soon as possible.
(a) Confer with a departmental CIIT investigator and the investigating agency before removing the involved employee(s) from the scene.
(b) Take the involved employee(s) to the Area office or other comfortable location affording privacy.
(c) In the case of a shooting incident, do not take the officer’s sidearm unless a replacement is available. Normally, the officer’s sidearm will be taken, inspected, and replaced by the CIIT investigator.
(d) Do not isolate the involved employee(s).
(e) Do not separate the employees when two or more are involved until it
is necessary (e.g., to obtain statements in an interview with the investigating agency or CIIT members).
(f) Do not allow allied agency personnel to interview or interrogate departmental employees involved in the incident until the primary investigator or CIIT can be consulted.
(g) Do not allow the involved employee(s) to talk to other personnel about the incident, except for a representative of their choice or a Peer Support Program volunteer.
(h) After it has been determined that evidence will not be compromised or destroyed, ensure the involved employee(s) has access to restrooms, telephone, food, drink, etc.
(i) Ensure an officer is assigned to accompany each involved employee at all times. The assigned officer is encouraged to talk to the involved employee, but not about the incident.
(10) Assign a PIO.
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(a) Ensure the media is kept outside of the crime scene area. (Leiserson v. San Diego.) If possible, designate a specific media area away from the command post for the press to meet with the designated spokesperson.
(b) Statements to the press should be made by one person, preferably the commander or a representative from the agency with investigative authority. Prior to providing a statement, the allied agency having jurisdiction and the DA should be consulted.
(11) Ensure departmental investigators assist allied agencies investigating the incident.
(12) Terminate scene activities.
(13) If applicable, retain body armor if impacted. (Refer to HPM 73.5, Uniform/Grooming and Equipment Standards, Chapter 4, Soft Body Armor.)
In the event another agency is conducting a criminal investigation concerning the use of force by an employee, internal reports from this Department shall not be released without the concurrence of the ___________ ___________ _________
Office of Legal Affairs (OLA), ORM, and the agency conducting the criminal investigation.
All California Public Records Act requests for release of information involving a critical incident should be referred to ___
All other requests for release of information involving a critical incident, including discovery of peace officer’s personnel records pursuant to Section 1045 of the Evidence Code, commonly referred to as Pitchess Motion(s), should be coordinated with ____
The Area commander should designate a ________ to act as a liaison with the CIIT
The results of the investigation shall be recorded in the following reports, which will be used as the primary documents for administrative review:
(a) Critical Incident Reconstruction Report, Administrative Report. Refer to Chapter 3, Report Format and Composition, paragraph 5., of this manual.
(b) Critical Incident Noninjury Report. Refer to Chapter 3, paragraph 6., of this manual.
(c) Critical Incident Policy/Procedures Evaluation Report. Refer to Chapter 3, paragraph 7., of this manual.
(d) Memorandum of Findings. Refer to Chapter 3, paragraph 8., of this manual.
______________investigations will occur when a qualifying incident is investigated in concert with personnel from the Department and the allied agency with jurisdictional responsibility, resulting in the preparation of separate reports (criminal and administrative).
During interviews, special attention should be given to the respective interviewee’s state of mind at the time of the incident. All interviews ______be audio recorded.
Pursuant to the Bargaining Unit 5 MOU and departmental policy, before being questioned by the investigating agency for a shooting incident, the officer, at their discretion, may request to be ordered by their commander or alternate to answer questions. When the officer makes such a request, the commander or alternate shall order the officer to cooperate and answer questions. Upon receiving an order to cooperate with the investigating agency, the officer may request and is entitled to a representative of their choice. Once the commander or alternate has ordered the officer to answer questions, the person in charge of the investigation shall be immediately notified of such order.
This policy does not preclude the officer from invoking their “Miranda Rights” if advised of those rights by the agency conducting a criminal investigation.
This policy in no way prevents an officer from providing a voluntary statement to the investigating agency during the interview process with or without representation.
Conduct a detailed inspection of weapons or firearms, noting type, condition, position of hammer and slide, position of cylinder (if revolver), and the location of all rounds and ammunition. ______ change the status of the firearms unless necessary for safe processing.
Do not
Attend, or assign another investigator to attend, the allied agency interviews or interrogation of all involved parties/witnesses.
If the lead investigator or designee is not permitted to participate in the interview or interrogation of an involved employee, the investigator _____inform the employee of the Legal Representation Program. If legal representation is requested under the Legal Representation Program, the lead investigator shall make arrangements to request the appropriate legal counsel
In cases resulting in death(s), attend the autopsy
If the preliminary investigation indicates excited delirium may be associated with a critical incident, CIIT investigators should advise the _______
medical examiner.
A ____________ may be obtained from uniformed California Highway Patrol (CHP) employees, pursuant to HPM 9.2, Substance Testing Manual, Chapter 3, California Department of Human Resources Policy, paragraph 2.e., to eliminate any future doubt as to the sobriety of those involved in the incident.
voluntary blood sample
Some allied agencies have adopted investigative protocols which ______ a departmental supervisor from attending the interview or interrogation of an officer involved in a shooting or other critical incident involving a criminal investigation.
Any employee whose official actions or use of force result in the death or serious physical injury of a person _________ be reassigned to duties that do not involve field contact with members of the public. This reassignment should remain effective pending an appropriate administrative review and approval from the appropriate Assistant Commissioner.
shall immediately
If, in the commander’s opinion, peer support appears appropriate, the services of a Peer Support Officer (PSO) will be made through the local _________ where a PSO roster is maintained.
CHP Communications Center
Ensure the required departmental critical incident reconstruction report is prepared in triplicate. The original and one copy shall be transmitted to the _____ having jurisdiction over the incident. The second copy shall be retained at the ________
Division, Area involved.
Arrange for a critical incident stress debriefing in accordance with departmental procedures for employees involved in reportable incidents of the following nature:
(1) Employees who have discharged a firearm at a person or occupied vehicle which results in the injury or death of a person.
(2) Employees who have been a victim of an attack, regardless of whether the employee sustained an injury.
With the approval of the appropriate Assistant Commissioner, the Area commander may assign the involved employee(s) to a suitable amount of administrative time off (ATO) if the appointed debriefing counselor recommends the employee(s) should not return to work for a specific period of time or, if in the opinion of the immediate commander, ATO for the employee(s) would be reasonable and prudent.
(1) The Area commander or designee may make the initial request by telephone with a memorandum to follow.
(2) If approved, the involved employee(s) may be granted up to______ of paid ATO. Additional time off may be charged to the appropriate leave credits.
five days
Prior to releasing an employee on ATO to return to work, the Area commander shall receive approval from the ____________. This approval is required for all changes in duty status; i.e., from ATO to limited/administrative duty or limited/administrative duty to full duty.
Division commander and appropriate Assistant Commissioner
Ensure the officer(s) involved in a shooting incident, in which shots were fired at another person, _____________ prior to returning to full duty, in compliance with HPM 70.8, Firearms Manual.
fires a qualifying score on the Task Oriented Qualification Course-Primary Firearm
In the event the involved officer’s soft body armor is impacted by a bullet, a report shall be forwarded to Business Services Section, Supply Services Unit, ________concerning ballistic protection afforded by the soft body armor.
within ten working days
If the lead investigator, designee, or supervisor is not permitted to participate in the interview or interrogation, the supervisor/investigator shall inform the employee of their right to representation.
b. Legal representation is voluntary and must be requested by the ____________.
involved employee
In the event of the discharge of a firearm where injury or death occurs, or the operating condition of the firearm is questionable, the firearm shall be forwarded to the _______ accompanied by a CHP 125, Weapon Control Memorandum. In cases where the discharge is noninjury, no weapon inspection is required.
Academy’s gunsmith
A critical incident involving a nonuniformed employee shall include the same reports as an officer-involved critical incident, with the exception of the Critical Incident Policy/Procedure Evaluation Report.
Area reports: CHP 216, Arrest-Investigation Report; CHP 202, Driving
Under the Influence Arrest-Investigation Report, if applicable; CHP 215, Notice to Appear; CHP 555, Traffic Collision Report, supplemental reports, etc. ______ include the CHP 268, Risk Management Potential Civil Litigation Report.
Do not
A public safety statement shall be obtained from as many employees as necessary for the supervisor to immediately determine the following (Ward v. City of Portland): HPM 100.8
(a) Type of force used.
(b) Direction and approximate number of any shots fired by the involved
employee(s) and/or suspect(s), if applicable.
(c) Location of injured persons, including those in need of medical attention, if any.
(d) Description of outstanding suspect(s) and their direction of travel, time elapsed since the suspect was last seen, and any suspect(s) weapons.
(e) Description and location of any known victims/witnesses.
(f) Description and location of any known evidence.
(g) Other information as necessary to ensure officer and public safety,
and assist in the apprehension of outstanding suspect(s).
(3) After obtaining sufficient information, the supervisor shall immediately order involved witness employees not to discuss the incident with anyone other than the assigned investigators or the employee’s representative.
NOTE: Supervisors involved in the separation, transportation, and monitoring of an involved witness employee following a use of force critical incident shall not discuss tactics with that employee.
Employees who have been involved in an on-duty shooting ____attend Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) within _____ of the incident.
shall, 72 hours