HPM 50.5 Civil Disturbance Planning and Operations Flashcards
All departmental equipment should be marked with Area and/or Division designators prior to deployment. The _______ section OIC will utilize the CHP 701B to track issued equipment.
Logistics section
During a civil disturbance situation where departmental personnel have appropriately been committed in support of local law enforcement,
Commanders and designated supervisors _________accept missions from the responsible local authorities
Department personnel are authorized by ______and by Departmental policy to use reasonable force as necessary to make arrests. Such force, however, must not exceed the minimum degree necessary to accomplish the arrest.
Law (835 PC)
If information indicates that the threat is beyond the capabilities of on-duty command personnel to manage/control, the on-duty supervisor or OIC _____initiate a tactical alert.
___________ plans are primarily used for scheduled or anticipated events requiring the non-routine deployment of CHP personnel - Especially beneficial when planning a multi-agency or multi-jurisdictional event.
Operation Plans
At the discretion of a uniformed supervisor, persons at least
___ years old but under ___ years old are not arrested, but are in the
company of an adult who is arrested, may be released to a
responsible adult provided the parent or legal guardian gives
written consent.
Managers/supervisors must maintain discipline within the ranks and ensure the integrity of crowd control formations. Enthusiastic involvement in assigned tasks and genuine concern for __________ are essential.
Subordinate personnel
During ____________ Mode, personnel employ non-injurious, low-profile physical contact intended to direct the movement of incident participants/crowds.
Non-aggressive contact mode
Regardless of the operational mode in effect, the head, neck, throat, sternum, groin, and spine are non target areas for baton strikes, unless deadly force is justified.
Upon notification of an emergency event, the ranking on-duty manager/ supervisor shall implement the __________ and ensure that the appropriate level of departmental response is initiated.
Incident Command System (ICS)
According to the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and
the California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), a
request for mutual aid by an allied agency for Mobile Field Force is defined
as a minimum of ____CHP uniformed personnel, to be dispatched in ____general purpose patrol vehicles, unless otherwise specified in writing by
the requesting agency.
Commanders and designated supervisors ____ accept missions from the responsible localauthorities.
uniformed employees of the Department shall use the _______________as the personnel and management protocol for all emergency incidents occurring
within CHP jurisdiction.
Incident Command System
In instances where the deployment of
departmental resources are anticipated in support of emergency mitigation efforts
by local governments, ___________and/or __________ should be developed and may be integrated into existing local
government or agency emergency plans and/or CHP emergency operations plans.
written memorandums of understanding and/or interagency agreements
____________ are responsible for emergency incident planning and overall
coordination of emergency incident activities occurring at all locations within their Areas where the Department has primary investigative authority.
Area commanders
The policy contained in Chapter 2, Operational Guidelines, of this manual
is reviewed ________ by each uniformed employee.
All uniformed employees ______display knowledge of all tactical
formations described in Chapter 5, Tactical Formations and Mobile Tactics, of
this manual. All uniformed employees ______ display proficiency in the
distraction/arrest and control techniques for demonstrators engaging in civil
disobedience described in this manual.
A squad is usually composed of a squad leader (preferably a sergeant) and ___ officers. The size of a squad should allow for transportation in four patrol vehicles (three officers per vehicle).
A ________is composed of two to three squads normally working as a single unit with a common mission and relatively close geographical assignments.
A _________ is composed of a minimum of four squads working as a single unit with a common mission and relatively close geographical assignment.
A ______ is composed of two or more companies