HPM 1.1 Publications Manual Flashcards
_________disclosure could require that the material disclosed be subsequently considered a public record, and no longer privileged; and therefore, subject to review or sale to the general public.
A Comm-Net message containing policies and/or procedures expires ___
calendar days from the date of message.
All CHP form numbers are issued by _________
Business Services Section,
Automated Business Solutions Unit
Publications shall be reviewed by the OPI
every _____months to ensure they are current and revised, if necessary.
How does the CHP identify exempt material in internal publications?
by a special computer function that provides a shaded overlay.
Is it okay to provide former CHP employees with exempt material.
Negative. It could be a violation of Government Code Section 6254 (f).
Any policy or direction
contained in minutes will expire ____months after the date of the meeting. If it isdesired that the policy be continued after months, it must be placed in a permanent publication.
True or False
The general public can view sanitized versions of the publications.
an MM shall not exceed ____ numbered pages, including attachments
Headquarters SOPs shall be reviewed and/or revised _________ by the Office of Primary Interest (OPI).
a GO shall not exceed _____
numbered pages, including attachments.
Font Type. The font type of the body text, headers, and footers shall be __________ type for all departmental publications.
Arial 12-point
Departmental policy is established or
changed by the _________ and is contained in GOs, HPMs, or on a temporary basis, in Comm-Net messages and MMs.
True or False
Former CHP employees are regarded in the same way as the general public;
True or False
The Office of the Commissioner is the approving authority for all publications that announce new or amended departmental policies
Management Memorandums (MM) provide the means for issuing temporary directives, policy, and temporary regulatory material. They contain expiration dates not to exceed ____ months from their effective dates;
True of False
Publications with exempt material may be shared with allied agencies without waiving privilege when used for internal purposes (e.g., education, coordination, and development of parallel/consistent enforcement policies).
Establish policy, assign responsibility,
and contain permanent, detailed instructions and procedures that direct personnel
on how they are to perform their duties. Created when a manual is not feasible.
General Orders