How to raise successful people Flashcards
Všade bola vinná réva
Grapevines were everywhere
zabuchnúť dvere
slam the door
počúvať ich boj
listen to them figh
ako udržiavať domácnosť
how to maintain a household
Netrápilo ma to tak, ako by ste možno očakávali.
I wasn’t bothered as much as you might expect.
bábiku v životnej veľkosti pre mňa
a life-sized doll for me
vybavovať pochôdzky
run errands
pripraviť postele
make the beds
zametanie podláh
sweep the floors
premávka bola hustá.
the traffic was fierce.
mala som sluzbu stareho rodica týždeň
I was on grandparenting duty for the week
vysadili jedno dieťa
dropped off one child
podať antibiotiká dvom rodinným mačkám.
administer antibiotics to the two family cats
Bolo načase.
It was about time.
Janetin syn sa potreboval ostrihať.
Janet’s son needed a haircut.