How to Care for and Treat your Venous Ulcer. Flashcards
What do arteries do?
Carry blood away from your heart to the rest of your body.
What do veins do?
Carry the blood back to your heart.
What results from low blood flow?
Blood will collect in your feet and ankles, causing swelling and stretching. Then skin tears causing a venous, or stasis ulcer.
Signs and symptoms of a venous or stasis ulcer.
Valve disfunction, stasis, Fibrin leak, red cell extravasation, haemosiderin deposition, hyper pigmentation, lipo- derm.
Risk factors for venous ulcers.
Repeatedly standing in one place for a long time, not moving, tight clothing, crossing your legs, pregnancy, trauma or injury, being over weight, smoking, and direct heat.
Which diabetic has little to no sensation?
Neuropathic Diabetic.
What is an arterial ulcer?
caused by damage to smaller vessels. poor blood circulation.
ischaemia, PVD, DM, Vasculitis, RA, Trauma, scar tissue compression.
Causes of an Arterial Ulcer.
Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, ra, history of leg ulcers, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis.