How Popular was the Nazi regime? 1933-1939 (Controversy 2: part 1) Flashcards
What one word must always be considered with popularity?
FLUCTUATION - - people had different experiences of the Nazis at different times
What’s the fluctuation in voting trends between the November 1932 election and March 1933?
dropped to 33.1% in 1932 by 1933 it rose to 44%
What was the communist group in opposition to the SA?
The Red Front Fighter’s League
On 10th May 1933 what did the Nazis do to try and control popular opinion?
They burnt the books of ‘forbidden’ authors in Berlin
When was the Reich Ministry of Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda created?
March 1933
Who was head of the Reich Minister of Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda?
Which law was passed which resulted in the dismissal of Jewish, communist and socialist journalists?
The Editor’s Law of October 1933 which called for ‘racially pure journalism’
When was the Gestapo created?
What were the three methods Hitler used to maintain support?
Terror, Rewards and Propaganda
When did Himmler become leader of the SS?
What figure did the SS increase to?
What was Himmler’s title in 1936?
Reichsfuhrer SS and Chief of all German Police
What was the RSHA?
The new organisation under which all party and state police organisations were amalgamated —– coordinated by Heydrich
Who did the policing of Germany?
Gestapo and Kripo (criminal police which maintained law and order)
How did the numbers of ‘political opposition’ kept in concentration camps change from 1936 to 1939?
It was limited to 6000 and once they altered the camps to be like Dachau they rounded up any who didn’t conform totalling 21,000 by 1939
What was the Waffen SS?
The radically pure, armed division of the SS
How did E. Kogon describe the SS power block?
a ‘state within a state’
On 19 August 1934 what percentage of Germans voted in favour of Hitler becoming Fuhrer?
What did the historian Jacques Delarue say about the comprehensiveness of the Gestapo?
‘Never before … had an organisation attained such a comprehensive penetration… in its ability to arose terror and horror.’
How many people did the Gestapo have?
What is Gellately’s conclusion about the effectiveness of the Gestapo?
Many denunciations were from hostile or jealous neighbours and they didn’t have the resources to be so widespread - it was propaganda and the people
In April 1939 how many did the Gestapo claim were in protective custody?
162, 734
What were the 3 main aims of the Nazi propaganda?
- to glorify the regime
- to spread Nazi ideology and values
- to win over the people
How did Nazi propagandists use the radio as an effective medium? How many German households owned a radio in 1930s?
They recognised that the spoken word was effective, especially with Hitler’s oratory. Goebbels unified all German broadcasting under the creation of the Reich Radio Company. The Nazis arranged the production of a cheap set of radios to give away free (State Paternalism) to spread Nazism.
4.5 million out of 20 million
What is the name of the Nazi publishing house?
Eher Verlag
By 1939 how much of the German press did Eher Verlag control?
When was the Berlin Olympics?
How were they used to spread Nazi propaganda?
They were meant to show the ‘new Germany’ positively towards other nations as well as to Germans. They would also glorify the regime.
How many millions Reichsmarks were spent on the Olympics sports complex?
42 million Reichsmarks
How did Goebbels create a Nazi identity? What did this do for the Nation?
Through the Nazi salute, Heil Hitler greeting, Horst Wessel anthem and Brownshirts’ uniform - created a sense of belonging for the people and turned Nazism into a movement rather than just a political party.
What key ideas were the Arts supposed to show?
- anti-Semitism
- militarism and glorification of the war
- nationalism and supremacy of the Aryan race
- the cult of the Fuhrer
- anti-modernism
How many German writers left Germany during the years 1933-45?
Over 2500
Who were 2 artists of ‘new objectivity’ from the Weimar Republic who were censored?
Otto Dix and George Grosz
How did the Nazis show their disdain for the old type of art in July 1937?
Two contrasting art exhibitions were launched entitled ‘Degenerate Art’ and ‘Great German Art’
What Nazi ideology did Richard Darre promote?
‘Blood and Soil’ - - showed peasants and farmers as radically pure elements of the Volk, upholding traditional values
Which law in 1933 gave security of tenure to medium-seized farms?
The Reich Entailed Farm Law of 1933
What did the Reich Food Estate supervise?
every aspect of agricultural production and distribution - but it became resented by the farmers
When did food prices increase?
How did the Junker support for the Nazis fluctuate?
It supported the Nazis before 1939 when it wasn’t threatened - - - in 1945 when the Russians invaded east Germany, they no longer support - all land taken
What movement did the Nazis try to cultivate to replace Christianity?
When did the Nazis and Papacy sign a Concordat?
July 1933
What were the main 3 aims for women?
1) To produce children
2) care for the house and husband
3) stop paid employment
When was the party regulation that excluded women from any senior positions?
Between which years were women barred from jobs in medicine, law and high ranks of the civil service?
What percentage of university students were women?
In June 1933 what did the Nazi party introduce to encourage women to give up their jobs?
Interest free loans for women who withdrew from the labour market
By how much did the percentage of women in employment fall by?
By how much did female employment rise between 1937 and 1939? Why?
from 5.7 to 7.1 million because of economic necessity
What were the 5 measures introduced to increase the population?
1) Marriage loans
2) Income tax reduced
3) Maternity benefits improved
4) Anti-abortion laws enforced
5) Contraceptive advice and facilities reduced
From which date the birth rate increase significantly?
What did the Nazis allow to happen to Aryan girls?
for them to be impregnated by SS soldiers to create the herrenvolk
How many were born under the SS/Aryan girls circumstances?
What was the Nazi slogan that showed the principles a woman should live by?
‘Kinder, Kuche, Kirche’
What was the name for the Women’s Front? Who created it?
Frauenfront created by Robert Ley
When was the enactment of the Frauenfont?
May 1933
What did conforming to the Frauenfront mean?
All 230 organisations were to expel all Jewish members and integrate into the Women’s Front
In 1933 how many female civil servants in regional and local government lose their jobs?
From 1936 what could women no longer do regarding the law?
They couldn’t serve as judges and were no longer used in jury service
What was the name of the boys’ Nazi youth group from 10-14?
the ‘German Young People’
What was the name of the boys’ youth group from 14-16?
the Hitler Youth
By 1935 how many German youth belonged to the Hitler Youth?
When was the Hitler Youth Law? What did it enforce?
25 march 1939 - - - it enforced the Hitler Youth to be compulsory for all young of that age
What were the three aims for German girls?
to be loyal, submissive, prolific mothers
What was the name of the girls’ Nazi youth group for 10-14?
the ‘League of Young Girls’
What was the girl’s Nazi youth group for after 14?
the ‘League of German Girls’
In which year did these youths have to swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler?
How did Rust alter the ministry of education in 1934?
He immediately expelled all Jews and those of suspect politics and dropped RS in schools, focusing on history biology and PE
By 1937 how many teachers had joined the National Socialist Teacher’s Alliance?
97% = 320,000
What was an opposing youth group which resented the Nazi ideology?
The Edelweiss Pirates
Who were the Mittelstand?
They were middle class people, with small businesses
What did the voting of 1930-33 show?
The Mittelstand supported the Nazis in greater proportion than the rest of Germany
What did the Law to Protect Retail Trade (1933) propose?
to bar new department stores
Between 1936 and 1939 by what percentage did the number of traditional craftsmen decline by?
Why were the Mittelstand being squeezed out?
The Nazis needed to keep big businesses for later rearmament
To what percentage did Hitler reduce unemployment to by 1936 and then to 1939?
7.4% and then to 0%
What economic opportunities for big businesses did the war provide?
greater natural resources of coal and steal to produce more
What area were they lacking in?
Consumer goods
On which date was there a law to reduce unemployment?
June 1933
How was unemployment tackled?
Investment into work creation schemes - e.g.:
- autobahns
- mass public works with little pay
Between 1936 and 1939 by how much did the numbers held in concentration camps rise?
From 7500 -> 21,000
What was the Papal Encyclical called in 1937 condemning Nazi ideology?
With Burning Concern
What is the German name for the new work schemes?
Arbeitdienst - ‘Battle for Work’
How many Reichsmarks were invested in work creation schemes between 1932 and 1935?
5 billion Reichsmarks
When was the creation of the first autobahn begun?
June 1933
When did the regime reintroduce conscription?
1935 (reducing unemployed)
What did the regime launch in 1934 and 1935 to produce more grain?
a ‘Battle for Production’ - - - didn’t work as they had poor harvests and poor equipment
When was Schacht made President of the Reichsbank?
May 1933
In the summer of 1934 what was Schacht’s new position?
Minister of Economics (a state position)
In April 1933 what did Schacht convince Hitler to do concerning the Jewish shop owners?
He persuaded him to restrict the boycott of Jewish shops and businesses to one day for fear of an international backlash that might damage trade
What was Schacht a barrier to?
the radicalisation of the regime
What had Schacht introduced in 1934?
His ‘New Plan’ which entailed greater government investment and work creation schemes
How did Hitler undermine Schacht in 1936?
He allowed Goring to carry out his Four Year Plan
What did the new Four Year Plan focus on?
the production of raw materials necessary for war: oil, rubber and metals
When did Schacht resign? And what impact did this have?
1937 - the party became more radical
How many members did the DAF have by 1939?
22 million
What was the purpose of the DAF?
to replace the trade union, but the people lost the right of INDUSTRIAL BARGAINING (the government now controlled pay rises and could limit the freedom of movement) - it was responsible for nearly all areas of work
How did Hitler dilute the working and middle classes?
He gave workers the opportunity to become middle class through employment schemes and so gained their support through ambition
In November 1933 which two organisations did Robert Ley establish?
Strength through Joy and Beauty of Labour
What did the Beauty of Labour movement provide?
- improve working conditions in factories
- promoted the benefits of better lighting, ventilation and cleanliness
What did the Strength through Joy movement offer?
to reward loyal workers with:
- evening classes
- art exhibitions
- cinemas
- package holidays
- days out
How many workers had enjoyed a state-financed holiday by 1938?
10 million
What else did the regime do to demonstrate an attempt to embrace all classes in the growing prosperity?
Promotion of cheaper housing and increased production of consumer goods = the people’s radio and the people’s car (Volkswagen)
How much did the people’s radio cost?
35 marks (weekly wage for a worker)
What were two famous propaganda films? When were they created?
Triumph of the Will (1935) - Nuremberg Rally
Olympia (1938) - Olympics
How much success did the regime have in controlling the churches?
Who was elected National Bishop by Hitler in May 1933?
Ludwig Muller
What did Muller implement?
28 Protestant churches into a single Reich Church and 700,000 members of Protestant youth groups into Hitler Youth
Who were some advocators of the Confessional Church?
Niemoller, Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoffer
How did the historian J.R.C Write put it?
‘The churches were severely handicapped but not destroyed.’
What did the German Faith Movement entail?
It was radical neo-paganism promoted by the Nazis as an alternative to Christianity
Which Catholic Minister was murdered in June 1934?
Erich Klausener
When were crucifixes in schools banned?
When were Catholic Youth Groups banned?
What are three reasons the church was reluctant to show opposition to the regime?
1) Distrusted communism of the left-wing
2) Nationalist sympathy for Nazism - return to the ‘good old days’ with nostalgia
3) They feared the power of the regime
How many Gestapo officers were there in the Wurzburg area?
Who worked hard to create the Hiter Myth?
Goebbels - Hitler was to be associated with all the positive aspects of the regime only - god-like
In 1935 what did Hitler announce in reagrds to the army?
A vast rearmament programme, expanding the army to 500,000 (going against the Versailles Treaty)
When was the Saar Pllebiscite and the reoccupation of the Rhineland? What effect did this have?
Saar Plebiscite = 1935
Reoccupation of the Rhineland = 1936
Both undermined the Treaty of Versailles - Hitler is seen as a strong leader
Where did Hitler hold a meeting of the German leadership in January 1935?
Berlin’s State Opera House
What was Hitler’s new name for the German Armed Forces to include them in the regime?
What position was von Blomberg?
Reich War Minister
What position was von Fritsch?
Commander-in-Chief of the Army
What was the Blomberg-Fritsch Affair?
In 1938 Hitler:
- sacked von Blomberg on finding out that his wife used to be a prostitute
- sacked Colonel-General Frtisch because there were rumours two years earlier he was involved with a rent boy
- Hitler then restructured the army
On which date did Hitler take full control of the Army?
27th January 1938 (he didn’t appoint a replacement for Blomberg)
At which conference in November 1937 had leading army men shown scepticism about Hitler’s plans for unlimited expansion eastwards?
Hossbach Conference
When did Hitler invade Austria proclaiming an Anschluss?
11th March 1938 (They took over with an army)
When did Germany withdraw from the League of Nations?
October 1933
When was Kristallnacht?
November 1938
What does the term ‘shaped consent’ mean?
Propaganda -That the people’s view was shaped by the propaganda that was fed to them. It cultivated the Hitler Myth and showed the Nazi regime as a stabilising force
What doe the term ‘loyal reluctance’ refer to?
dissent and deviant behaviour that didn’t threaten the regime, but showed it wasn’t liked
What does the term ‘consent’ mean?
Agreement with parts of Nazi policy and a willingness to put up with them
What does the term ‘consensus’ mean?
full support and agreement with the regime, its policies and ideology