How Cool are Cephalopods? (Test Two) Flashcards
Cephalopods are in which Phylum and which Class?
Phylum Molluska
Class Cephalopoda
What Phylum, Class and Order are Nautilus?
Phylum Molluska
Class Cephalopoda
Order Nautiloidea
Why are Nautilus called a “living fossil”?
Because they have remained relatively unchanged for hundreds of millions of years.
Where do Nautilus reside?
They only live in the Indo-Pacific in deep slopes of coral reefs.
How do Nautilus get their food?
They are scavengers and opportunistic hunters, and they find food using their sense of smell.
How do Nautilus regulate buoyancy?
They either push air out of their shell chambers to go down or suck in air to go up.
What Phylum Class and Order are Octopuses?
Phylum Molluska
Class Cephalopoda
Order Octopoda
How old is the oldest fossil of Octopuses?
296 million years old
What are the 4 main characteristics of the Order Octopoda?
They are soft bodied (no shell)
Most all are predatory
Most are solitary, some social
Live in every ocean
What Phylum, Class, and Order are Squids in?
Phylum Mollusca
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea
What are the 4 main characteristics of the Teuthoidea order?
Some are solitary, others live in large schools
They are soft-shelled
They are carnivorous predators
They live in every ocean
Why have squid and octopus populations been growing steadily when many marine populations have been shrinking?
- Rapid growth
- Short lifespans (fast evolution)
- Mobility
- Flexible behavior (those crazy brain arms)
Briefly explain the stages of eye complexity in cephalopods
- First there was just a layer of pigment and nerve cells (pigment spot)
- Next, that spot became a divot (detected light direction)
- Thirdly, the light hitting the pigment became centered into a pin-hole like slit and the optic nerve appeared
- Lastly, is the complex octopus eye
What is the chief difference between an octopus eye and our eye?
The optic center in humans is in the brain
In octopuses, the optic ganglion is positioned in the back of their eye
What is convergent evolution?
Convergent Evolution is when distantly related groups independently evolve similar traits due to environmental or ecological similarities.
What are three analogies to convergent evolution?
- birds wings and bat wings
- dolphin and shark body shapes
- image forming eyes in highly mobile, predacious animals
What is a ganglia?
neuron bundles
Why might octopuses be capable of observational learning?
Because their lobes with millions neurons are located in their arms and not a central brain.
Largest brain of any known vertebrate, with several lobes spread out.
Explain the basic structure of one neuron in a bundle.
Consists of a cell body with a thin axon that leads to the terminal (nerve ending)