Hospitalized Child Flashcards
four anxieties/stressors related to hospitalization
separation anxiety
lack of control (schedule has changed, restrictions)
bodily injury (fear of the unknown)
3 phases to separation anxiety
protest (crying, kicking, screaming; don’t want parent to leave)
despair (sad, hiding in corner, won’t interact)
denial (interact with stranger right away) - not normal
onset, duration
how does your child express pain
ask parent
blow pain away
infant pain assessment
behavioral observations (crying, irritability) physiological (increased HR, BP) rapid shallow breathing inconsolable skin (pale, diaphoretic) changes in sleep/wake cycle changes in feeding
infants 6 months+ remember pain you inflicted, t or f
flacc scale pain assessment can be used for this age group
2 months - 7 years
what age can you use face pain scale
age 3
school age kids - pain behaviors
stall - wait I’m not ready; fear of unknown
0-10 pain scale what age can this be used
starts at age 8
non pharmacological pain mgmt
behavioral contract
distraction methods for pain mgmt
focus on something else
blow bubbles
tv show
relaxation methods for pain mgmt
swaying/swinging motion (infant)
rub legs/arms
pretend yawn/falling asleep to get them to relax
close your eyes picture favorite place to go
behavioral contract methods for pain mgmt
rewards (sticker)
start around 4-5 y.o.
medications used for mild to moderate pain
Tylenol (10-15mg/kg/dose q4-6hrs)
ibuprofen - starting at 6 mos of age (5-10 mg/kg/dose q6-8hrs)
should you give a child ASA
what are the two indications for giving a child ASA
kawasaki disease and rheumatic fever
what does ASA cause in children
reyes syndrome
do we give ibuprofen to children less than 6 months old
medications used for moderate to severe pain
combo opiod/non-opiod (tylenol w/codeine)
mgmt for children on opiods
monitor respiration’s
numbing creams
lmx cream - 1/2 hour before procedure
emla cream - 1 hour before procedure
birth weight doubles at
5 months
language development at 3 months
baby babbles at
6 months
baby goes from back to side at what age (rolls)
4 months
pincer grasp
9 months
kicks ball forward
2 years or 24 mos.
object permanence (out of sight/out of mind) - good sign of cognitive development
10 months
pulls to stand
9 months
creeps (hands and knees)
9 months
uses spoon to feed self
18 months
builds tower with 2 cubes
15 months
push/pull toys
18 months
lifts head
2 months
voluntarily grasps objects
5 months
sequential play (object after another)
11 months
sits up unsupported
8 months
builds tower with 6 blocks
2 y.o. - 24 months
throws ball overhand without falling
18 months
rides tricycle
3 y.o.
ties own shoe
5 y.o.