Horse Safety Flashcards
the modern horse
Equus caballus
Equus caballus, the modern horse, belongs to the family?
The entire quine family is a member of the order?
The entire quine family is a member of the order Perissodactyla, which makes the horse a close relative of the?
The three main types of horse enterprises are?
breeding, training, and boarding stables
Horse ? farms breed mares and sell the offspring.
Some farms specialize in ? horses for show or racing
stables feed and care for horses that are owned by people who do not have facilities for keeping horses
The horse has blind spots in his vision. It is essential that we, as handlers, understand this. Remember that the horse is a poor visual concentrator. It is possible for us to walk into the blind spot cone of the horse and surprise him.
Horses are large, heavy, powerful, quick-reacting animals. They can injure you seriously without intending to. The horse is an animal that, being incapable of human reasoning, will react to primary stimuli when they occur.
General Cautions
Equipment Necessary:
● Halter
● Lead shank
Always approach a horse from the?
front or side
Horses have blind spots directly?
behind and below their noses
Gently place your hand on the horse’s ?, not on the face or rear, which might alarm them.
shoulder or neck
Stand at the horse’s ?, not directly in front of them. If you need to move to the other side, walk around the horse, not under the neck or belly.
Always lead a horse using a?
well-fitted halter and lead rope
A horse is always mounted from the near side. Two body positions are used. When mounting a strange horse, stand by the horse’s left shoulder and face a quarter turn to the rear. When mounting a gentle horse, stand by the stirrup fender and face directly across the saddle.
Stop the horse with a verbal command and a slight pull on the reins.
is the art of riding a horse.
Horsemanship is the art of riding a horse. It is also called
The two general types of equitation are?
Western and English
Riding horses is nothing less than magical. Using the correct horse riding equipment is only one way to ensure that your riding experiences are positive, productive, and safe.
Equipment and Clothing
horses is a fact of life. It involves transporting them in a horse trailer, which is designed to ensure their safety and comfort during transit. It requires attention to detail and care
Trailering (hauling) horses is a fact of life. It involves transporting them in a horse trailer, which is designed
to ensure their safety and comfort during transit. It requires attention to detail and care