homeostatic regualtion Flashcards
define homeostasis
use example of pos and neg feedbakc
regulation of internal body condition
is regulated using pos and neg feedback, mainly neg
What is set point
The point around which the normal range fluctuates
ex set point of human temp is 37C
what is normal range
the range of values that is optimal (healthy and stable) for a particular species
ex normal range for human temp is 36.1°C –37.2°C
what is caveat of setpoint and normal range
often determined by a number of factors
sex, age, time of day, diet
nervous system vs endocrine system
also how do they relate
Nercvous sys - for rabid respons
endocrine - for long term respons (with hormones
enodcrine sys is part of autonomic PNS )
what is target / effector cell
Cell that responds to the regulatory signal
performs bodys response to hormone signals
what is hormone/types 2
what its made of, solubility, where recept
steroid - cholesterol, insoluble in water ,bind intracellularly to cytplasm or nucleus
peptide - short peptide seq, water soluble, bind to receptor on surface of target cell
What is the normal progression of steps in hormone control pathway
blood vessel
add 2 steps for neuroendocrine
what are the diff pathways of hormone control
difine them
endocrine - only in endo, uses gland
neurohormone - only in NS, uses hypothal
neuroendocrine - uses both, hypothal then gland
endocrine glands vs exocrine glands
endo - organs make hormones, delivered by blood(pancreas and insulin)
exo - organs making hormones delivered by ducts (salivary glands)
function of hypothalamus and pituitary gland
hypo - has neuroecretory cells, makes hormones, not synapse
pituit post - secretes horms from hypo
pituit ant - makes and secrete horms
for diff hormonal pathways
locate ant and post pituitary
anterior is closer to the phallic thing
posterior thing is farther away
what is neurosecretory cell
nerve cell that makes hormone, secretes into blood
instead of neurotransmitters for synapse
posterior vs anterior gland
what hormons (2,6)
post - part of nervous system, hypothal gives hormones, only secretes, does not make hormone (ADH, oxytocin)
Ant - seperate from hypothal, makes hormones (TSH, ACTH, FSH/LH, Growth H,PRL), regulated by hormones from hypothal
what is a tropic hormone
target other endocrine glands, not target cell
stimulate synth and release of hormones from other glands
antiorior pit - ACTH(long term stress), GH, TSH, FSH
what are main functions of ex sys
ex sys
manage body water content
manage solute amount
control movt of of solutes
What is metabolic waste?, types
ex sys
by product of cell react
breakdown of protein
not feces
nitrogeneous waste (ammonia, urea, uric acid)
COmpare the types of nitrogenous waste
solub, toxic, synth, orgs
ex sys
ammonia - solub, toxic,when liver breaks down proteins, fish
urea - low toxic , combinatin of ammonia, CO2, highly sol in wat
uric acid - from nucleic acid, nontoxinc, insoluble in wat, birds
Why do birds and reptiles excrete urine as uric acid
ex sys
birds: for less weight, less water loss
reptile: keep water in hot climate, stop reabsorbtion in egg
What are the 5 types of bodily fluids in body
ex sys
total bodily water - tbw (all of it)
intercellular - icf (cells and blood vessels)
extracellular - ecf (everything but blood cells and cells)
plasma - type of ecf (fluid in blood stream)
interstitial- type of ect (liq inside body, bathing cells, )
anatomy of kidnay and nephron
also blood flow in each
kidney - renal medulla (lower), renal cortex (upper), renal pelvis, ureter
How does blood flow in kidney and nephron
ex sys
Nephron: renal art, afferent arteriole, cap of glom, efferent arteriole, peritub cap, vasa recta, rena lvein
Kidney: renal artery, exits by renal vein
what is pathway of filtrate , also purpose
9 bpldcrubu, no purp for last 4
ex sys
bormans cap - filtration
Proximal convoluted tub - reab, sec
Loop of Henle - reab
Distal convoluted tubule -reab, sec
Collecting duct - reab ex
Renal pelvis
waht does glomerulus and bowmans capsule do
ex sys
glomerulus - ball of capilaries in bowman cap
bowmans cap - start of tubule , surrounds glomerulsu
take the filtrate from the blood (vitamins, salt, water, sugar nitrogenous waste)
secretion vs excretion
ex sys
sec - movt of subs from blood to excretory tubule, eventually excreted
ex - when filtrate exits body, then called urine
movt of subs reabsorption vs secretion vs filtration
ex sys
secret - when things enter tubule, leave blood, is eventually excreted
reab - leave tubule, go to blood, stuff stays in body
filt - glomerulus - > bowman cap, uses blood pressure,
anatomy and function of epithelium
ex sys
layer of cells that regulate solute movt
in intestines, kidney tubules
apical memb - on cavity side of organ
basolateral - memb facing interstitial fluid
basement - memb anchors basolat and supports epit layer
What was permeability of Proximal tubule
purpose, 4 reab, 2 sec
ex sys
prox tub - reab h2o(p), K(p), Nacl(A),HCO3(P)
sec H(A), NH3(P)
Reabsorb important minerals
secreted determines pH
What is permeability of descending loop of henle, why
ex sys
Only permealble to water, passive
interstitial fluid is hyperosmotic
decrease osmo
to make solute more concentrated
Permeability of ascending loop of henle
ex sys
passive then reabsorption of NaCl
passive secretion of urea
makes filtrate more dilute
increase osmolarity of inner medulla
Describe permeability of distal tubes
also why
ex sys
Reab - H2O (P)(secondary), NaCL(A), HCO3-
Sec - K(A), H(A)
Regulate pH and K, NaCl levels