To maintain internal stability
A cycle of events in which the internal environment includes a receptor, control centre, and a effector (controlled condition)
Feedback system
Term meaning, ‘the variable being monitored’
Controlled condition
Term meaning, ‘any disruptions/changes in the controlled condition’
Monitors changes and sends info to control centre via transmission pathways
Relays messages throughout the feedback system from the nervous and blood vessel pathways
Transmission pathways
Nervous and endocrine system determines the body’s responses to the changes in the controlled condition and sets range of values to maintain
Control centre
The structure that receives commands, produces or brings about a change in the controlled condition
A stable, feedback system that functions to reverse changes in the internal environment
Negative system
A unstable, feedback system that functions to strengthen changes in the internal environment
Positive system
Term meaning the adjustment of an organism to counterbalance a defect
Condition of homeostasis dysfunction you may not notice is considered?
Mild affect
Condition of homeostasis dysfunction causing diseases
Moderate affect
Condition of homeostasis dysfunction resulting in death
Severe affect