Homeostasis Flashcards
What is Homeostasis?
maintenance of a constant internal environment
what is negative feedback?
when a condition becomes too high or low and its fed back to the brain
the brain then alters the level of the condition bringing it back to normal
what happens when blood glucose level is too high?
the hormone insulin is released from the pancreas into the blood
this decreases glucose levels by turning it into glycogen and stimulating
other cells to use glucose for respiration
what happens when the blood glucose level is too low?
hormone glucagon released
breaks down glycogen into glucose again
what is type 1 diabetes?
inability for the pancreatic cells to release enough insulin
can be inherited or due to viral infection
tired,frequent urination
can cause the person to fall into a coma
what is type 2 diabetes?
body doesn’t use insulin properly
can be inherited or due to obesity or lack of exercise
can lead to insulin resistance
can diabetes be treated?
type 1 - control diet and regular blood test or injection of insulin
what happens when the water content is too high?
less ADH released
kidneys reabsorb less water
more urine produced
what happens when the water content is too low?
more ADH released
kidneys reabsorb more water
less urine produced
what happens when the core body temp. increases?
thermoregulatory centre sends nerve impulses to effector to respond
vasodilation occurs - arterioles dilate - sweat glands secrete more sweat
what happens when the core body temp is too low?
vasoconstriction - arterioles constrict
hairs stand - act as insulation of air
shivering occurs