Home Visit, Bag Technique& Clinic Visit Flashcards
A tool of making use of a public health bagthrough
which the nurse can perform nursing procedures with ease and deftness, saving time and effort with the end
in view of rendering effective nursing care.
Is an essential and indispensable equipment of the PHN
which he/she has to carry along when he/she goes out
home visiting
Public Health Bag
Oral/ Axillary Thermometer * Syringe *Needle
CENTER (L) *Soap in Soap dish *2 hand towels
- Apron * Kidney basin * Sterile pack with -2 straight
forceps, mayo scissor * Clean pack-Bandage scissor,
curve forceps * Baby Scale, triangular bandage
- 70% Alcohol * Ammonia * Betadine * Tape measure
- Micropore * Medicine dropper * Medicine glass
*Clean gloves *Cotton balls *Plastic lining
like the outpatient department of a
A professional, purposeful interaction that takes place
in the family’s residence aimed at promoting,
maintaining, or restoring the health of the family or its
* A profession
Home Visit
Take the __________, obtained at least 2
minutes apart,and consider this as the client’s blood
mean of 2 readings
f the first 2 readings differ by___________,
obtain a 3rd reading and include this in the average.
5 mmHG or more
Cost in terms of time and effort since family will
buy necessary supplies for home care.
Inability to control the environment because of
distractions in the home.
Safety of a nurse may also be a concern.
Disadvantages of Home Visit
- Contact the family to schedule the visit.
- Formulate the PLAN for the visit.
- Obtain the needed supplies for the visit.
Pre-Visit Phase
This phase begins when the nurse seeks permission to
enter the house and ends when the nurse leaves the
family’s house.
In-Home Phase
what are the three sub phases for in home phase
- Enter the house, greet the family and observe the
environment for his or her own SAFETY and sits as the
family directs him/her to sit. - Initiate short social conversation to establish
RAPPORT. - State the PURPOSE of the visit and the source of the
- Allow the family member to sign the CONSENT for
treatment. - Perform health ASSESSMENT to collect baseline data.
- Provide INTERVENTIONS to the family as needed or
according to plan. - The nurse EVALUATES with the family what they have
accomplished during the home visit
*Consists of summarizing with the family the events
that occur the home visit.
- Involves documentation of the visit during which the
nurse records events that transpired during the visit.
Post-Visit Phase
The MNCHN strategy guides the development,
implementation and monitoring or evaluation
of various government programs aimed at
improving the health of women, mothers, and
children; with the goal of rapidly reducing
maternal and neonatal mortality.
Refers to the network of facilities and provides
within the province-wide or citywidehealth
system offering the MNCHN core package of
MNCHN Service Delivery Network
- Community Health Team
- BEmONC Capable Facility or Provider
- CEmONC Capable Facility or Provider
– RHU’s, BHS’s and private clinic
which are manned by community health volunteers &
led by a midwife.
Out patient clinic
Conduct health risks and needs assessment
* Provide basic service delivery functions such as birth
spacing and counselling.
PRIMARY Functions of CHT
Provide emergency newborn interventions:
* Newborn resuscitation
* Treatment of neonatal sepsis/infection
* Oxygen support
* Blood Transfusion (BT)
* Parenteral administration of oxytocin (3rd stage)
* Loading anticonvulsant
* Initial dose of antibiotic
* assisted imminent products and placenta
* Emergency newborn interventions such as
resuscitation, sepsis and oxygen treatment.
Contributions of BEmONC Facility
known as Kalusugan at Nutrition
ng Mag-Nanay Act” , focuses on scaling up the national
and local nutrition programs through a strengthened
integrated strategy for maternal, neonatal child health
and nutrition in the first one thousand (1,000) days of
Republic Act 1148
is defined as the care provided by skilled health
professionals to pregnant women and
adolescent girls to ensure the best health
conditions for both mother and baby during
pregnancy (World Health Organization, 2016)
Pregnancy Tracking and Enrollment to
Antenatal Care (ANC)
”a practice at the regional level
by organized communities with indigenous
people ensure pregnant women avail of
professional assistance throughout pregnancy,
delivery and postpartum.
It is considered the best food for the baby especially in the
first six months of life since it provides all the nutrients
necessary for the child’s growth and development.
* Early initiation of breastfeeding helps to stimulate milk
ejection and promote early bonding of the mother and the