Clinic Visit and Spot Mapping Flashcards
is like the outpatient
department of a hospital.
community health nurse works there to:
○ Teach Health
○ Prevent Illness
○ Provide care of minor ailments
○ Assist the rural health staff
Provision of medical and nursing
services at the health facility made
available and accessible to the
● Primarily focused on the care of
outpatients. Clinics in the community
are publicly managed and funded. They
typically cover the primary care needs of
population in local communities.
Clinic Visit
Activities of Clinic Visit: 5 A’s
● Admit
● Assess
● Assist
● Administer
● Advise
a. Greet the client upon entry and
establish rapport.
b. Prepare the family record of new
patients or retrieve records of old
c. Elicit and record the client’s chief
complaint and clinical history.
d. Perform physical examination on
the client and record it
- Registration/Admission
a. Give priority numbers to clients.
b. Implement the “first come, first
served” policy except for
emergency or urgent cases
- Waiting Time
a. Manage program-based cases
b. Refer all non-program based
cases to the physician.
c. Provide first-aid treatment to
emergency cases and refer when
necessary to the next level of
- Triaging
a. Validate clinical history and
physical examination.
b. The nurse arrives at
evidence-based diagnosis and
provides rational treatment based
on DOH programs.
c. Inform the client on the nature of
the illness, the appropriate
treatment and prevention and
control measures
- Clinical Evaluation
a. Identify a designated referral
laboratory when needed.
- Laboratory and other Diagnostic
a. Refer the patient if he needs
further management following
the two-way referral system.
b. Accompany the patient when an
emergency referral is needed
- Referral System
a. Give proper instructions on drug
- Prescription/Dispensing
a. Conduct one-on-one counseling
with the patient.
b. Reinforce health education and
counseling messages.
c. Give appointments for the next
- Health Education
An approach that helps people to get
directly involved in their own
development and that of the whole
community. It encourages the
community to consider what it can
achieve for itself, before seeking
Spot Mapping
○ Take the mean of 2 readings,
obtained at least 2 minutes apart,
and consider this as the client’s
blood pressure.
○ If the first 2 readings differ by 5
mmHG or more, obtain a 3 rd
reading and include this in the
○ If first visit, repeat the procedure
with the other arm
○ Subsequently, BP readings should
then be performed on the arm
with a higher BP.
○ Inform client of result and stay
for a while to answer client’s
questions or concerns.
For every first visit of the client:
- . Spot mapping is a long
process, so patience and preparation is
needed, particularly being prepared.
Find the time
Identify the community.
Identify community leaders to
begin the process.
- It should be a very rough
survey of the settlement, counting the
number of homes and families, the
number of latrines, waterpoints, schools,
open spaces, and medical services. This
will define the area to be mapped, and
the issues that might be raised by the
community mapping process.
Carry out an initial settlement
5.Enumeration forms
should be designed with the community
to be as useful as possible and in the
local language. They should ask
questions of fact not of opinion. “Who
lives in the house?” “How long have
they lived there?” “What do they earn?”
not: “What kind of waterpoint would
they like to have?” “How much are they
willing to pay with water?”
Design the enumeration forms with
the community.
- Local students can be enlisted to assist.
At this point accuracy is not crucial and
building on the experience and
knowledge of the community is.
Design a map of the community.
- Include on the map
whatever is deemed to be important,
such as waterpoints, wells or latrine,
specifying the type of latrine, water
pipes, etc. Draw more maps and fill in
the details.
Add the detail.
- Using the
map, identify and name the families and
individuals relating to each structure.
Photos can be taken of the structures. If no one is home, make a note of it, leave
a gap in the numbering system and
come back later.
Start the enumeration.
- Compiling the data,
ensures community ownership and
understanding the data. Data can be
transferred to a computer for more
precise analysis.
Analyze the data.
10.Return to the
households with the forms at a different
time. If no one is in during the day then
come back in the morning to find the
Verify the data.
- Discuss what the results
of the survey mean. Does everyone
understand what is contained within the
data? How does it assist the community
in knowing what can be done next?
Which families need the most assistance
in accessing basic services? How can
they be assisted?
.Use the data