Initiative for Mothers and Babies and the Essential
Intra-Partum and Newborn Care (EINC)
UnangYakap, A Hug to Remember
In _____,___ began a hospital-based initiative to
change practices for safe and quality care of mothers
and newborns. Supported by the World Health
Organization and the Joint Programme on Maternal
and Neonatal Health (JPMNH), it is fondly referred
to as UnangYakap 4 & 5
2009, DOH
UnangYakap (First Embrace), a campaign of the
Philippines’ Department of Health (DOH), in
cooperation with the ____, to adopt the Essential Intrapartum
Newborn Care (EINC) in the Philippines.
World Health Organization
s a series of time-bound and evidence-based interventions for
newborn babies and their mothers that ensure the best care for them.
represents the highest standard for safe and quality care for birthing
mothers and healthy newborns in the 48 hours of the intrapartum period
and up to a week of life of the newborns. Its adoption helps reduce maternal
and newborn morbidity and deaths. It supports the national commitment to
the United Nations Millennium Development (MDG) Goal 4 and 5 by the
year 2015.
Using a clean, dry cloth, thoroughly dry the baby,
wiping the face, eyes, head, front and back, arms, and
- Immediate and thorough drying
If a baby is crying and breathing normally, avoid any
manipulation, such as routine suctioning, that may
cause trauma or introduce infection.
Place the newborn prone on the mother’s abdomen
or chest skin-to-skin.
Cover newborn’s back with a blanket and head with
a bonnet. Place identification band on ankle.
- Early Skin-to-skin contact
Revised Cord Clamping and Cutting
Clamp and cut the cord after cord pulsations have stopped
(typically at 1 – 3 minutes).
Clamp cord using a sterile plastic clamp or tie at 2 cm from
the umbilical base
Clamp again at 5 cm from the base of the umbilicus.
- Properly-Timed Cord Clamping
Dry Cord Care is recommended
Do not apply any substance onto the cord
Faster sloughing
Equivalent to cord care with alcohol
Do not use binder or “bigkis”
Observe for the oozing of blood.
Dry Cord Care
Help the mother and baby into a comfortable
Observe the newborn for feeding cues.
Once with feeding cues, ask the mother to
encourage her newborn to move toward the breast
- Non-separation of Newborn from Mother for Early
- Supported the perineum of the
mother with controlled delivery
of the head - Called out time of birth and sex
of the baby
- Dried thoroughly and checked breathing of
the baby - Performance of the Four Core Steps of the
EINC Protocol
a. Immediate thorough drying at delivery
b. Skin-to-skin contact of mother and baby
First 30
- Gave the mother oxytocin IM
- Did controlled traction of cord of the mother with
counter-traction - Massaged uterus of the mother gently
- Examined the birth canal for laceration, bleeding
- Examined the placenta and membranes
- Remove spoiled pair of gloves (if double gloving done)
- Felt for cord pulsations
- Performance of the Four Core Steps of the EINC
a. Properly timed cord clamping within 1 – 3 minutes of
birth or when cord pulsations stop. No additional
“cord care” with trimming and application of alcohol
or povidone iodine
b. Non-separation of mother and baby to encourage
early breastfeeding initiation
One (1)
to three
- Support first full breastfeed.
- Monitor as a DYAD every 15 minutes.
- Continue uterine massage of the mother.
- Monitor the mother every 15 minutes.
- Eye care on the baby.
- Through physical exam of the baby including weight,
anthropometric measurements. - Inject vitamin K IM.
- Inject hepatitis B vaccine IM.
- Inject BCG vaccine ID.
- Transport the mother and her baby to room together.
- Breastfeeding support on positioning
- Bathing (Optional)
˃ Six (6) hours
true or false weighing, bathing, eye care, examinations,
injections should be done after the first full breastfeed is
s were thought to decrease the risk of
infections, shorten the duration of labor and make
delivery cleaner for the attending personnel.
However, ____ can also cause discomfort for
women and may increase pain.
Scientific research evidence does not support the
routine use of enemas during the first stage of labor.
Enemas should not be done routinely unless the
patient specifically requests for one.
of women in labor was done
routinely before birth as a perceived hygienic
practice to minimize infection risk if there is a
spontaneous perineal tear, and to facilitate easier
repair of these tears.
Shaving the pubic hair
Research has found that routine perineal shaving may
protect against bacterial colonization, but there is
evidence for “no effect” on perineal wound infection.
is restricted during active
labor because of the possible risk of aspirating gastric
contents with the administration of anesthesia.
Oral food and fluid intake
has been used routinely
to hydrate women who were restricted from eating and
drinking and to provide quick access in case of an
Intravenous fluid (IVF therapy)