Holistic And Geronological Nursing 3 Flashcards
Holistic gerontological care
Incorporates knowledge and skill form a variety of disciplines to address the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of individuals
Integrated approach
Function that maximises a persons potential whilst maintaining balance and purposeful direction with their environment
An integrated sense of wellbeing, harmony and unity is achieved through appropriate nursing interventions
A balance between the body, mind and spirit, a sense of purpose, personal dignity, communication with orhers and contributing to society
Physiological balance
Wellness connection
Self culture Family Spirit Environment Society
Well ess physiological balance
Respiration nutrition Elimination Circulation Hydration Movement Rest comfort
A form of prejudice where ageing adults are stereotyped by characteristics only in a few members of the group
Devaluation Negative attitudes Age-determined expectation Stereotypes and myths Degradation
Factors affecting impact health outcomes
Physical , mental and socioeconomic status
Education, knowledge, skills and experience
Values, attitudes “, beliefs and self motivation
Psychosocial challenges
Retirement Chronic illness Relocation from the family Death of friends Widowhood
Loss of income Loss of identity Loss of status Loss of schedule Loss of purpose Loss of peer contacts
Relocation from family home
Loss of space
Changes of neighbourhood
Move from friend
Death of friends
Loss of companion
Threat to own mortality
Loss of social activities
Loss of helper Loss of friend Loss if sexual partner Emptiness, loneliness and grief Changes in responsibility
Dependency on others
Role of a nurse
Healer Advocate Innovator Educator Carer
Holistic nursing
Develop therapeutic relationships
Work with a team
Take a holistic view of a person